Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A49: Hygienic requirements n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
09 September 2004 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Notice R. 791 (Government Gazette 26531) of 9 July 2004 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Compulsory Specification For The Manufacture, Production, Processing and Treatment of Canned Meat Products 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
The rationale of the measure
This specification specifies requirements for the manufacture, production, processing and treatment of canned meat products intended for human consumption. 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
4.2.7 Storage facilities for packing and packaging materials
Containers, closures, cartons, and labels for the packing and packaging of the product shall be stored in clean, dustproof, vermin-proof, dry storerooms reserved for the purpose. Precautions shall be exercised that containers and closures are not exposed to environmental elements or excessive steam or moisture during storage. Packing and packaging materials shall be stored at a height of at least 250 mm above floor level and away from the walls. All parts that come into contact with the product shall be easily accessible for cleaning and disinfecting. Where necessary, as in the case of equipment that cannot be cleaned in situ, it shall be possible for easy dismantling to expose the food contact surfaces for effective cleaning and disinfection.

4.5 Hygienic operating requirements
4.5.1 General An orderly, neat and hygienic image of the factory and its grounds shall be conveyed.
In relation to the handling, transportation, processing, packaging, and storage of the product, no
operation shall be performed, or conditions exist, that are detrimental to the product. Smoke from factory chimneys and smoke rooms shall not be allowed to enter the factory
building in a quantity or manner that is offensive, injurious or dangerous to health, or causes
contamination at any stage during the processing of the product. Vehicles that emit exhaust fumes shall not be used in any area where the unprotected product is exposed. Uncooked meat or meat products shall, in the course of handling, processing and storage, not be unnecessarily exposed to conditions that affect them adversely. Care shall be taken that there is no contact between raw materials and finished products,
uncleaned and unprepared vegetables shall not be prepared or stored in areas where unprotected meat is handled or stored. Raw food shall not be handled or stored in areas where the cooked product is handled or stored. Effective measures shall be taken to inhibit mould growth and to prevent dust, dirt, flaking paint and other loose or extraneous material being present in the processing or in the product storage areas, cold storage and refrigeration rooms, change-rooms and toilets. Processing areas shall be kept free from surplus water.
4.5.2 Cleaning and disinfeting Cleaning and disinfecting system
A permanent cleaning and disinfection system shall be established to ensure that the processing areas, equipment and material, including vessels used for transportation, are cleaned and disinfected appropriately and regularly. This program shall state precisely the methods for cleaning and disinfecting to be used, as well as methods for monitoring the cleaning schedule, the kind of detergents and disinfectants, instructions for cleaning and the results of cleaning (see 4.5.6).
The programme shall be regularly reviewed and regular examination of its effectiveness and cleaning methods should be done.
The cleaning schedule shall be designated to critical areas and equipment for special attention
The cleaning and disinfecting of the preparation, processing and packaging areas of the factory and of all auxiliary equipment and utensils shall be organised on a regularly scheduled basis and carried out by trained employees. A permanent member of the factory shall be designated to be responsible for the cleanliness of the plant. He shall have an understanding of the significance of contamination and the hazards involved. He should preferably be independent of production. All persons responsible for handling of the product shall be trained and informed continuously on the hygiene rules to be respected.
All employees shall be sensitised to their responsibilities for the quality and safety of the canned product produced. Cleaning materials
Only cleaning agents, sanitizers and disinfectants that have been officially approved for use in food
establishments shall be used. Detergents and disinfectants shall be suitable for the purpose intended, safe and effective under conditions of use. A combined detergent disinfectant may be used.
An adequate supply of cleaning materials, steam, hot and cold water, complying with 4.4.6, hose-piping, brushes and other requisites for proper cleaning shall be available. Brooms and brushes shall be made of impermeable material and shall have nylon bristles and shall be maintained in a clean and good condition. Bristles shall be conspicuously coloured to enable easy detection in case of detached bristles. When not in use, brooms and brushes shall be hung up with bristles facing downwards to aid drying. Brooms and brushes used on floors shall not be used on product contact surfaces. Wire wool or metal scouring wool shall not be used for cleaning surfaces that come in contact with the product. Steam used in direct contact with the product and product contact surfaces shall comply with 4.4.3. Cleaning equipment and utensils shall be identified. Cleaning equipment or utensils used in areas other than where food for human consumption are handled, such as the toilets and ablution facilities or by-product plants shall not be used in areas where food for human consumption is handled. Physical facilities
The building, premises, plant, equipment, utensils and all other physical facilities of the factory shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be maintained in an orderly, clean and hygienic condition. The plant shall be cleaned and/or disinfected and rinsed as frequently as necessary whenever
circumstances demand. Where necessary, provision shall be made for cleaning-in-place (CIP) of pipes and tanks used for the product. Couplings and other fittings of pipelines used for transporting packing medium, shall, when dismantled, not be left on floor surfaces but be kept in a disinfectant solution or stored dry under hygienic conditions (see 4.3.1).
The entire plant, equipment and utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned with a detergent or other cleaning agent and disinfected at each change of operations. lmmediately at the end of operations, the entire system shall be both cleaned and disinfected. Where equipment and utensils are used in a continuous production line basis, the product contact surfaces of such equipment or utensils shall be cleaned and disinfected on a predetermined schedule. Immediately before the commencement of operations, equipment shall be thoroughly rinsed with water (see 4.4.) to remove any dust and any disinfectant residues, and if necessary, a detergent and disinfectant shall be used.
Cleaning operations shall be conducted and adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the product or product contact surfaces from being contaminated during cleaning or disinfection of the processing areas and equipment. Cleaning operations shall be carried out while waste and organic materials are still wet, before these become dry.
All utensils and product contact surfaces of equipment shall be maintained in a sanitary condition
through cleaning as frequently as necessary to prevent contamination of the product. Non-product
contact surfaces of equipment used in the processing plant shall be cleaned as frequently as necessary to be kept free of accumulated dust, dirt, food particles and other debris. Ceilings (see 4.2.2)
Ceilings shall be regularly cleaned. Accumulation of dust above the ceiling shall not be allowed. Floors, drainage channels and foot-baths (see 4.2.4 and 4.2.10)
During periods of operation, the floors and the drainage channels in the preparation, processing and
packaging areas shall be kept clean and if necessary, by regular sweeping and flushing with water. The product shall be protected from being splashed with water. Refuse shall not be permitted to accumulate in drainage channels. Thorough cleaning of floors and drainage channels shall take place as often as is necessary and at the end of each day's operations in order to maintaimhygienic conditions. Foot-baths shall be drained and cleaned regularly and the disinfectant kept in active condition. Walls of preparation, packaging and processing areas (see 4.2.3)
The inside surfaces of walls of preparation, packaging and processing areas shall be thoroughly washed immediately after each day's operations and as often as necessary during the production periods. The rooms shall be kept as free from dust as possible. Preparation, processing and packaging systems
The product shall be prepared, packed and processed under strictly hygienic conditions.
The filling and closing equipment shall be cleaned regularly to prevent soiling and contamination of the product.
The preparation, processing and packaging systems shall be rinsed during each break in production that lasts for more than 1 h, or whenever it is deemed necessary, and effectively cleaned at the end of each shift and at the end of each day's operations. They shall be clean at the time of further use. Knives, saws and other loose items of equipment shall, during breaks in production, immediately after use, or at any time when disinfecting is necessary, be thoroughly cleaned and then disinfected by the use of either saturated steam, chlorinated water or other acceptable disinfectant solution or procedure (see 4.3.8).
Loose parts or pieces of equipment that come in contact with the product shall be cleaned and
disinfected immediately at the end of operations and shall be stored in a hygienic manner when not in use. When the factory is in operation, equipment and utensils shall not be removed from the work area except for repair, cleaning or replacement.
