Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
08 July 2011 
Publication where the measure is specified
Legal Supplement (Part I) to the Zanzibar Government Gazette Vol. CXX No. 6417 of 8th July, 2011 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Zanzibar standards Act, 2011 
Country/Region applying the measure
Description of the measure
12. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) of this section, bureau shall, by notice published in the Gazette, declare any mark which has been approved by the Bureau for any commodities or the manufacturing, production, processing or treatment of any commodities, to be a standard mark in respect of it and may, in like manner, cancel or, amend that mark.
(2) The notice shall contain information with regard to the relevant standard or its amendment which the Bureau may considers necessary.
(3) Notwithstanding the existence of any other standard, the standards declared by the Bureau shall prevail over any other existing standards.
13. (1) A person who intends to use a standard mark in connection with any commodities shall make application to the bureau in such manner as may be described in the Regulations.
(2) The Bureau may, if satisfied that the commodities conform to a standard, grant a licence to the applicant to use a standard mark upon such terms and conditions, as may be described in the Regulations 
Reference of the measure
Part III section 12 & 13 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 1 All products No 08 July 2011  
All products 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 08 July 2011