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NTB-001-241 |
7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) |
2025-03-06 |
Kenya: |
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Tanzania Revenue Authority officers do not seem to have RECTS seals, therefore, demanding for facilitation from transporters. The facilitation includes, Per diem, incidental allowance, in transit allowance and fuel for the government vehicles. |
6117.90: Parts of garments or clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted, n.e.s. |
NTB-001-240 |
3.8. Other |
2024-11-01 |
Kenya: Kenya Diary Board (KDB) |
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The Government of Kenya, through the Kenya Dairy Board (KDB), has refused to issue export permits for Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) milk destined for Kenya since November 2024. This action constitutes a violation of the East African Community (EAC) Common Market Protocol and the Non-Tariff Barrier (NTB) regulations, which are designed to facilitate the free movement of goods within the region.
The continued restriction has had severe consequences for Ugandan traders, leading to significant financial losses and, in many cases, the closure of their export businesses. This situation not only undermines regional trade commitments but also disrupts economic integration efforts within the EAC. |
NTB-001-238 |
1.11. Occupational safety and health regulation |
2025-02-16 |
South Africa: Beit Bridge |
Zimbabwe |
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Our delivery truck (ADS 3378, AFQ 8744, AFQ 8746) destined for South Africa was detained at Beitbridge border post last night by South Africa Port Health authorities due to concerns regarding a cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe and the potential risk of contamination in the water. |
NTB-001-237 |
7.10. Other |
2024-05-28 |
Zambia: Chirundu |
Zimbabwe |
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The authorities on the Zambian customs are issuing COMESA certificates on ploughs and parts exported into Zimbabwe when these products are Imported from India and China. Zambia have no ploughs and parts manufacturer except for wheels. Again how does a COMESA certificate get issued with no manufacturer name inscribed? |
8432.90: Parts of agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation or of lawn or sports-ground rollers, n.e.s. |
NTB-001-234 |
2.2. Arbitrary customs classification |
2025-01-20 |
Botswana: Tlokweng Gate |
South Africa |
In process |
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We are a small female-owned company based in Gaborone, Botswana that manufactures small leather goods, mostly for corporates, government and individuals. Our team consists of 5 female employees with 4 full time and 1 on contractual basis. We import our raw material (which is mostly finished leather) from South Africa. We have been importing our material since 2019, however, since 2021 we have been facing a challenge of our raw materials being misclassified. we import finished leather products which is not subjected to Veterinary requirements since it is a finished product. However, we are subjected to go through veterinary regulations which causes delays and confusions on the applicable regulations. We request the proper application of regulations be applied when dealing with our product. The veterinary processes must be done away if there are not applicable.
Our company imports material about 3 times a month from South Africa, with a total average of 3200 dm of finished leather. |
4113.20: Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting "incl. parchment-dressed leather", of pigs, without hair on, whether or not split (excl. chamois leather, patent leather and patent laminated leather, and metallised leather) |
NTB-001-232 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2025-01-23 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Rwanda |
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Refusing to grant Preferential Tariff Treatment on Fridges and Freezers.The United Republic of Tanzania denied Preferential Tariff Treatment to Rwandan fridges and freezers manufactured by ALMAHA INDUSTRY CO. LTD, in Rwanda, despite the EAC Customs Management Act and Legal Notice No. EAC/287/2024 offers a 10% import duty remission under regional preferential tariff treatment. Thus, all EAC Partner States are obliged to allow preferential tariff treatment for these products |
NTB-001-231 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2024-12-12 |
Rwanda |
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Illegal fees on Rwandan nationals crossing into Tanzania more than three times a month.$100 is charged on Rwandan nationals crossing into Tanzania more than three times a month, this was identified by the Central Corridor Team during a survey from Rusumo to Dar es Salaam port. |
NTB-001-230 |
6.2. Administrative fees |
2024-11-28 |
Tanzania: Ngara District Council |
Rwanda |
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Tanzania charged 100,000Tsh on trucks transporting agricultural products from Kahama and Ngara District to Rwanda, and this is not fair for goods in transit. |
NTB-001-229 |
1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions |
2025-01-16 |
Madagascar: other |
Tunisia |
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The Tunisian company "Société des Boissons du Cap Bon" has entered into a partnership with a Madagascan distributor, "4 Seasons", represented by Mrs. Safa Hamdi, for the distribution of its products, in particular juices, soft drinks and cheeses. The Tunisian company agreed to an annual forecast of 12 to 15 containers and in return granted the distributor exclusive rights to distribute its products on the Madagascan market.
