Petroleum (Liquid Petroleum Gas) Regulations, 2014

Conditions attaching to LPGas wholesale licence
5. It shall be deemed to be a condition of the licence issued under section 4(4) that-
(a) no licensee shall transfer his or her licence to another person during the currency of the licence except with the prior written permission of the Regulatory Authority; and
(b) a wholesale licensee shall not conduct the business of wholesale trade in LPGas except in accordance with SAZ standard ZWS960 Part l-3: Handling, Storage and Distribution of LPG in Domestic, Commercial, and Industrial installations; and
(c) the owner of the LPGas cylinders shall ensure that the maintenance and testing is done in accordance with ISO 6406: 2005 on Periodic Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Transportable Gas Containers; and
(d) a person shall not conduct a business of wholesale trade in LPGas in cylinders (9 kg and above which are branded) without the authority of the brand owner for cylinders; and
(e) every repairs of branded cylinders (9 kg and above) shall only be done by approved agents accredited by the owner of the cylinders/brand; and
S.I. 57 of 2014
(f) every repairs to other cylinders (below 9 kg which are not branded and are owned by end-user) shall only be done by approved agents at end-user cost; and
(g) a person who wishes to be a wholesaler of LPGas shall have a minimum fixed bulk storage capacity of at least 40 tonnes: and
(h) a person licensed to conduct a business of wholesale trade in LPG as in cylinders shall not sell LPGas cylinders that do not conform to SANS 10019: 2011- Transportable pressure receptacles for compressed. dissolved and liquefied gases-Basic design, manufacture, use and maintenance or an equivalent standard approved by ZERA; and
(i) No wholesaler may sell LPGas to an unlicensed retailer.

Source of publication
Standards Assocaition of zimbabwe 
Date of publication
24 March 2014