Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
F69: Additional charges n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 2005 
Publication where the measure is specified
The Merchant shipping Act No 21 of 2003 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The merchant shipping ( fees) regulations 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
22. The following charges are payable for the services referred to, provided in terms of the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Regulations:
(a) Granting of an exemption - US$ 15
(b) Inspection of a ship in which explosives or other dangerous goods are
proposed to be carried, to determine –
(i) Before loading, whether she ship is equipped and in all other respects suitable to carry such goods - US$ 30 per visit;
(ii)Whether the proposed stowage complies with the applicable requirements - US$ 30 per visit;
(iii)During loading and upon completion of loading, whether the goods have been handled and stowed in accordance with the applicable requirements – US$ 30 per visit.
(c) Inspection of a magazine or container – The travel and subsistence
expenses of the officer concerned and US$ 30 per inspection of not more than five magazines or containers, or, if more than five magazines or containers are to be inspected, US$ 30 plus 30 per surveyor-hour or part thereof;
(d) Inspection of a ship for a document of compliance - US$ 55 for two visits to the ship by a surveyor, and for additional visits - US$ 30 per surveyor-hour or part thereof.
Grain cargoes
23. The following charges are payable for the services
referred to, provided in terms 14Of the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Grain in Bulk) Regulations
Item Examination or Inspection Charge
1Initial examination and approval of a grain loading plan for a ship. US$ 120
2Examination and approval of a grain loading, plan for a sister ship-having arrangements similar to those in a ship referred to in item 1. US$ 45
3Examination and approval of a grain-loading plan that has been altered as a result of alterations to the ship or to the arrangements thereof made after the approval of the original plan. US $ 80
4Inspection on first installation of fittings required by a grain-loading plan.Us $ 35
24.A charge of US$ 30 per surveyor-hour or part thereof is payable for the inspection
Of the stowage plans, fittings, stowage and securing of timber deck cargoes, subject to a
minimum charge of US$ 60 per ship. Partial
25. (1) In the case of a ship required to hold a safety certificate, the following Charges are payable for a partial inspection, other than a surveyor otherwise provided for in this Part, and for the issue, where applicable,
of a certificate of inspection or for the endorsement of a record of safety equipment:
5Initial inspection of a ship for a certificate of suitability to load grain, and the final inspection for a grain-loading certificate US $ 25 each 1000 tons of cargo or part thereof, subject to a maximum of US $ 160

Item Tonnage of ship Charge
1 less than 25 tones US $ 10
2 25 tons to 100 tons US $ 15
3 Over 100 tons to 500 tones US $20
4 Over 500 tons US $ 25
(2) Where a ship is inspected to determine whether minor defects that were found in the course of a routine inspection have been remedied, the charges specified in subparagraph (1) are payable.
(3) Where a ship is inspected in order to obtain an extension of a safety certificate or of a load line certificate, a charge equal to 50% of the charge payable in terms of the various applicable provisions of this Part for the full survey required for the issue of such safety certificate or load line certificate or for the extension of an annual hull survey, is payable.
(4) Where plans or drawings, in respect of construction or alterations, not otherwise
covered by this Part are presented for scrutiny or approval, a charge of US$30 per surveyor-hour or part thereof is payable.
(5) (a) The following charges are payable on the inspection and approval of a ship's stability book or stability statement:
Item Tonnage of aship charge
1 up to 100 US $ 25
2 over 100 to 500 tons US $ 35
3 Over 500 to 1600 tons US $ 60
4 Over 1600 tons US $ 120
b) The said charges cover the original submission and inspection of the book or statement and one re-submission and inspection. If further re-submissions and inspections are required before approval, an additional charge of US$30 per re-submission and inspection is payable.
(6) A charge of US$30 per surveyor-hour or part thereof is payable for the services of a surveyor to witness and verify an inclining experiment.
A charge of Us$ 500 shall be payable when a Certificate of high speed Craft Safety Certificate is issued.
A charge of Us$ 200 shall be payable when a permit to operate a high speed craft is issued.
A charge of Us$ 500 shall be payable when a special purpose ship safety Certificate is issued.
A charge of Us $ 50 shall be payable when a diving system safety certificate is issued

Permit to Operate a High Speed Craft.
A charge of Us$ 200 shall be payable when a permit
to operate a high speed craft is
Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate.
A charge of Us$ 500 shall be payable when a special
purpose ship safety Certificate is
Diving System Safety Certificate.
A charge of Us $ 50 shall be payable when a diving
system safety certificate is issued.
26. (1) The following charges are payable for examination for the certificates of competency referred to:
(a) Rating forming part of a navigational watch - US$ 10;
(b) Rating forming part of an engineering watch - US$ 10;
(c) Able Bodied Seaman - US$ 15;
(d) Motorman - US$ 15.
(2) A charge of US$ 12 is payable for the issue of a certified copy of a lost, mutilated or damaged certificate of competency, unless the certificate was lost, mutilated or damaged due to shipwreck or fire on board ship.
