Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B7: Product quality, safety or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
20 February 1998 
Publication where the measure is specified
Supplement to the Republic of Zambia Government Gazette dated 20/02/1998. statutory Instrument No 22 of 1998,the weights and Measures Act 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The weights and Measures (assize) regulations, 1998 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
32. (1) A weight for trade in valuable goods shall be a weight which—
(a) is of a denomination specified in Table 12 of the Third Schedule and subject to paragraph (e) has that denomination marked on its top surface;
(b) is made of brass, bronze, stainless steel or other approved corrosion resistant material;
(c) if made of aluminium alloy, is of a denomination of 500mg or less;
(d) if it has a protective coating, this coaling shall be made of corrosion and friction resistance material;
(e) if cylindrical in shape, or if of a denomination of 500mg or less, shall have a wire shaped into one, two or five sections to indicate its denomination, or shall be of a flat sheet; and
(f) has when new or re-adjusted, no error greater than the limit of error for its denomination as specified in the third column of Table 4 in the First Schedule.
(2) The assizer shall test the limit of error with working standard weights calibrated to National Standard weights within errors less than one-third of the limit of error specified in Table 4 of the First Schedule.
(3) If a precision weight for trade in valuable goods does not conform to sub-regulations (1) and (2) of this regulation, an assizer shall not pass it as correct at the initial assizing.
(4) Subject to Regulation 5, where an assizer passes a precision weight for trade with variable goods as correct at initial assizing the assizer shall stamp —
(a) the weight on its base surface if it is of denomination of 200g or more; and
(b) the identification plate on top of the storage box for weights of a denomination of 100g or less.
(5) It shall be permitted to use precision weights for trade with valuable goods which are stamped in accordance with Regulation 4 and have no errors exceeding double the limits of error specified in the third column of Table 4 in the First Schedule 
Reference of the measure
Part V section 32 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
8423.90.00 - Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery Yes Precision weights    
Precision weights 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 20 February 1998  
All countries