Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
P14: Product quality, safety, or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
01 April 2015 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instruments no.54 of 2000, the customs and excise Act Cap 322 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Regulations Sl. S4 of 2000. Updated in April 2015: The customs and excise (General) regulations, 2000 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
33.An operator of a pipeline intending to export goods through the pipeline shall provide to the Customs Division prior advice in Form CE 2 (Custom and Excise Report by operator of a pipeline)set out in the Eighth Schedule of the nature and quantity of goods to be exported and the intended date and time of that process and shall not commence any such process or pumping operation without the written permission of an officer.
34.Where warehoused goods are to be exported in bond as stores or ships, aircraft, trains or vehicles other than trains, they shall be placed under seal in the ship, aircraft or train or vehicle as the case may be and the seal shall not be broken while the ship, aircraft train or other vehicle remains in Zambia.
35.The report and application for clearance required to be made in respect of a train or other vehicle pursuant to section forty-nine of the Act shall be made in Form CE 15( Custom and Excise Outward report) set out in the Eighth Schedule.
36.An application for clearance of a ship to leave Zambia pursuant to Section fifty of the Act shall be made in Form CE 15 set out in the Eighth Schedule.
37. An application for clearance of an aircraft to leave Zambia pursuant to section fifty-one of the Act shall be made in Form CE 15 set out in the Eighth Schedule.
38.If a ship or aircraft cleared to leave Zambia delays its departure beyond a period of twenty four hours after clearance is given, or call at another port or aerodrome within Zambia before leaving the Republic, the certificate of clearance shall be deemed to have lapsed and a new application shall be made in Form CE 15 set out in the Eighth Schedule.
39. Unless otherwise stated in these regulations, any requirement for a declaration to be made or lodged shall be taken to refer to a declaration in Form CE 16 (Customs and Excise General Registration Certificate) set out in the Eighth Schedule
50.(1) The entry of warehoused goods for removal as stores for ships, aircraft, trains or vehicles other than trains, shall be made in Form CE 20 set out in the Eighth Schedule.
(2) The Commissioner-General may determine the quantities of goods of each kind which are to be entered as stores for ships, aircraft, trains or vehicles other than trains taking into account the number of the crew, the
passengers and the period during which the ship, aircraft, train or vehicle other than a train is likely to be on its proposed voyage or journey.
(3) Any goods removed under sub-regulation (1) shall be carried by a customs carrier licensed in accordance with the Act who shall be responsible for the duty on the goods until such time as safe delivery of the goods has been effected to the satisfaction of the Customs Division.
55. An application for permission to export goods as ship, aircraft or vehicle stores in pursuant to section fifty-nine of the Act shall be made in Form CE 22 set out in the Eighth Schedule. 
Reference of the measure
Part V 33- 39 and part VI Para50 & 55 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 1 All products No 01 April 2015  
All exports 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 01 April 2015