
Page 129 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 2561, ending on 2580

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Agriculture ( General Purposes) Act CAP 65:02 1987-06-01 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Agriculture (General Purposes) Act, Chapter 65:02 G.N. 62/1987 29 June 2018
Agricultural Produce (Marketing) Regulations. 1987-06-01 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Agriculture (General Purposes) Act, Chapter 65:02 G.N. 62/1987 29 June 2018
Biosafety (Management of Genetically Modified Organisms) Regulation 2007-08-20 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Biosafety Act Chapter 60:03 29 June 2018
Animal (Import) Rules under s. 6 G.N. 235/1968 1967-12-29 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Control and Diseases of Animals Act CAP 66: 29 June 2018
Animal Import rules 1967-12-29 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Control and Diseases of Animals Act CAP 66: 29 June 2018
CONTROL AND DISEASES OF ANIMALS (PROHIBITION OF IMPORTATION OF ANIMALS) ORDER 1967-12-29 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Control and Diseases of Animals Act CAP 66: 29 June 2018
Cotton Act CAP 65:04 1951-08-28 Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Cotton Act CAP 65:04 29 June 2018
Environment Management ( Management of Ozone Depleting Substances) Regulation, 1998 1998-07-10 Ministry of Environment Government Notice No. 49 of 1998 02 July 2018
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies Act CAP 67:04 1970-04-01 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security CHAPTER 67:04 FERTILIZERS, FARM FEEDS AND REMEDIES ACT 02 July 2018
Fertilizers and Farm Feeds (Sterilization of Animal Products) Regulations. 1970-04-01 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security CHAPTER 67:04 FERTILIZERS, FARM FEEDS AND REMEDIES ACT 02 July 2018
Fertilizers Regulations 1970-04-01 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security CHAPTER 67:04 FERTILIZERS, FARM FEEDS AND REMEDIES ACT 02 July 2018
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies (Farm Feeds) Regulations. 1970-04-01 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security CHAPTER 67:04 FERTILIZERS, FARM FEEDS AND REMEDIES ACT 02 July 2018
Liquid Fuels and Gas ( Production and Supply ) Act 2007-12-28 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment Liquid Fuels and Gas (Production and Supply) Act CAP 50:03 04 July 2018
Mines and Minerals Act. 1981-06-01 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Minerals and Mining Act CAP 61:01 04 July 2018
Mines and Minerals ( Reserved Minerals) Regulations 1981-06-01 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Minerals and Mining Act CAP 61:01 04 July 2018
Metrology Act, 2016. 2016-04-29 Ministry of Trade and Industry of Malawi The Malawi Gazette Supplement, dated 29th April, 2016, containing Acts, No. 10 of 2016 04 July 2018
Control of Goods ( Import and Export) (Commerce) (Amendment) Order 2015 2015-12-11 Ministry of Trade and Industry of Malawi The Malawi Gazette Supplement dated 18 December 2015 Containing Regulations, Rules, etc , (No. 27 A) 04 July 2018
Control of Goods ( Import and Export) (Commerce) Order 1968-10-28 Ministry of Trade and Industry of Malawi Control of Goods Act CAP 18:08 04 July 2018
Administrative Order HTA/505 2008-05-05 Ministry of Trade and Industry of Malawi Administrative Order HTA/505 04 July 2018
Pesticides Act 2002-05-01 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Pesticides Act CAP35:03 05 July 2018
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