Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
17 March 2008 
Publication where the measure is specified
Regulation where the measure is specified
East African Community Customs Management (Duty Remission) Regulations, 2008. 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
Promote local exports 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
7. (1) A manufacturer of goods for export shall -
(a) pay duty on any imported goods that are not used in the manufacture of goods for export or where the goods so manufactured are not exported;
(b) submit returns quarterly, to the Commissioner giving relevant information as the Commissioner may require.
(2) A manufacturer of goods for home use shall-
(a) pay duty on any imported goods that are not used in the manufacture of goods for which such goods were approved;
(b) submit returns quarterly, to the Commissioner giving relevant information as the Commissioner may require.
(3) Where a manufacturer is liable to pay duty under sub regulation (1)
(a) sub regulation 2(a), the manufacturer shall, in addition to paying the
duty applicable, be liable to pay a penalty of ten percent of the dutiable value.
(4) A person who fails to submit returns as required under this regulation
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of two thousand dollars.
8.(1) Imported goods to which these Regulations apply shall be entered
using Form C 17.
(2) A manufacturer of goods imported for use in the manufacture of goods for export under these regulations shall execute a bond in accordance with sections 106 and 107 of the Act using Form CBR 1.
(3) A bond executed under sub regulation (2) shall cover the entire quantity approved and published in the Gazette by the Council.
9.A security bond shall be cancelled upon –
(a) proof of exportation of the manufactured goods;
(b) payment of duty and the penalty under regulation 7;
(c) proof of transfer of goods under regulation 11;
(d) proof of destruction of the goods. .
10.Where a by-product, scrap or waste of commercial value results from a process of manufacture or production utilizing goods subject to duty remission, duty shall be payable on the prevailing value of the by- product, scrap or waste in accordance with the Act,unless the by-product, scrap or waste is exported
or destroyed under the supervision of the proper officer.
11.(1) Manufactured goods resulting from approved imported goods under these Regulations may be transferred to another manufacturer, with the approval of the Commissioner, to another manufacturer for use in the manufacture of goods for export.
(2) The transfer of goods under sub regulation (1) shall-
(a) be in Form R 2;
(b) be secured by a bond executed using Form CBR 2by the recipient of the transferred goods and shall be in such amount as may be determined by the Commissioner.
12.The Commissioner may authorize re-exportation of goods on which
duty remission is granted under these Regulations.
13.A manufacturer shall maintain separate books and records relating
(a) locally sourced goods;
(b) goods imported by the manufacturer;
(c) goods received by a manufacturer by way of transfer under regulation 11.
14.A proper officer may inspect and verify books and records, production facilities of a manufacturer and examine any goods or materials within the production facility or any storage place relating thereto.
15.The ouncil may for reasons to be communicated to the applicant revoke a grant of duty remission. 
Reference of the measure
Section 7-15 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 1 All products No 03 March 2008  
Imports for Manufacture of exports 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Uganda 03 March 2008  
Inclusion Tanzania 03 March 2008  
Inclusion Kenya 03 March 2008  
Inclusion Burundi 03 March 2008  
Inclusion Rwanda 03 March 2008  
East African Community Member states