27. (1) The following charges are payable for examination for the certificates of competency referred to:
(a) Marine Engineer Officer Class 4 or endorsement:
(i)Whole examination for the certificate (steam, motor or combined steam and motor) - US$ 25;
(ii)Part of the examination - US$ 15;
(iii)Endorsement (steam or motor) examination - US$ 15.
(b) Officer in charge of an engineering watch or endorsement:
(i) Whole examination for the certificate (steam,
motor or combined steam and motor) - US$ 32;
(ii) Part of the examination - US$ 20;
(iii) Endorsement (steam or motor) examination - US$ 20;
(c) Second Engineer or endorsement:
(i) Whole examination for the certificate (steam, motor or combined steam and motor) - US$ 45;
(ii) Part A or B or a portion of either Part - US$ 25;
(iii) Endorsement (steam or motor) examination - US$ 25.
(d) Chief Engineer Officer or endorsement:
(i) Whole examination for the certificate (steam, motor of combined steam and motor) - US$ 55;
(ii) Part A or B or a portion of either Part - US$ 30;
(iii) Endorsement (steam or motor) examination - US$ 65;
(e) Chief Engineer Officer (Special Grade): Part A or B - US$ 65.
(2) (i) A candidate holding an exempting qualification for part of the examination must pay the full charge at the first attempt for part of such examination and, if that attempt is unsuccessful, he or she is, on re-examination, required to pay the charge for part of the examination only.
(ii) For examination for credit subjects, re-examination in the oral
examination, or examination in a deferred subject -50% of the specified charge.
(3) A charge of US$ 7 shall be payable for a dangerous cargo endorsement on a certificate of competency.
(4) A charge of US$ 10 shall be payable for the revalidation of a certificate of competency.
(5) A charge of US$ 12 shall be payable for the issue of a certified copy of a lost, mutilated or damaged certificate of competency or service, unless the certificate was lost, mutilated or damaged due to shipwreck or fire on board ship. Certificates of competency for deck officer
28. (1) The following charges are payable for examination for the certificates of competency referred to:
(a) Deck Officer Glass 5: Whole examination - US$ 25;
(b) Deck Officer Class 4: Whole examination - US$ 25;
(c) Officer in charge of a navigational watch: Whole examination - US$ 32;
(d) Master near coastal: Whole examination - US$ 30;
(e) Chief mate: Whole examination - US$ 45;
(f) Master: Whole examination - US$ 60;
(g) Master up to 3000 GT - US$ 30;
(2) (a) The charges specified in subparagraph (1 )(a) to (g) cover the examination in signaling if it is taken at the same time as the examination for a certificate of competency.
(b) Where a candidate takes the examination in signaling separately from one or both parts of the examination for a certificate of competency, a charge of A85 is payable for each examination.
(3) A charge of A55 shall be payable for a dangerous cargo endorsement on a certificate of competency.
(4) A charge of US$ 12 shall be payable for the revalidation of a certificate of competency.
(5) A charge of US$ 12 shall be payable for the issue of a certified copy of a lost, mutilated or damaged certificate of competency or service, unless the certificate was lost, mutilated or damaged due to shipwreck or fire on board ship.
29. The following charges shall be payable for examination for a certificate of competency for a small vessel:
(a) For examination for a certificate of competency as a skipper of a small vessel - US$ 10;
(b) For the issue of a certified copy of a lost, mutilated or damaged certificate of competence - US$ 3.
30. (1) The following charges shall be payable for examination for the certificates of qualification referred to:
(a) Proficiency in survival craft - US$ 10;
(b) Efficient deck hand or rating forming part of a navigational watch-US$ 10;
(c) Engine-room rating or rating forming part of an
engineering watch - US$ 10;
(d) Efficient cook - US$ 6;
(e) For an endorsement of an additional qualification - US$ 5.
(2) A charge of - US$ 5 shall be payable for the issue of a certified copy of a lost, mutilated or damaged certificate of qualification, unless the certificate was lost, mutilated or damaged due to shipwreck or fire on board ship.
31. (1) The following charges shall be payable for the examination and licensing of compass adjusters.
(a) Compass Adjuster (Restricted) - US$ 15;
(b) Compass Adjuster (Unrestricted) - US$ 15;
(c) For the written and oral parts of the examination if attempted concurrently - US$ 15;
(d) For the practical part of the examination - US$ 15;
(e) For re-examination in the oral examination - US$ 15.
(2) A charge of US$ 5 shall be payable for the issue of a certified copy of a lost, mutilated or damaged license, unless the license was lost, mutilated or damaged due to shipwreck or fire on board ship.
32. (1) The following charges shall be payable for dispensations granted in terms of Regulation 5 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 2003.
(a) If the foreign certificate is recognized - US$ 50;
(b) If the foreign certificate has to be evaluated before dispensation can be granted - US$ 100 
Reference of the measure
Part II section 22, 23, 24,25, 26, 27.28,29,30,31, 32 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
10 Cereals Yes Grains    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.