The Tunisian company began working with this distributor with a first shipment on March 23, 2024, consisting of a total of four containers: three of juice and one of cheese. Attached are photos of the "Délice" brand products distributed by 4 Seasons in gas stations, supermarkets and traditional markets. Our distributor has also made considerable efforts to promote the products through sponsorship campaigns, urban billboards and a strong digital presence, demonstrating its commitment.
However, the Tunisian company encountered a problem: a company called IBC, which we understand is in the construction business and is neither a distributor nor a juice producer, registered the "Délice" brand in Madagascar under the name "Délice de Fruit" using our logo. It has since contacted the distributor of the Tunisian brand to try to persuade it to work with IBC using its trademark registration.
It should be noted that the "Délide de Fruits" trademark has been registered with the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) since December 2022 and with the National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property (INNORPI) since 2006, 2019 and 2022 (all documents are attached). |
NTB-001-228 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2025-01-16 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority
Ministry of Minerals |
Zambia |
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Tanzania Revenue Authority has introduced a new system for copper imports whereby the Ministry of Minerals must stamp the export permit. Only once this is done can the assessment be completed and the vehicles cross the border (Nakonde/Tunduma) to Tanzania. Once the vehicle is on the Tanzania side, the Ministry of Minerals must stamp the assessment. After the assessment is stamped, it must be scanned to the TRA HQ in Dar es Salaam for approval. The Approval is then scanned back to the border, and the T1 can be generated and the vehicles cleared for movement. This is time-consuming and leads to further congestion at this border post, where containerised cargo to Zambia takes a fortnight to cross between Tunduma and Nakonde. |
NTB-001-226 |
1.1. Export subsidies |
2024-11-20 |
Lesotho: Maseru Bridge |
Lesotho |
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Samples being sent by road-freight to South Africa for testing at an accredited laboratory were refused passage.
Company was informed that the only way to send the samples for testing was to send via air. The challenges are that bulk orders do not fit on an Airlink flight and therefore would require a specific mode of chartered transport .This increases costs significantly and could potentially be the cause that orders are cancelled |
NTB-001-225 |
5.3. Export taxes |
2024-12-28 |
Uganda: Malaba |
Uganda |
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The Kenyan government has violated the East African Community trade agreement and has begun to impose consumption taxes on products from other East African Community countries. |
NTB-001-224 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2024-11-22 |
South Africa: South African Revenue Authority |
Mauritius |
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Mauritius Customs is unable to accept the SADC Certificate ZA PQ 56085 issued by Customs in South Africa due to missing of specimen signature at their level. The Mauritius Customs sent a request to RSA Customs to get a confirmation of the signature .Up to date they have not yet received any reply. |
NTB-001-222 |
8.8. Issues related to transit |
2024-12-06 |
Zimbabwe: Beitbridge |
South Africa |
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When submitting invoices to declare goods transiting through Zimbabwe (RIT) for import into Malawi, it was brought to our attention that Zimbabwe requires an Ozone Depleting Substances permit (ODS) for air conditioners, refrigeration units and parts thereof which comes at an exorbitant cost. These are transit goods through Zimbabwe and not fully functional at the time until they are assembled within the importing country therefore it is our understanding that no permit would be required in Zimbabwe . |
NTB-001-221 |
3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT) B8: Conformity assessment related to TBT |
2024-10-03 |
Kenya: Lunga Lunga OSBP |
Tanzania |
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Non-recognition of Standards certificate from TBS by KBS for salt transferred by Neelkant Tanzania company into Kenya, charging six thousand Kenya shillings for each shipment. The EAC Partner States are implementing a harmonised standard on salt. |
NTB-001-220 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2024-07-01 |
Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authorities |
Kenya |
In process |
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Certificate of Origin Declined (Issues of RoO)
Uganda has declined to recognize the Certificate of Origin for chewing gum manufactured by Kenafric Industries transferred to M/S Glorre International Limited on concern that the manufacturing process does not exceed the provisions in Rule 7 of the EAC Rules of Origin, 2015. Kenya NMC suggests that the process involves the use of machinery and technical expertise. Therefore, the process of manufacturing chewing gum exceeds the provisions under Rule 7 of the EAC rules of origin. |
The Republic of Kenya informed the meeting that chewing gum manufactured by Kenafric qualifies to be granted preferential tariff treatment by the Uganda Revenue Authority and reiterated that the manufacturing process is substantial and qualifies to be granted tariff treatment.
