TZS 686: 2011 Wood poles and blocks for power and telecommunication lines – Specification

One of the important factors involved in the design and economical use of wood poles for the support of aerial communication and power lines is the value of the maximum fibre strength for the different species of timber used for wood poles. The fibre strength is affected by the amount of seasoning the wood poles have received. The growth characteristics of timber and their freedom from decay and other defects are of importance in the determination of the mechanical strength of the poles for assessing the safe loads in service.

In this respect, the attention of pole users is drawn to the difficulty of defining and working to precise requirements on all aspects of a natural product such as timber. Some properties have of necessity been specified in general terms only. It is therefore recommended that the supervision of seasoning tests and of preservation processes and the acceptance of poles should be assigned only to qualified and experienced inspectors

Source of publication
Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) 
Date of publication
08 July 2011