Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B7: Product quality, safety or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
09 September 2004 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Notice R. 791 (Government Gazette 26531) of 9 July 2004 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Compulsory Specification For The Manufacture, Production, Processing and Treatment of Canned Meat Products 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
The rationale of the measure
This specification specifies requirements for the manufacture, production, processing and treatment of canned meat products intended for human consumption. 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
4.2 Factory construction, layout and conditions
4.2.1 Location, size, hygienic design, conditions and maintenance The factory shall be situated in an environment suitable for the canning of the product.
The location of the premises and the designed construction of the factory buildings shall be such that it can be kept acceptably free from objectionable odours, smoke, dust and other contamination in order to comply with the relevant requirements for hygiene and sanitation.
4.2.1 .2 The factory buildings and structures shall be of suitable size, construction design, and location to facilitate
a) maintenance and operation for their intended purpose,
b) large enough to prevent crowding of equipment and employees,
c) sufficient space for orderly arrangement of equipment and storage of raw materials and utensils used in any of the operations,
d) an orderly uninterrupted flow of production without any cross flows that could have an adverse effect on the quality of the product,
e) adequate cleaning and the maintenance of hygiene,
f) processing of raw materials without undue delay,
g) product quality and safety, and
h) functions such as quality management, quality control and process control. The factory shall have the necessary fittings, equipment, utensils, technical supervision, skilled labour and workers to carry out the production in progress at any time for which it is designed (see 4.3.1). The factory grounds shall be graded to ensure proper drainage, elimination of stagnant water
and shall not be subject to flooding. There shall be no inadequately drained areas that might contribute to contamination of the product through seepage of food-borne filth and by providing breeding places for insects or micro-organisms. The factory and grounds shall be of sound construction and well maintained in a clean and
hygienic state and shall be effectively fenced to keep out large animals (see 4.5.9 and 4.5.1 1). There shall be no accumulation of unused equipment, litter, waste, refuse, and uncut weeds or grass within the immediate vicinity of the product processing plant buildings or structures that might constitute an attraction, breeding place or harbourage for rodents, insects or other pests. A system of control without risking contamination of the product shall be maintained to keep the factory free from birds, rodents, insects and other vermin (see 4.5.9). Outdoor working areas and roads and pathways on the premises shall have a permanent
surface of concrete, brick, bitumen or other durable material suitable for wheeled traffic. Areas outside buildings and not in actual use shall be covered by lawn or any other suitable surface that is not liable to produce dust or any toxic substances. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that contamination is not brought into the processing areas by foot or by vehicles such as fork trucks. A schedule and routine inspection system of the condition and maintenance of the factory
construction and facilities shall be implemented and maintained. Procedures for corrective actions in the event of non-compliance shall be instituted. Findings of such inspections and correction of nonconformance or the time limit to correct such non-conformance shall be documented and kept
(see also 4.2.1 7).
4.2.2 Roofs and ceilings
4.2.2.q The roofs, valleys and gutters shall be weatherproof and well maintained to prevent
contamination of the product, ingredients and empty containers, and to keep the walls, floor and other structures from becoming damp. Roofs, valleys and gutters shall be kept clear of debris including insects, dead birds and rodents and their droppings. The roofs and ceilings shall be at least 300 mm above any overhead equipment and in no case, less than 3 m from the floor. Ceilings, and roofs where no ceilings are fitted, shall be faced with a smooth material that is impermeable to water, light in colour and capable of being easily cleaned without damage, and so designed, constructed, installed and finished as to be dust-proof and minimize condensation, mould development, flaking paint and the lodgement and accumulation of dirt (see Effective measures shall be taken to avoid contamination and to prevent loose or detachable material and drips from falling on the product from overhead structures in processing and storage rooms. They should be insulated where appropriate. Areas where the sauce is prepared, cooked product is handled or ingredients are stored, must be provided with overhead ceilings. A ceiling is not required where a canopy covers the entire open product.
In areas where the open product is handled, all overhead structures and fittings shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid direct or indirect contamination of the product by condensation, drip or other falling matter and shall not hamper cleaning operations.
4.2.3 Walls and doors Outer walls shall be weatherproof and impermeable to water. Interior wall surfaces shall be faced with a smooth surface, without crevices, (unplastered brick surface is unacceptable), hard, light coloured, material that is impermeable to water, to a height of not less than 2 m above the floor. In addition, the walls in the preparation, processing and packing areas shall be faced with a suitable
corrosion-resistant, light-coloured washable and impact-resistant non-toxic material that is impermeable to water, to a height of at least 2 m above the floor, except that when soiling of the walls might occur above this height this facing shall be continued to a higher level appropriate to the operation (see All ledges occurring in wall construction shall be sloped at an angle of at least 45°. The walls shall be free from unnecessary projections and ledges. Openings for conveyors, services, vents, etc. shall be smooth and shall be sealed. Fixtures, signboards, switch boxes, etc. shall be avoided on internal wall surfaces in the
processing areas and where necessarily present, shall be adequately sealed to prevent harbourage of pests and accumulation of dirt. Windowsills shall be sloped to the inside at an angle of at least 45° and shall be at least 1 m
above floor level. Windows and other openings shall be so constructed as to avoid accumulation of did. Windows shall be tight fitting into their frames (see 4.2.8). Joints on panelled walls and junctions of the panels and floor surface shall be adequately sealed. Where appropriate the walls shall be protected from damage by moving equipment and fork trucks such as galvanized guardrails. Wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor junctions in production areas shall be closed and coved. The
minimum radius of the coving shall be 25 mm and 40 mm respectively. Junctions between walls and
ceilings shall be closed and coved. Wall surfaces shall be easy to clean and disinfect. Doors, through which products are moved between processing areas shall be of adequate width. Doors and door-frames shall be made from corrosion-resistant material that has high impact resistance. Doors and door-frames shall have a smooth, seamless, light-coloured, readily cleanable surface that is impermeable to water. Doors that open direct from the outside into the preparation, processing and packaging areas shall be tight fitting unless provided with effective air-curtains, and shall, as far as is practicable, be of a self-closing type. Direct entrance(s) from the outside that is (are) used by the employees shall be provided with an entrance hall. External doors shall be constructed as to prevent the entry of rainwater into the factory building. Plastic curtains, if not properly maintained and clean, can be a serious source of contamination. Where used, plastic curtains shall not be located after the use of hand washing facilities upon entering the processing area.
4.2.4. Floors and drainage in processing and food handling areas Floors shall be constructed of concrete or other suitable material that is impermeable to water, non-toxic, resistant to wear and corrosion, easy to clean and maintain and laid to an even surface that is smooth but not slippery, free from cracks, crevices and open joints (see Floor surfaces shall be resistant to attack by product spillages, cleaning agents and cleaning solutions of normal dilution. In the case of floor tiles, the grouting between the tiles must be of a nonabsorbent and durable material that is resistant to erosion and corrosion. Floors and drainage channels shall be graded to have a fall of at least 1 in 60 and be drained to internal drainage channels connected to accessible gullies, sumps and external sewers. Outlets shall have a suitable drain trap immediately outside the factory. Floors and drainage channels shall be in good condition and repair, and have strainers in place. Internal drainage channels shall be of the open type with, where necessary, removable covers. Installations obstructing flow and cleaning shall not be present in drainage channels. The
capacity of drainage channels shall be sufficient to cope with the maximum flow of liquid during peak
demand without overflowing and causing flooding. Where necessary, duckboards of easily cleaned material that is impermeable to water shall be provided for workers.
4.2.5 Lift cages and staircases Lift cages shall have a smooth, corrosion-resistant inside surface that is impermeable to water, and lift shafts shall be properly drained and shall be accessible for cleaning. Staircases in rooms where food is processed or handled shall have solid risers, and shall be
provided with closed balustrades that have a height of at least 1,3 m as to prevent contamination of
products underneath the stairs. Stairs, lift cages and auxiliary structures such as platforms, ladders, chutes, catwalks shall be so situated and constructed as not to cause contamination of the products. Walkways, catwalks, bridges and mezzanine floors over the open product, product contact
surfaces, empty containers, conveyors for empty containers or the open product or handwash facilities shall be completely sealed underneath and shall have side walls. Chutes shall be constructed where appropriate with inspection and cleaning hatches. Equipment or lifts for conveying the product shall be mechanically operated.
4.2.6 Cables and pipes Cables and pipes shall be
a) fixed above ceilings, or
b) chased into walls, or
C) carried under floors, or
d) fixed away from walls or ceilings and above the floor, and spaced in such a manner that the ceilings, walls, floor, cables and pipes can be easily cleaned and maintained in a hygienic condition. Overhead cable and pipework and girders and other structures shall be kept to a minimum to
aid cleaning and if present shall be free from dust, rust, mould, flaking paint, cobwebs and other
extraneous material. Cladding around steam pipes shall be suitable for use in a food factory and shall not be ragged and shall be covered with a suitable metal sheet. Pipes in which the product is conveyed, shall have no dead ends or sharp corners.
4.2.7 illumination General illumination shall be such as to permit efficient operations during manufacture of the
product. An illuminance of at least 220 lux for general operations in the manufacture, production,
processing or treatment of the product, and at least 540 lux at points where close examination of the
product is carried out shall be provided, situated in such a way to cause the minimum stress to the
workers who carry out these examinations. The area where container seam examination other than seam projections are performed shall have close-up illuminance of at least 540 lux with minimum reflections. In other areas the illuminance shall be at least 110 lux. Artificial illumination, if used, shall be such that the colours of products are not significantly
altered. Luminaires suspended over the product at any stage of preparation, packaging and processing areas or where the open product ingredients or empty cans are handled, shall be of the safety type or otherwise protected to prevent contamination of the product in case of breakage of luminaire or lamp. Suspended fixtures shall be so constructed and so situated to facilitate easy cleaning and
maintenance. The ventilation shall keep the air fresh, prevent the build-up of excessive heat, remove excess steam, vapour and shall prevent the formation of condensate and growth of mould. Natural ventilation shall be augmented, if necessary, by mechanical means. Airflow shall be from the more hygienic to the less hygienic areas of the factory. Windows that open for ventilation purposes or ventilation openings shall be insect screened and made out of corrosion-resistant material and kept in good repair (see 4.2.3). The screens shall be easily removable for cleaning and shall be regularly cleaned. Fork truck or other vehicles emitting exhaust gasses shall not be operated in the preparation
and processing areas. The air shall be free from noxious fumes, smoke, vapour, dust, chemicals and
contaminating aerosols. Air intake points for ventilation shall be fitted with dust filters and shall be located so as to avoid the intake of air contaminated by micro-organisms and other contaminants.
4.2.9 Hand washing facilities The following shall be provided at the entrances to the preparation and processing areas of the factory that are used by the employees, and at other strategic and conveniently situated places in the preparation and processing areas or where their absence would present a food safety risk and within easy reach of the employees and at the toilets in such a position that the employee must pass them when returning to the processing area:
a) an adequate number of wash-hand basins, with an abundant supply of hot and cold running potable water complying with 4.4.1 and from taps operated by means other than hands or elbows, or warm water in the temperature range of 40 ° C to 50 °C under adequate pressure;
b) abundant unscented liquid soap or suitable hand cleaning preparation, nail brushes and single-use disposable towels;
c) receptacles shall be provided for used disposable towels at each hand-washing facility. These
receptacles shall be regularly emptied; and
d) notices shall be conspicuously posted requiring employees or where applicable, visitors, to wash their hands with soap or detergent; (see 4.6.6)
1) after using the toilet,
2) when entering the preparation, processing areas or product handling areas,
3) when their hands become dirty or whenever necessary before handling the product. Hand-washing facilities at the entrance to the processing and food handling areas shall be
under protection against environmental contamination inside the building and shall be preferably located in a lobby or entrance hall. They shall be placed in such a position that employees are forced to pass them upon entering and if necessary to be guided by a rail. The hand-washing facilities at the entrances to the processing areas and inside the processing area shall be located in a position where employee practices can be supervised (see 4.6.6). Access to hand-washing facilities shall, at all times, be unobstructed by equipment and
operating activities. Hand-washing basins shall be of a suitable corrosion-resistant impermeable
material, they shall have a smooth finish, be easy to clean and shall drain direct into drainage channels. Hand-washing facilities shall not be used for other purposes than the washing of hands. Disinfectant hand dips, where provided shall be of such design that they can be adequately
cleaned. Hand dips shall not be allowed to become a source of contamination. Disinfectant solutions
shall be monitored and replaced regularly.
4.2.10 Foot-baths and boot-wash basins Unless their absence in particular circumstances is acceptable, or unless alternative
acceptable cleaning and disinfecting facilities are provided, footbaths or boot-wash basins that contain a suitable active disinfectant solution shall be provided at each entrance to the preparation, processing and packaging areas that is used by employees and be so located that employees cannot obtain access to those areas without disinfecting their footwear. There shall be adequate provision for the drainage and cleaning of footbaths. Footbaths or boot-wash basins shall be positioned before the hand-washing facility upon
entering the processing area and shall be located inside the factory, protected against environmental
contamination. Boot-wash basins shall be provided with suitable brushes consisting out of non-absorbent
material of hygienic design, water sprays under suitable pressure and boot scrubbing powder and a
disinfectant dip.