The Senior Officials noted that the Republic of Uganda wrote to the Republic of Kenya requesting for some information that would guide them to make an informed decision. The meeting also noted that the Republic of Kenya had responded to the Republic of Uganda and Uganda committed to consider response and revert. |
NTB-001-218 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2024-10-29 |
Tanzania: Dar es Salaam |
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Tanzania's Finance Act 2024 introduced an excise duty for ‘’imported’’ products under HS Code 32.08 (Paints and varnishes including enamels and lacquers) of T Shs. 500 per kilo. However, this excise duty has NOT been imposed on any local manufacturers of the same products.
We intend to import items under this heading made in Kenya. Under the spirit of the EAC Trade protocols, which allows for free movement of goods, no duties, taxes or other non-tariff barriers should be imposed on any goods from a EAC partner country that a local manufacturer does not pay.
Therefore we believe this excise duty represents a huge disincentive to Kenyan manufacturers and hindrance to free trade within the EAC.
After writing to the TRA for assistance in the above issue, we were told that the Excise duty is chargeable to all goods falling under that heading even if it is of Kenyan origin (see our letter and their response)
We therefore request your assistance on way forward for us to import items under the HS codes mentioned from Kenya without being subject to this new excise duty of 500 T Shs. Per kilo. |
NTB-001-217 |
1.1. Export subsidies |
2024-09-24 |
Tanzania: Kabanga |
Burundi |
In process |
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URT IS IMPOSING TO BURUNDI A TAX FOR SALUBRITY FOR TRANSIT TRUCKS imposed by port health on borders. This case is for 2 borders : Kabanga and Mutukula with different dates: 24 September 2024 and 02 October 2024. |
Free Pratique in the Tanzania Public Health Act 2009
Definition: "free pratique" means permission for a ship or an aircraft to enter a port embark or disembark, discharge or load cargo or stores;
When is it granted:
Section 40 (3) Where the Port Health Officer is satisfied that: -
(a) a communicable or infectious disease is not on board;
(b) The Responses on the Maritime Declaration of Health Form are negative:
(c) the Ship Sanitation Control Certificate or Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate is valid; and
(d) there is no other reason for the ship to be further inspected he shall grant a certificate for free pratique and allow the ship to enter the port as prescribed in the Seventh Schedule to this Act,
Section 43. Except in the case of danger, the Master of a vessel arriving at any port or place in the country and a person on board the vessel, shall not communicate or attempt to communicate with the shore or any other vessel, other than by signal, until a certificate for free pratique has been granted to that vessel in accordance with the provisions of this Act and any other relevant laws.
When is it applied:
Section 46. The Port Health Officer may, upon arrival of-
(a) any vessel, train, aircraft, vehicle, train or any other article or thing from infected area or suspected to be from that infected area; or
(b) any vessel, aircraft, vehicle, train or any other article or thing which has during the voyage been in transit in an infected area with plague, cholera, yellow fever or any other communicable or infectious disease, order the implementation of the measures to deal with that vessel, vehicle, train, aircraft or any other article or thing in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
The United Republic of Tanzania requested time to undertake consultations on the matter and report the progress by 28th February 2025.
The Sectoral Council on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment urged the United Republic of Tanzania to remove the charges related to free pratique as it impedes trade in goods and services and increases the cost of doing business in the Region and report progress by 28th February 2025 (EAC / SCTIFI 45 / Directive / 49). |
NTB-001-214 |
6.6. Border taxes |
2024-10-01 |
Tanzania: Rusumo, Mutukula, Kabanga |
Rwanda |
In process |
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Through Port Health at Rusumo, Kobero / Kabanga and Mutukula/Mutukula, the United Republic of Tanzania charges the Republic of Rwanda and the Republic of Burundi Trucks 5 USD or the equivalent in Tshs as Free Pratique which is not in the EAC legal framework for free movement of cross-border trade. |
1.The United Republic of Tanzania submitted that Free Pratique is an internal health practice for taking samples, inspections, maintenance, vaccination, and sanitising at points of entry and exit. The fee which is charged once per vehicle per journey, is charged based on the Tanzania Public Health Act 2009 and International Health Regulations 2005.
Free Pratique in the Tanzania Public Health Act 2009
Definition: "free pratique" means permission for a ship or an aircraft to enter a port embark or disembark, discharge or load cargo or stores;
When is it granted:
Section 40 (3) Where the Port Health Officer is satisfied that -
a) a communicable or infectious disease is not on board;
b) The Responses on the Maritime Declaration of Health Form are negative:
c) the Ship Sanitation Control Certificate or Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate is valid; and
d) there is no other reason for the ship to be further inspected he shall grant a certificate for free pratique and allow the ship to enter the port as prescribed in the Seventh Schedule to this Act.
Section 43: Except in the case of danger, the Master of a vessel arriving at any port or place in the country and a person on board the vessel, shall not communicate or attempt to communicate with the shore or any other vessel, other than by signal, until a certificate for free pratique has been granted to that vessel in accordance with the provisions of this Act and any other relevant laws.
Partner States expressed their concern on the discriminatory fee charged at Rusumo, Kabanga and Mutukula OSBPs only and is demanded on truck drivers without any service being provided to them.
2.The United Republic of Tanzania submitted that Free Pratique is an internal health practice for taking samples, inspections, maintenance, vaccination, and sanitizing at points of entry and exit. The fee which is charged once per vehicle per journey, is charged based on the Tanzania Public Health Act 2009 and International Health Regulations 2005.
Further, the United Republic of Tanzania reported that the charges are not confined to regional trade only and not discriminative as they are applied to all borders and all vehicles including those registered in Tanzania. In that view, the United Republic of Tanzania considers that the charges are not qualified to be NTB. In addition, the United Republic of Tanzania reported that the charges are 5 USD for buses / trucks and other surface vehicles; and USD 20 for trains.
Other Partner States noted that the charge of 5 USD is only imposed at Rusumo, Kabanga and Mutukula OSBPs and hence, it is discriminatory. The meeting emphasized that the fee is an NTB because it impedes trade in goods and services and increases the cost of doing business in the region thus it should be removed.
The United Republic of Tanzania requested for time to undertake consultations on the matter and report resolution by 28th February 2025.
The Sectoral Council on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment urged the United Republic of Tanzania to finalize the internal processes on the removal of the charges related to conveyance inspection and resolve the matter by 28th February 2025 (EAC / SCTIFI 45 / Directive / 48). |
NTB-001-210 |
2.9. Issues related to transit fees |
2023-05-02 |
Kenya: Mombasa County |
Uganda |
In process |
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Agricultural Produce Cess on tea into Mombasa County
Mombasa county charges charges Cess on tea in transit to the auction market. Mombasa County is charging the cess on all tea destined for Mombasa at the rate Kshs 7000, for a truck of seven tonnes and above.Charging the cess on tea being trucked into Mombasa Countyincreases the cost of doing business. This tea is dstined outside Kenya. |
1. During the RMC of 17th October 2024 the Republic of Kenya committed to consult and revert during the 38th RMC.
2.The Republic of Kenya reported that they have initiated discussions with the County and committed to revert during the Ministerial Session. Also, Kenya has embarked on sensitisation of Counties on EAC Procedures to facilitate trade. The SCTIFI noted that the NTB was still affecting Uganda traders and urged the Republic of Kenya to waive the KSHS 7,000 Cess by 31st December 2024 and report to the 46th SCTIFI (EAC / SCTIFI 45 / Directive / 53). |