Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B83: Certification requirement 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 2005 
Publication where the measure is specified
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTSSTATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT No. 10 11th March, 2005 STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT to The Uganda Gazette No. 14 Volume XCVIII dated 11th March, 2005 Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The Communications (Telecommunications and radio communicatons equipmnt type approval)Regulations 2005 ( Under section 94 of the Uganda communications Act,cap 106 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
to set technical standards of telecommunications and radio communications equipment; 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
12.Certification of equipment
(1) A telecommunications or radio communications equipment may receive a certification or equipment authorisation issued by the Commission, based on representations and test data submitted by an applicant.
(2) A grantee of an equipment authorisation shall guarantee and give a warrant that each unit of equipment marketed under the grant and bearing the identification specified in the grant shall, conform to the unit that was measured and that the data, including the design and rated operational characteristics, filed with the application for certification, continues to be representative of the equipment produced under the grant within a variation that can be expected due to quantity production and testing on a statistical basis.
(3) The Commission may require an applicant to submit a sample unit for measurement at the Commission’s laboratory or at any other place as the Commission may specify.
(4) Where the applicant believes that shipment of a sample to the Commission’s laboratory is impractical because of the size or weight of the equipment, the power requirement or for any other reason, the applicant may submit a written statement explaining why the shipment is impractical and should not be required.
(5) The Commission may from time to time request a party responsible for any equipment, to submit the equipment to determine the extent to which subsequent production of the equipment continues to comply with the data filed by an applicant or data kept on file with that party, subject to a declaration of conformity.
(6) Any measurement procedure acceptable to the Commission may be used to prepare data demonstrating compliance.
(7) Information on measurement submitted to the Commission shall identify the specific standard or measurement procedure used.
(8) A party making measurements of equipment that is subject to equipment authorization, whether the measurements are filed with the Commission or kept on file by the party responsible for the compliance of the equipment, shall compile a description of the measurement facilities employed.
(9) A description of measurement facilities shall contain—
(a)the location of a test site;
(b)physical description of a test site, accompanied by photographs;
(c)a drawing showing the dimensions of a test site, the physical layout of all supporting structures and all structures within five times the distance between a measuring antenna and a device which is measured;
(d) a description of structures used to support a device which is measured and the test instrumentation;
(e) a list of measuring equipment used;
(f) information concerning the calibration of the measuring equipment, including the date the equipment was last calibrated and how often the equipment is calibrated;
(g)where desired, a statement on whether a test site is available to do measurement services for the public at a fee.
(10) Each equipment covered in an application for equipment authorisation shall bear a name plate or label with a Commission identifier.
(11) A name-plate or label shall be permanently affixed to an equipment and shall be readily visible to a purchaser at the time of purchase.
(12) A grant of equipment authorisation is valid only where the Commission identifier is permanently affixed to the device and remains effective until it is revoked, withdrawn, rescinded, surrendered, or where a termination date is specified by the Commission.
(13) A grantee of equipment authorisation shall be responsible to the Commission, for any equipment produced using the authorisation.
(14) Certification attaches to any equipment subsequently marketed by an authorised person, which is identical to the tested sample
18.Labelling requirements
(1) A manufacturer or importer of specified customer equipment or specified customer cabling shall apply on the equipment or cabling, a label that indicates that the equipment or cabling meets the prescribed standards.
(2) Before a label is applied on any equipment or cabling, the following requirements shall be complied with—
(a)the manufacturer or importer shall obtain certification from the Commission, that the equipment or cabling complies with the prescribed standard;
(b)the equipment or cabling shall be tested by a recognised testing authority, for compliance with the prescribed standards;
(c)a manufacturer or importer shall—
(i) conduct quality assurance programs;
(ii) be satisfied that quality assurance programs are conducted; and
(iii) have regard to the results of quality assurance programs;
(d) a manufacturer or importer shall obtain certification from the Commission that reasonable efforts have been made to comply with the specified standards; and
(e)a manufacturer or importer shall make a written declaration in relation to the equipment or cabling 
Reference of the measure
Section 12(14), 18(2)a,d 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
8517 Telephone sets, including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a lo No    
A telecommunications or radio communications equipment 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 01 January 2005  
All countries