4.2.11 Production areas
Product handling areas shall not be used during production for any other purposes than that for which they have been designed. The production areas shall be designed, constructed, staffed and the equipment shall be arranged in a manner to permit
a) control of access,
b) proper supervision,
c) adequate working space to allow free movement of workers for the satisfactory performance of all
d) functions such as quality and process control from arrival of raw materials, ingredients and packaging materials, the handling, processing to the finished product,
e) easy and adequate cleaning and proper maintenance of hygiene and hygienic operations and
facilitate free movement and cleaning of movable equipment,
f) physical separation of the preparation and processing areas from any storage, designated cleaning, workshop, and comfort areas,
g) rapid and efficient handling and processing without mechanical or other damage of the product,
h) an orderly undelayed flow of production,
i) prevention of crossflows of operations that might have an adverse effect or reduction in the quality of the product or separation between those operations that might cause cross contamination,
j) where necessary, temperature control areas,
k) effective separation of those operations or areas with potential adverse effects on the product such as the separation of areas where the uncleaned ingredients are handled from areas where cleaned ingredients are handled, or where raw materials are being handled from areas where cooked food is being handled, or separation of low temperature control areas from heat control areas, and I) minimization of product contamination risk.
4.2.12 Chill rooms, freezers and freezer storage rooms Chill rooms, freezers and freezer storage facilities shall operate efficiently and shall be
hygienically maintained. Refrigeration and freezing units, such as compressors, shall not be installed in an area where the product is handled, with the exception of equipment that is an integral part of a production unit. Where freezers, chill rooms and freezer storage rooms are located in processing areas, their floors shall either be an integral part of the floor of the processing area or adequately sealed to that floor. Any storage units shall be installed high enough above the floor to permit easy and adequate cleaning of the area under them. The walls and floors shall be in good condition. The surfaces of ceilings, walls and floors shall be of suitable corrosion-resistant material, be impermeable to water and shall be smooth, free from cracks, crevices and flaking of surface material. The floors shall be drainable, and the floors of chill rooms shall be sloped to effect complete draining. Freezer storage rooms in factories other than factory ships shall be equipped with automatic
temperature recorders that have enough suitably placed sensing elements to monitor the overall air
temperature. The temperature in freezer storage rooms shall be automatically and continuously
monitored and a record of the temperature shall be kept and shall be available for inspection.
Temperature charts shall be so graduated that each division represents not more than 2 °C within the storage range, and shall be easily readable, to the nearest 1 °C, within the storage range. Batch freezers, other than plate freezers, shall be fitted with external gauges or other temperature indicators. The entrances to chill rooms, freezers and freezer storage rooms shall be protected from the inflow of warm air by the provision of an ante-room or a mechanical air curtain or self-closing shutters.
4.2.13 Thawing areas
Thawing devices shall have sufficient capacity to avoid delay, shall be designed and constructed for
ease of cleaning and disinfecting and shall allow adequate evacuation of water. The thawing of frozen meat shall be performed in a separated, well-drained and cool area where the air temperature can be maintained below 20 °C. The design of thawing shelves shall ensure adequate drainage. Dripping onto meat from shelves above shall be prevented.
4.2.14 Storage facilities for meat and red meat offal Edible red meat offal for human consumption (cleaned where applicable), if not stored
separately, shall be stored only in chill rooms or freezer storage rooms that are used for the storage of carcasses. No uncleaned edible offal shall be stored in any room that contains carcasses or cleaned edible offal. Inedible offal, unless scalded and cleaned, and boxed and frozen, shall not be stored in any
chill room or freezer storage room containing meat or edible offal. In storage, unprotected meat shall be kept separate from boxed or protected meat. Raw
materials other than meat and edible offal that require cold, storage or freezer storage shall only be
stored in the same room as meat and edible offal if held in a prepared and neatly packaged form in
hygienic containers. No carcass or edible offal, whether wrapped or not, shall rest immediately on the floor or against the walls.
4.2.15 Storage facilities for edible jngredients other than meat or edible offal Edible materials shall be stored in clean, tidy, dust free, insect, vermin and bird proof areas, away from the wall and floor surfaces and protected against any source of contamination and separated from the processing areas. Non-edible materials shall not be stored in the same rooms where edible or packing materials are stored. Edible raw materials requiring storage under cool, chilled or frozen conditions shall be stored
under such conditions. Edible materials supplied by the manufacturer in containers or in packages shall be stored in
closed containers or packages. Opened containers or packages with partly used ingredients shall be resealed or transferred to closed containers for further storage. Edible dry ingredients and other ingredients in containers or packages such as tomato paste
shall be stored under dry conditions.
