Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B31: Labelling requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
16 December 1987 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Notice 2286 (Government Gazette 10987) Of 16 October 1987 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Compulsory Specification For Earth Leakage Protection Units 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
The rationale of the measure
This specification covers earth leakage protection units (circuit-breakers) for use in domestic and industrial or similar electrical installations and connected to a source of alternating current supply operating at a frequency of 50 Hz, the neutral conductor of which is connected to the general mass of earth on the supply side, and subject to the following limitations:
(a) Maximum rated voltage.................................................. . . . . . 500v.
(b) Maximum rated current ....................... ................................ 100 A.
(c) Maximum rated earth leakage tripping current.. ........................30mA
(d) Ambient temperature ..................... ...................................... - 5 ̊C to +10 ̊C.

The earth leakage protection units covered by this specification are intended to reduce fire and electrocution
hazards caused by current leaking from line and neutral conductors to earth.
This specification does not cover earth leakage protection units intended for service under extreme operating
conditions such as continuous high atmospheric humidity, atmospheric pollution, mechanical vibration. mechanical shock, and excessively high or low temperatures. 
Description of the measure
EL CIRCUIT-BREAKERS: The following information shall appear in legible and indelible markings in (unless
otherwise required) either or both of the official languages of the Republic of South Africa, either on the body of
the EL circuit-breaker or on a label (see 5.3) securely attached to it, as appropriate:
(a) The rated load current (In);
(b) the rated earth leakage tripping current (IΔn,);
c) the “ON” and “OFF” positions of the EL circuit-breaker either on the operating toggle <)ron the c~s‘.. in
one of the following ways:
( 1 ) the symbols I and Ofor the “ON” and “OFF“ position5 respectively; or
( 2 ) in both official languages. the words “ON“ and “OFF” ( “ A A N ” and “ A F ” ) ;
( i ) The “ON” or I marking shall denote that the switch is in the up position.
(ii) The symbol I used for the ”ON” position shall be an upright straight line, not 1 o r I .
the words “Test“ and ”Toets“ or the letter T on, or adjacent to, the test button and “Reset” and
“Herstel” adjacent to the reset button ( if fitted);
EL circuit-breakers not fitted with an overcurrent release shall be clearly marked: NO OVERLOAD
Note: The above markings [ (a)- ( e ) )shall be clearly visible to the operator when the EL circuit-breaker is mounted as for normal service. I f the markings are on the case or on the cover of the EL
circuit-breaker. they shall be adjacent to the operating toggle and visible when the toggle is in the
relevant position. Where covers are used for marking, they shall be nonreversible.
(f) the rated voltage;
(g) the name, trade name or registered trade mark of the manufacturer or the supplier;
(h) a catalogue number or type number or other identification marking that will distinguish the EL circuit-breaker from a n y other type marketed by the manufacturer;
(i) in the case of an EL circuit-breaker equipped with a neutral terminal, the letters L and N to identify the
respective terminals;
(j) the rated short-time(40 ms)withstand current or breaking capacity class, i n kiloamperes;
(k) the current-time characteristic (this marking may be in code and shall apply only to an EL circuit-breaker fitted with an overcurrent release);
(l) an acceptable identification mark for the line and load terminal5 ~ o r alternatively, direction arrow indicating the entry and exit directions of the supply leads;
(m) in the case of an EL circuit-breaker not fitted with an overcurrent release and not marked with a rated short-time withstand current value, marking stating that an alternative method of overload protection shall precede the EL circuit-breaker in the circuit.
5.2 The appropriate of the following symbols may also appear in legible and indelible marking on the body of circuit-breaker:
In = rated current
Un = rated voltage
Icn = rated breaking capacity class, eg “ Icn 2.5 kA”
5.3 LABELS : Labels (when used) shall be of acceptable material and when they are tested in accordance with 6.21, the marking shall still be legible and, in the case of a stick-on label, it shall not be possible to remove the label in one piece.
5.4 EARTH TERMINALS: Any earth terminal shall be permanently and indelibly marked with the symbol (see regulation for details) 
Reference of the measure
Regulation 5 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
8535.2 - Automatic circuit breakers : No    
8536.20 - Automatic circuit breakers No    
Earth leakage protection units (circuit-breakers) 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

All countries