Any discharge system and conveyance system of the factory, including elevators and holding tanks,
shall be cleaned both before and after use. Installations for the treatment of water (see 4.3.13 and 4.4.1)
Factory installations for the treatment of water shall be thoroughly cleaned once a week by an
acceptable method.
43.3 Emergency repair
Maintenance or repairs shall be conducted without the risk of affecting the product adversely. Whenever maintenance or repairs have been carried out in production areas, tools and replaced equipment shall be immediately removed from these areas and the affected equipment thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Welding repairs or other repairs involving a high risk of contamination in the areas where (and when) the product is handled, prepared, processed or packaged, shall be performed as an emergency during breakdown only, and in such a way that the product is not exposed to welding fumes, splatter or slag particles.
4.5.4 Cleaning and disinfeting portable equipment (see 4.2.30)
If a separate room is not provided, the area to be used and the method of cleaning shall be of such a
nature that there will be no possibility of contamination of the product.
4.5.5 Containers, bins and crates for handling the product (see 4.3.8)
Containers holding food materials shall not be stacked one upon the other in such a manner that the
contents of one container can be contaminated by the bottom of another container. Containers shall not be stacked immediately on the floor or against the wall. Whenever containers are moved, they shall be effectively protected from contamination.
4.5.6 Efficacy of cleaning
Daily routine inspections and scheduled in depth inspections shall be conducted. Suitable records shall be kept of the findings. Corrective action procedures shall be stipulated.
The efficacy of the cleaning and disinfecting process specified in 4.5.2 shall be such that, in samples
taken in accordance with 11 .I 8, the percentage efficacy of cleaning and disinfecting in the sample,
determined in accordance with 11.18, is acceptable when scored by the system set out in 11.18.
4.5.9 Spare park (see4.2.21 and
Spare parts for machinery, and other items capable of contaminating the product, shall be stored away from the preparation, processing, packaging and product storage areas.
4.5.8 Removal of refuse (see 4.2.25 and 4.2.26)
A permanent and effective system of waste and refuse removal shall be established, implemented and maintained.
Litter, waste and overflow shall not be allowed to accumulate or to give rise to unhygienic conditions, and shall be disposed of promptly. Offal shall be removed from the processing area on a continuous basis or as often as necessary, in an efficient and sanitary manner. Containers with offal awaiting removal from the factory area shall be well separated from the processing areas. The refuse room or other acceptable refuse facility, equipment and utensils used for waste, offal and refuse removal, collecting or storage, shall be cleaned and disinfected daily. Refuse, offal or waste shall be handled and stored without a risk of contamination to the product, potable water, equipment, utensils or the environment. Hazardous substances shall be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
4.5.9 Vemin control
All buildings in which raw materials, ingredients and the product are stored, or in which the product is handled, prepared, processed or packaged, shall be kept free from insects, rodents, birds and other vermin. The factory and its premises shall be regularly inspected by trained personnel for the evidence of infestation by insects or rodents and for the presence of birds and wild or domestic animals (see 4.2.7 and 4.5.1 1). All rooms in which raw materials and ingredients are stored shall, in addition, be rodent proof. Potential breeding sites shall be eliminated.
An effective and continuous programme for pest control shall be established, implemented and maintained (see 4.5.1 0).
A site drawing and register of all bait stations shall be kept up to date and open baits shall not be present in processing areas or ingredient, product and empty container and lid stores.
8.4 Cleaning of empty containers
Containers shall be cleaned immediately before use. Containers shall be in an inverted position when the cleaning is by means of blowing out with compressed air. After having been cleaned, the containers shall be protected against risk of contamination.
9.1 Filling under hygienic conditions
The product shall be filled and processed under strictly hygienic conditions into containers that have been acceptably cleaned. 
Reference of the measure
Regulations 4.2.7 ;; 4.5.1 to 4.5.9; 8.4 and 9.1 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
1602 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Yes Canned meats products    
Canned meat products 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

All countries