Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B31: Labelling requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
11 September 2015 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instrument 97 of 2015 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Medicines and Allied Substances Control (Complementary Medicines) Regulations, 2015 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
Not stated in the regulations 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
10.(1) Every complementary medicine shall, unless otherwise directed by the Authority , bear or incorporate a label on the package in which such complementary medicine is sold on which is printed in clear and indelible letters in the Englishlanguage and any other languages as may be directed or approved by the Authority , in addition to the approval number , the following particulars which relate to that complementary medicine only-
(a) the name and address of principal;
(b) the name and address of manufacturers;
(c) theapproved name of the complementary medicine , if any
(d) thehouse maker, if any, of the principal manufacturer of the complementary medicines;
(e) the quantity and strength of the active ingredient of the complimentary medicine where applicable
(f ) the name and the percentage of any agent which is added to the complementary medicine as a preservative;
(g) the date of the manufacture and the expiry date of the complementary medicine;
(h) the batch number of the complementary medicine;
(i) the quantity of the complementary medicine the package;
(j) thestrength of the complementary , where applicable;
(k) therequirements for the method of storage or other necessary precautions for the preservation of a complementary medicine.
(l) The category for the distribution of the complementary medicine which may be represented by words or symbols as setoutinthe Third Schedule.
(m) The dosage of the complementary medicine and the directions for use;
(n) Any warning notices which shall be in a colour other than the colours of the particulars referred to in paragraphs (a) to (m);
(o) any other particulars as may be directed by the Authority. Provided that in the case of a package containing a complementary package containing a complementary package of a quantity of five millilitres or less, it shall beadequate torecord the information required by the paragraphs (a), (b), (c) , (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (l) and (o) on the outer label.
(2) Notwithstandingsubsection (l), the Authority may, if it deems it expedient, direct that the name and address of the manufacturer of a particular complementary medicine shall not appear on the package. 
Reference of the measure
Art 10 (1) ad (2) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
3004.90.10 Medicaments used in the management of chronic illnesses; approved by the secretary responsible for health No    
3004.90.20 Preparations containing a drug not categorised as prescription preparation No    
3004.90.90 Other No    
2837.11.00 Of sodium No    
2837.19.00 Other No    
2837.20.00 Complex cyanides No    
2903.13.00 Chloroform (trichloromethane) No    
3204.19.00 Other, including mixtures of colouring matter of two or more of the subheadings 3204.11 to 3204.19 Yes Tartrazine    
Aromatherapeutic substances, Ayurvedic Medicines, Energy Substances or Medicines, Homeopathic Remedies, Nutritional Substance in pharmaceutical form, Traditional Chinese Medicines, Traditional Dutch Remedies, Unanni Tibb Medicines, Western Herbal Medicines and such other medicines or remedies as may be approved by the Authority 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries