Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B15: Authorization requirements for importers 
Date when the measure came into force
01 July 2010 
Publication where the measure is specified
East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004,Regulations, 2010 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The East African Community Customs ManagementRegulations, 2010 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
132 (1) Goods imported for temporary use under section 117 of the Act shall apply to the following -
(a) 132 (1) Goods imported for temporary use under section 117 of the Act shall apply to the following -
(a) Commercial travelers' samples;
(b) goods, including stage properties, imported for local exhibition or entertainment;
(c) goods imported solely for renovation or repair;
(d)touring promotional material which are not prohibited;
(e) any vehicles and goods of a kind described in regulations 135, 136 and137;
(f) any vehicle described in regulation 136; and
(g) any other goods the Commissioner may allow, subject to conditions he or she may impose.
(2) For the purpose of this regulation, a “commercial traveler” means any person who satisfies a proper officer that he or she is soliciting orders for merchandise on behalf of a business entity established outside the Community. Commercial travelers' samples and goods imported for use.
135. (1) Where any person who is usually resident outside the Community intends to make a temporary stay in a Partner State, imports -
(a)any road vehicle, including trailers, or cycle, and their accessories, for his or her use during the visit; or
(b)any goods intended for his or her use, convenience or comfort while in a Partner State but not for consumption; or correspond in all particulars with the description in the form, and that they will be exported forthwith, the amount deposited shall be repaid to the importer who shall acknowledge receipt to the proper officer.

136. (1) Where a person who is a resident in the COMESA or SADC or where there exists a bilateral or other agreement between a Partner State and any neighbouring country regarding any matter or field of activity, the implementation of which involves or includes the regular transfer to and from or between the countries of goods and person by motor vehicles or trailers for industrial, commercial or other purposes, the provisions of regulation 135 (2) shall not, subject to sub-regulation (2) of this regulation, apply to such motor vehicles or trailers.
(2) Where any person who is usually resident outside the Community intends to engage in any business involving the transfer of goods or persons into the Community by motor vehicle or trailer for industrial, commercial or other purposes, he or she shall make an application to the Commissioner for the temporary importation of a motor vehicle or trailer using Form C 32.
(3) The Commissioner may grant temporary importation of a motor vehicle or trailer on such conditions as he or she may impose, for a period not exceeding three months: Provided that the Commissioner may, allow where heor she deems fit, a further period as is consistent with the purpose for which the motor vehicle or trailer was imported. Vehicles from one Partner State to another
137. (1) Where a person who is resident in the Community intends to use his or her motor vehicle in another Partner State, he or she shall be allowed to use the motor vehicle without the production of temporary importation documents (Carnet de Passage en Douane,pass sheet, or other similar documents) and without the making of a deposit as required by regulation 135 for a period not exceeding three months or such further period as the Commissioner may allow
(2) A person who intends to use his or motor vehicle under sub regulation (1) shall make application in Form C32
133. (1) A person who intends to import any goods of a kind described in regulation 132(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) shall apply to a proper officer using Form C 17.
(2) An application in sub-regulation (1) shall state-
(a)the full particulars of the goods imported, specifying the nature of the goods for the purpose of identification; and
(b)the approximate date on which and the port at which the goods will be re-exported.
(3) Where the goods are to be re-exported at a port other than the port of importation, the application shall be made in triplicate.
(4) Where the proper officer so requires, invoices or other documentary evidence of value shall be produced and attached to the application and retained by the officer.
(5) An importer shall deposit an amount of cash sufficient to cover the duty on the goods, or shall execute a security bond in the Customs Bond Form as the proper officer may determine.
(6) A proper officer shall, on application by an owner, state the amount of duty chargeable and the amount of deposit made or of the security bond executed.
(7) A proper officer shall return the duplicate copy referred to in sub-regulation (3) of the application and shall retain and send the triplicate copy where the goods are to be re-exported at a port other than the port of importation, to the proper officer at the port at which the goods will be exported.
(8) Before the deposit referred to in sub-regulation (5) is refunded or the security bond cancelled, the following conditions shall be observed-
(a)the goods shall be re-exported within a period of twelve months from the date of importation; and
(b)the owner shall give due notice to the proper officer at the port of exportation of his or her intention to re-export the goods and shall deliver to the proper officer the duplicate copy of the application issued to him or her at the port of importation.

(g) any other goods the Commissioner may allow, subject to conditions he or she may impose.
(2) For the purpose of this regulation, a “commercial traveler” means any person who satisfies a proper officer that he or she is soliciting orders for merchandise on behalf of a business entity established outside the Community. Commercial travelers' samples and goods imported for use.
133. (1) A person who intends to import any goods of a kind described in regulation 132(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) shall apply to a proper officer using Form C 17.
(2) An application in sub-regulation (1) shall state-
(a)the full particulars of the goods imported, specifying the nature of the goods for the purpose of identification; and
(b)the approximate date on which and the port at which the goods will be re-exported.
(3) Where the goods are to be re-exported at a port other than the port of importation, the application shall be made in triplicate.
(4) Where the proper officer so requires, invoices or other documentary evidence of value shall be produced and attached to the application and retained by the officer.
(5) An importer shall deposit an amount of cash sufficient to cover the duty on the goods, or shall execute a security bond in the Customs Bond Form as the proper officer may determine.
(6) A proper officer shall, on application by an owner, state the amount of duty chargeable and the amount of deposit made or of the security bond executed.
(7) A proper officer shall return the duplicate copy referred to in sub-regulation (3) of the application and shall retain and send the triplicate copy where the goods are to be re-exported at a port other than the port of importation, to the proper officer at the port at which the goods will be exported.
(8) Before the deposit referred to in sub-regulation (5) is refunded or the security bond cancelled, the following conditions shall be observed-
(a)the goods shall be re-exported within a period of twelve months from the date of importation; and
(b)the owner shall give due notice to the proper officer at the port of exportation of his or her intention to re-export the goods and shall deliver to the proper officer the duplicate copy of the application issued to him or her at the port of importation. 
Reference of the measure
Part XI sections 132 & 133, 135, 136$ 137 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 1 All products No    
(a) Commercial travelers' samples;
Temporary imports
(b) goods, including stage properties, imported for local exhibition or entertainment;
(c) goods imported solely for renovation or repair;
(d)touring promotional material which are not prohibited;
(e) any vehicles and goods of a kind described in regulations 135, 136 and137;
(f) any vehicle described in regulation 136
(g) motor vehicle or trailers 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Tanzania 01 July 2010