
Complaint number
NTB Type
8.6. Vehicle standards  
This complaint is registered by FESARTA.
The Botswana traffic authorities at Pioneer Gate, are applying outdated overall vehicle width and overall vehicle height limits. The are applying maximum 2.5m width and 4.1m height.
For many years, SADC has recommended 2.6m width and 4.3m height.
Most of the countries in the Southern African region, have 2.6m and 4.3m, and so the vehicles are built to suit these dimensions. They cannot be reduced to 2.5m and 4.3m without major structural alterations.
Furthermore, the 2.6m width was set so that an ISO shipping container, which is 2.4m wide, can be loaded onto a trailer that has sideboards. This cannot be done on a trailer that is 2.5m wide, since the sideboards take up at least 100mm width. The 2.6m also allows two standard pallets to be loaded side-by-side inside a pantechnicon body.
On occasions, when this problem has arisen in the past, the traffic officials have agreed that, to facilitate trade, the vehicles can operate in Botswana. But, there are also occasions, such as the present case, when traffic officials have insisted that the smaller dimensions must be enforced. This is a serious inconvenience and extra cost to transporters.
For trade facilitation, Botswana must change its act to the larger dimensions, and, in the meantime, allow vehicles with those dimensions to operate freely.  
Status note
On 13th September 2016, FESARTA advised that the transporters were no longer facing this barrier so the NTB is resolved. Botswana is in the process of ammending the regulations to conform wit the requirements.  
Progress update note
1. On 30 April 2013, Botswana reported that , as per the Botswana regulations, Road Traffic Act (RTA), dimensions for width and height are 2.5m and 4.1m respectively. Botswana is in the process of amending the RTA regulations and the Road Traffic Signs Regulations. The proposed amendments and the dimensions are 2.6m and 4.3m in conformity with the regional standard.

2. On 18 November 2014, Botswana focal point reported that the relevant Authority in Botswana had been contacted to update on the progress on the regulation amendments to conform to SADC vehicle dimensions.  
Policy or regulatory NTB
Botswana: Pioneer Gate (Border post)  
Reporting Country or Region
South Africa  
Country specific trade issue
Date of incident
Date of resolution
Product Description
All products

Total value
Date reported
2013-02-13 08:56  
2016-09-13 13:36  


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