Petroleum (Liquid Petroleum Gas) Regulations, 2014

Application for LPGas wholesale licence
4. (I) Any person wishing to conduct business of wholesaling LPGas to consumers and related activities in Zimbabwe must complete Form ERI (as set out in the First Schedule) in triplicate and submit two copies of it, together with the prescribed application fee (as set out in the Second Schedule) (which is non-refundable), to the Regulatory Authority.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be accompanied
(a) an Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate issued by the Environmental Management Authority (EMA); and
(b) proof that the Bulk LPGas storage facility complies with Building Inspectorate requirements, Certificate of Occupation from the local authority for the purpose of doing LPGas business; and

S.I. 57 of 2014
(c) a clearance certificate from the Chief Fire Officer in accordance with the Urban Councils Act; and
(d) a copy of certificate of adherence to SAZ standard ZWS 960 (Part 1-3) on the Handling. Storage and Distribution of LPG in Domestic, Commercial, and Industrial installations issued by an accredited LPGas installer; and
(e) proof of certificate of business registration; and (f) proof of premise ownership or lease; and
(g) proof of certificate of occupation from a local authority.
(3) The Regulatory Authority shall within 14 days,
acknowledge receipt of the application submitted under subsection
(1) in writing to the applicant.
(4) If, on consideration of an application in terms of subsection (I), the Regulatory Authority is satisfied that-
(a) the applicant will comply with these regulations and with the general licence terms and conditions applicable to the wholesale of liquid petroleum gas outlined under section 5; and
(b) the grant of the licence does not infringe the rights of any other licensees; and
(c) the grant of the licence is in the public interest;
the Regulatory Authority shall issue the appropriate licence to the applicant.
(5) Within 30 days after the issue of a licence referred to in subsection (4) the Regulatory Authority shall, at the licensee's expense, cause the licence to be published in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area in which the licensee intends to have its principal place of business.
(6) If, on consideration of an application submitted in terms of subsection (1) the Regulatory Authority is not satisfied as to the matters referred to in subsection (4)

Source of publication
Standards Assocaition of zimbabwe 
Date of publication
24 March 2014