Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B7: Product quality, safety or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
22 March 1974 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Notice No. 474 of 22 March 1974 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Compulsory Specification for Smoked snoek 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
The rationale of the measure
This specification covers the manufacture, production, processing. or treatment of the cooked product,
smoked snoek (Thyrsites atun). 
Description of the measure All plant, equipment and utensils coming into contact with the product shall be made of smooth - surfaced material resistant to corrosion by brine, shall be of hygienic design, and shall be constructed as to facilitate their cleaning and sterilization and that of the areas beneath them. Lead and lead alloys other than solder shall not be used in the construction of equipment coming in contact with raw materials or the unprotected product at any stage in its manufacture. Wooden tables shall not be used in processing areas. The tops of preparation and packing tables shall be made of smooth corrosion-resistant material impervious to water, and shall have a hygienic finish. Easily removable cutting boards of hygienic construction made of acceptable light-coloured material other than wood and suitable for use with food, may be used. The tops of tables shall allow rapid and effective drainage and shall be smooth and free from cracks and crevices. Wicker baskets in good clean condition may be used in unloading the fishing vessel. Wrapping materials shall be dispensed from corrosion-resistant containers of hygienic construction.
4.1 Conditions of Ingredients
All raw materials and ingredients used in the preparation of the product shall be clean, sound, of good quality, and in every way fit for human consumption. The storage, handling and transportation of fish for processing both at sea and on land shall be performed under hygienic conditions.
4.5 Salt used in the preparation of the product shall be edible and free from bitterness. It shall be free from red halophilic organisms. As far as possible it shall also be free from other halophilic organisms.
5.2 General Requirements.
5.2.1 The product shall have an attractive, characteristic appearance and colour, the latter uniform for particular
surfaces with and without skin.
5.2.2 The flavour and odour of the product shall be characteristic. Off-flavours and off-odours and rancid oil
flavours and odours shall not be present.
5.2.3 No broken pieces of fish shall be present.
5.2.4 In the manufacturing process the product shall be kept free of residual clotted blood, abraded material
and black specks from the smoking process. Skin shall be neatly trimmed and not be loose or damaged to such
an extent that it materially affects the appearance of the units.
5.2.5 The product shall be free from fibre, sand, grit and other extraneous matter 
Reference of the measure
Regulations and
Regulations 4.1 and 4.5
Regulations 5.2.1 to 5.2.5 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
0302.89 -- Other Yes Snoek    
0305.49.90 --- Other Yes smoked snoek    
Snoek intended for smoking or in the course of preparation for smoking or in the course of being
smoked or after having been smoked, as indicated by the context. 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries