Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A31: Labelling requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
09 September 2004 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Notice R. 790 (Government Gazette 26530) Of 9 July 2004 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Compulsory Specification For The Manufacture, Production, Processing And Treatment Of Canned Fish, Canned Marine Molluscs And Canned Crustaceans 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
The rationale of the measure
This specification covers the manufacture, production, processing, and treatment of canned fish, canned fish products, canned marine molluscs, canned marine mollusc products, canned crustaceans and canned crustacean products. 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
10.3.2 True description of canned fish Where stockfish is used in the preparation of products labelled "curried fish, "fried fish", or "pickled fish" the name "stockfish" need not to appear in the title; in the case of other fish used for these types of products the name of the fish shall appear in the title in conjunction with the descriptions. The type of fish used shall appear in the list of ingredients (see 10.2.1(c)). Mullet shall be described only as "Mullet" or "Haarders" / "Harders". Trachurus spp. shall be described only as "Maasbanker" or "Jack Mackerel". Scomberspp. in any form shall be described only as "Mackerel'/'Makriel" or "Middlecut". The words "middle cut"/middelstuk" shall be used only when coupled with the name of the fish and when in fact middle cuts have been packed; the words "middle cut/middelstuk" shall appear in type of the same size and prominence as that of the name of the fish. Canned sardines or sardine type products are prepared from the following species:
Sardina pilchardus
Sardinops melanostictus, S. neopilchardus, S. ocellatus, S. sagax, S. caeruleus,
Sardinella aurita, S. brasiliensis, S. maderensis, S. longiceps, S. gibbosa
Clupea harengus
Sprattus sprattus
Hyperlophus vittatus
Nematalosa vlaminghi
Etrumeus teres
Ethmidium maculatum
Engraulis anchoita, E. mordax, E. ringens
Opisthonema oglinum
Depending on the species used, the name of the product shall be
a) "Sardines" exclusively reserved for Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum); or
b) "X sardines" where "X" is the name or description of a country, the species, or the common name of the species in accordance with this specification and in a manner not confusing or misleading to the consumer (see 10.3.1) in close proximity and in a letter size at least half the size of the word sardines and in equal prominence, with the exception that the species Spraffus spraffus may be described as brisling sardines.
c) The description "PilchardsISardyne" is exclusively reserved for the species Sardinops ocellatus, S. melanostitus, S. neopilchardus, S. sagax, S. caeruleus and Sardina pilchardus.
d) Sardinella spp shall be described as "Sardinella". The descriptive terms "Pilchards" shall be not used for packs consisting of Sardinella spp.
e) Etrumeus spp. shall be described as "X herring" where "X" is the name or description of a country, a geographic area, the species, or the common name of the species in a manner not to mislead or confuse the customer. The species Etrumeus teres (Rooi-ooglronde haring) qualify for labelling "South Atlantic herring"/'Suid Atlantiese Haring".
f) Engraulis spp. shall be described as anchovies.
g) Canned Saury shall be prepared from Scomberesox spp. and Cololobis spp. Snoek (Thyrsites atun) in any form shall be described only as "Snoek", "Barracouta" or
"Atun". Subject to, South African Merluccius spp. shall be described only as "Hake" or
"StockfishlT'Stokvis" or as Cape Whiting. Yellow-tail (Seriola spp.) shall be described only as "Yellow-tail"/Geelstert", "Halfkoord",
"Amberjack". Canned Tuna and Bonito (see 6.1.4) are the product consisting of the flesh of any of the appropriate species listed below:
Thunnus alalunga
Thunnus albacares
Thunnus atlanticus
Thunnus obesus
Thunnus maccoyii
Thunnus thynnus
Thunnus tongoe
Euthynnus afinis
Euthynnus alletteratus
Euthynnus lineatus
Katsuwonus pelamis (syn. Euthynnus pelamis)
Sarda chilensis
Sarda orientalis
Sarda sarda The name of the product as declared on the label shall be "Tuna" or "Bonito" and may be preceded or followed by the common or usual name of the species in a manner not confusing or misleading to the consumer. The name of the product labelled as "Tuna" shall be qualified or accompanied by a term descriptive of the representation in accordance with and of the colour of the product provided that the term "white" shall be used only for the product of the meat of the tuna species
Thunnus alalunga that shall comply with the requirements of The term "light" shall be used for a tuna product that corresponds to the colour designation as set out in A tuna product that corresponds to a colour designation as set out in shall be labelled as "dark".
Blends of tuna of different colour designation shall be specifically described in the title of the product. All colour designation terms qualifying "tuna" shall be in letters of at least the same size and prominence as "Tuna" or "Tunny".
The name "Albacore" when used for the labelling of tuna shall be reserved for the tuna species Thunnus alalunga and shall be coupled with "Tuna" or "Tunny" in letters of the same size and prominence. Products consisting of the meat of Sarda spp. shall be labelled as "Bonito" and shall not be described as "Tuna" or any reference made to tuna. Kabeljou shall be described only as "Kabeljou" or "Cape Cob Canned salmon (see 7.1.6) is the product prepared from any of the species listed below, with the proviso that the common names in brackets may only be used in conjunction with the corresponding species names as follows:
Salmo salar - (Atlantic salmon, salmon);
Oncorhynchus nerke - (Sockeye salmon, red sockeye salmon, red salmon);
Oncorhynchus kisutch - (Coho salmon, silver salmon, medium red coho salmon);
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha - (Chinook salmon, spring salmon, king salmon);
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - (Pink salmon, humpback salmon);
Oncorhynchus keta - (Chum salmon, keta salmon, dog salmon); and
Oncorhynchus masou - (Cherry salmon, Japanese or Masou salmon).
Tips, tails, minced and similar forms of canned salmon shall be labelled to disclose their true nature,
ail words qualifying the word "salmon" being in type of the same size and prominence as "Salmon".
The species Oncorhynchus gorbuscha - (Pink salmon, humpback salmon) is the only species that may be labelled "Pink Salmon". The colour of the fish flesh in the can may deviate from the characteristic pink colour provided
a) that the fish is from the abovementioned species,
b) that written verification from an authority in the country where the fish is canned is provided,
c) that there is no pictorial presentation depicting pink salmon on the label, and
d) if white fish is depicted in the pictorial presentation on the label it may not be labelled "Pink Salmon".
The colour of the fish flesh depicted in the pictorial presentation shall be a true reflection of the fish flesh colour of the contents. 
Reference of the measure
Regulation 10.3.2 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
1604 Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs. Yes Canned fish    
Canned fish 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries