Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A859: Traceability requirements, n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 1975 
Publication where the measure is specified
The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya/SEEDS AND PLANT VARIETIES ACT Cap 326 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Seeds and plant Varieties Act No 1 of 1972, revised 2012 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
(1) The plant variety must—
(a)be sufficiently distinguishable by one or more important morphological, physiological or other characteristics from any other variety whose existence is a matter of common knowledge at the time of the application, whatever may have been the origin, artificial or natural, of the initial variation from which it resulted;
(c)be sufficiently uniform or homogenous having regard to the particular features of its sexual reproduction or vegetative propagation;
(d)be stable in its essential characteristics, that is to say, it may remaintrue to its description after repeated reproduction or propagation or, where the application prescribes a particular cycle of reproduction or multiplication, at the end of each cycle
(2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, common knowledge may be established by reference to plant varieties already in cultivation or exploited for commercial purposes, or those included in a recognized commercial or botanical reference collection, or those of which there are precise descriptions in any publication.
[L.N. 152/1998, s. 2(b), Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.] 
Reference of the measure
fourth schedule part II para (1) & (2) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 3 Seeds for sowing No 01 January 1975  

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 01 January 1975