
Complaint number
NTB Type
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges  
I'm doing the carton business in Mozambique but factory is in Swaziland. Every time I'm going to pass the border my company always pay 100 USD for every truck of goods I only deliver in Maputo they say it is a road fund every week I use at least 8-10 trucks I'm doing this business since 2009 and until now i need to pay that road fund I want to know why I'm paying this Money.  
Status note
At the Tripartite NTBs Online Reporting, Monitoring and Eliminating Mechanism Meeting to Launch the SMS Reporting Tool held from 9-10 April in Lusaka Zambia, Mozambique reported that this is a levy on use of national roads and that this amount ranges from US$75-US$100 per trip. Almost all countries in the region have road tax specially for foreign trucks crossing the border.
With this explanation, meeting agreed to resolve the matter.  
Progress update note
On 24 March 2013, Mozambique Private sector focal point advised that almost all countries in the region have road tax specially for foreign trucks crossing the border. The complainant could consider using a Mozambican transporter to move the cargo if he wanted to save this road levy.
However, even the mozambican transporter will have to pay the Swaziland Authorities. Mozambique reiterated the need for harmonization of these road levies at regional level. This have to be discussed at SADC Secretariat level. Until then the present levies will have to be paid by the transporters.
The levy collected by Mozambique at the borders is consigned to the maintenance of the roads.
If complainant wants to avoid this levy he should try to use the railways to transport his cargo.  
Policy or regulatory NTB
Mozambique: Delegação Aduaneira de Namaacha (Border post)  
Reporting Country or Region
Country specific trade issue
Date of incident
Date of resolution
Product Description

Total value
Date reported
2013-02-26 17:43  
2013-04-16 08:41  


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