
Page 19 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 361, ending on 380

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Botswana Meat Commission Act his Act establishes the Botswana Meat Commission as a body corporate. It is established for the purpose of carrying on the business of purchasing cattle, slaughtering cattle or hoof and preparing the products for sale. The Commission may promote schemes for the improvement of the standard and condition of cattle (sec.4). The Commission may form one or more companies under the Companies Act to carry on any business and carry out any purpose which the Commission itself may carry on or carry out (sect. 6). The Commission shall establish a Stabilization Fund to be used for stabilizing prices at which livestock are purchased (sect. 15). The Act is completed by a Schedule containing rules which apply to the Commission. 1965-12-24 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:04 Meat Commission 05 May 2016
Agrochemicals Regulations 2003-08-08 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 35:09 Agrochemicals 05 May 2016
Arms and Ammunition Regulations CHAPTER:24:01 ARMS AND AMMUNITION: SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION Arms and Ammunition Regulations 1981-12-31 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 24:01 Arms and Amunutions 06 May 2016
Telecommunications Act, 1996 1996-12-20 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 72:03 Telecommunications 06 May 2016
Biosafety Act An Act to provide for the safe management of biotechnological activities and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto 2007-08-20 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Laws of Malawi Chapter 60:03 06 May 2016
Plant Protection (Import) Regulations These Regulations provide rules for the importation of plants and plant products ("vegetative material") for purposes of plant protection. Importation of specified plant material or live insect or other invertebrate, or any plant pathogen requires a permit issued by the Permanent Secretary. Other provisions concern import restrictions and inspections. The First Schedule plants and parts of plants the importation of which is prohibited without the special written authority of the Minister. 2012-12-10 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Laws of Malawi Chapter 64:01 Plant Protection 06 May 2016
Forestry Act, 1997 An Act to provide for participatory forestry, forest management, forestry research, forestry education, forest industries, protection and rehabilitation of environmentally fragile areas and international co-operation in forestry and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith 1997-05-16 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining The Malawi Gazette Supplement, dated 16th May, 1997 06 May 2016
Environmental Management Act, 1996 Provides general environmental legislation, including the right for every person to a clean and healthy environment. To protect this right, establishes a National Council for the Environment which shall formulate policy governing the utilization of resources and environmental protection measures. Calls for the presentation of a National Environmental Action Plan. Allows the responsible minister to regulate, inter alia, the conservation of biological diversity, access to genetic materials, discharge of hazardous waste, and to declare environmental protection areas. Provides for environmental inspectors and sets forth penalites for offences against the Act. 1996-08-16 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining The Malawi Gazette Supplement, dated 16th August, 1996 10 May 2016
Plant Protection (Import) Regulations hese Regulations provide rules for the importation of plants and plant products ("vegetative material") for purposes of plant protection. Importation of specified plant material or live insect or other invertebrate, or any plant pathogen requires a permit issued by the Permanent Secretary. Other provisions concern import restrictions and inspections. The First Schedule plants and parts of plants the importation of which is prohibited without the special written authority of the Minister. 1969-05-06 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Laws of Malawi Chapter 64:01 Plant Protection 10 May 2016
Animal Diseases Act 1925 It is a coonsolidated version of Act No. 9 of 1925 as amended last by Act No. 41 of 1991. The Act is reprinted not earlier than 2004.The Act consists of 23 sections, divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Importation of animals (II); Animal diseases in Mauritius (III); Miscellaneous (IV). 2004-01-01 Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security Animal Diseases Act 1925 12 May 2016
Firearms Act 2007-09-01 Attorney General Revised Laws of Mauritius. F14 – 7. [Issue 1] 12 May 2016
Jewellery (Dealer’s Registration and Transactions) amended Regulations 2012 2012-01-24 Attorney General Government Notice No. 9 of 2012 12 May 2016
Chemical Weapons Convention Act 2003 To give effect to the Convention of the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction 2004-02-16 Attorney General Proclamation No. 2 of 2003 12 May 2016
Plant Protection Act 2006 An Act To make provisions for the prevention, control and elimination of plant pests, to protect plant resources, to establish phytosanitary measures and to regulate other matters connected therewith and incidental thereto 2006-11-01 Attorney General Act No. 10 of 2006 13 May 2016
Dangerous Drugs Act 2000 An Act: To consolidate the law relating to dangerous drugs and to make further and better provision for the control of dangerous drugs, the treatment of addiction, the prevention, detection and repression of drug trafficking, the prevention of laundering of drug money in Mauritius, the sentencing of drug-traffickers, seized assets of drug offenders to be vested in designated institutions, restriction of bail and minimum penalties in respect of certain serious drug offences and the punishment of persons making false statements in relation to drug offences 2000-12-29 Attorney General Act No. 41 of 2000 13 May 2016
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Act 2004 AN ACT To give effect to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction 2004-10-02 Attorney General Act No. 2 of 2004 13 May 2016
The Wildlife and National Parks Act 1993 An Act To amend and consolidate the law relating to the conservation and management of wildlife and to provide for the preservation of National Parks 1994-03-01 Attorney General The Wildlife and National Parks Act 1993 13 May 2016
Wildlife Regulations 1998 These Regulations implement provisions of the Wildlife and National Parks Act of 1993. They provide for: the form of permit issued under section 15 of the Act, prescribed species of wildlife for the purpose of section 17, trading and exportation or importation of prescribed species, pre-CITES certificates for material originating in and outside Mauritius to be considered a permit in the sense of section 17 of the Act, prescribed game for the purpose of section 19, prescribed fees for a game licence issued under section 20, licensing of wildlife exhibitions and related matters, etc. 1998-06-27 Attorney General Government Notice No. 109 of 1998 13 May 2016
The Pharmacy Act 1983 1985-01-01 Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection (Mauritius) Proclamation No. 24 of 1984 13 May 2016
Regulations Relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Apples Intended For Sale in the Republic Of South Africa Regulations on grading, packing and marking of Apples intended for sale in South Africa 2009-05-29 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 32254, 29 May 2009 03 June 2016
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