An Act to provide for the prevention and control of animal diseases in Mauritius.

This is consolidated version of Act No. 9 of 1925 as amended last by Act No. 41 of 1991. The Act is reprinted not earlier than 2004.
The Act consists of 23 sections, divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Importation of animals (II); Animal diseases in Mauritius (III); Miscellaneous (IV).
As a requirement for landing, all animals imported into Mauritius shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by a veterinary surgeon of the country of origin certifying the existence of animal diseases in the country of origin (sect. 3). A declaration shall be made by the master of a vessel carrying the animals under section 4. Section 6 provides for veterinary inspection at the port of entry. In the case of proof or suspicion that animals come from infected places, the veterinary officer may refuse the landing of animals and, after consultation with the Chief Agricultural Officer, may prohibit the landing of the infected animals, or impose such measures at the expense of the owner as outlined in section 8. As far as prevention and control of animals already present in Mauritius is concerned, Part III outlines several measures to prevent or restrict the spreading of diseases: reporting of diseases by the owner of stock (sect. 12); declaration of infected areas and places by the veterinary officer (sect. 13); orders given by the veterinary officer concerning an infected area (sect. 14). The Minister may regulate the matters listed in section 17. Actions such as wilfull infection of stock, the collection of ticks or any other form of life in infected areas, or the moving of infected stock, with the intention of spreading diseases, are offences under section 21. (Completed by 3 Schedules)

Source of publication
Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security 
Date of publication
01 January 2004 
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