
Complaint number
NTB Type
1.1. Export subsidies  
• Multiple duties and taxes within neighbouring countries (Despite trade support treaties like COMESA/SADC etc.) defeat the purpose of promoting trade among African countries.
• Porous border smuggling and undervalued products at official borders wipe out the business viability for structured players like Tradekings.
• Lengthy Compliance processes, Multiple agency approvals and complex certification requirements further discourage sincere exporters as these layers increase the product turnaround time and further increase RTM cost and delivery time.
For example: Tanzania/Zimbabwe - COC, Inspection, Route plan B, Importer licenses & various agency registrations (Multiple window clearance, COMESA certificate).  
Progress update note
1. During the NTBs workshop 17th - 19th April 2024, NFPs for the two countries agreed to hold a virtual bilateral meeting in April to discuss NTBs affecting both counties and this issue will form part of the Agenda.
2. On 17 April 2024, Malawi Focal Point reported that they were following up with the agencies involved in this issue to resolve the NTBs and gave assurance the this issue was being discussed at length and feedback on the outcomes of the consultations would be provided as soon as possible.  
Policy or regulatory NTB
Reporting Country or Region
Country specific trade issue
Date of incident
In process  
Product Description
I. Confectionery (Lollipops, Candies and Gums)
II. Trade Kings Home Care Limited – Laundry, Household & Personal Care Products
III. Big Tree Beverages Limited – Bottled water, Energy and Carbonated beverages
IV. Swiss Bake Limited – Biscuits and Cookies
V. Dairy Gold Limited – Milk beverages, Fruit Juice beverages and Maheu products
VI. Yoyo Foods Limited – Potato Chips and Maize Corn naks and puffs

Total value
Date reported
2023-04-13 12:03  
2023-08-21 18:29