4.2.16 Storage facilities for non- edible material
Stores capable of contaminating the product and spare parts for machinery (see 4.2.18, 4.2.19 and
4.2.20) shall be kept away from the processing area. Storage facilities for packing and packaging materials
Containers, closures, cartons, and labels for the packing and packaging of the product shall be stored in clean, dustproof, vermin-proof, dry storerooms reserved for the purpose. Precautions shall be exercised that containers and closures are not exposed to environmental elements or excessive steam or moisture during storage. Packing and packaging materials shall be stored at a height of at least 250 mm above floor level and away from the walls.
4.2.18 Storage facilities for poisonous and harmful materials Storage facilities for pesticides and other poisonous materials
Poisonous or other harmful materials, pesticides and equipment for their application, shall be stored in a well-ventilated room in which no foodstuff or food-handling equipment or packing material or containers are stored and shall be kept locked. These poisonous or harmful substances shall at all times be segregated from edible materials. All these materials shall be prominently and distinctly labelled with the warning about their toxicity and use, and shall be registered for the purpose of use. Their containers shall be kept closed during storage. Storage facilities for cleaning and disinfecting materials
Cleaning and disinfecting materials and equipment for their application, shall be stored in a lockable
room where no foodstuff or food-handling equipment or packaging materials or containers or lids are
stored and shall, at no time, come into contact with containers, raw materials or the product. All
materials shall be prominently and distinctly labelled.
4.2.19 Fuel storage area
Any storage area or tank, for the storing of fuels such as coal or hydrocarbons shall be located,
designed, protected, controlled and maintained in such a manner as not to present a risk of the product being polluted during the storage and manipulation of these fuels.
4.2.20 Storage of lubricants
Lubricants shall be stored away from the production areas in such a manner that they shall not be a
cause of contamination to the product.
4.2.211 Storage facilities for utensils and spare parts
Utensils and equipment parts that, when in use, come in contact with the product shall, when not in use, be kept in a disinfectant solution or be stored in a hygienic manner in an area that is dry, free from dust and any other source of contamination and is vermin proof. Suitable stands and/or shelves shall be provided for the storage of loose equipment and utensils. Spare parts for equipment and tools that can contaminate the product shall be kept in a separate storage area away from the processing areas and not stored with utensils and equipment parts that come in contact with the product when in use.
4.2.22 Storage facilities for end products
End products awaiting dispatch shall be stacked in well ventilated, acceptably dust-free, dry and clean rooms. The storage area for end products shall be physically separated from areas where steam is generated. The design and location of the storage area shall be such that the end product shall be protected against elements of the environment or any other condition that could adversely affect the product.
4.2.23 Smoke units
Smoke units shall be maintained in a hygienic condition and they shall not be fired from the inside of the processing area of the factory. In the case of prefabricated smoke kilns where the smoke generating equipment forms part of the kiln, the smoke generator shall not emit any smoke into the processing area, and the area adjacent to such a generator shall be partitioned off from the processing area to prevent contamination of the area with sawdust. Exposed sawdust shall not be transported through the processing areas. Sawdust shall be contained in bins with lids on. Doors of smoke rooms and kilns shall be tight fitting. The inner surfaces of smoke units shall be finished with a smooth lining such as stainless metal, to facilitate the cleaning of the walls with steam and water. Trolleys or trays used in smoke units shall be of hygienic design and shall be regularly cleaned.

4.2.23 Smoke units
Smoke units shall be maintained in a hygienic condition and they shall not be fired from the inside of the processing area of the factory. In the case of prefabricated smoke kilns where the smoke generating equipment forms part of the kiln, the smoke generator shall not emit any smoke into the processing area, and the area adjacent to such a generator shall be partitioned off from the processing area to prevent contamination of the area with sawdust. Exposed sawdust shall not be transported through the processing areas. Sawdust shall be contained in bins with lids on. Doors of smoke rooms and kilns shall be tight fitting. The inner surfaces of smoke units shall be finished with a smooth lining such as stainless metal, to facilitate the cleaning of the walls with steam and water. Trolleys or trays used in smoke units shall be of hygienic design and shall be regularly cleaned.
Any processing of by-products and non-meat products that are not intended for human consumption
shall be conducted in buildings that are physically separated from the factory in such a way that there is no possibility of contamination of the product. There shall be no direct access from a by-product plant to the preparation and processing areas of the cannery. Equipment and utensils used in by-product plants shall be identified and shall not be used in areas where food for human consumption is processed.
A separate room or other equal adequate and suitable refuse facility shall be provided on the premises and shall be cleaned daily. The design and construction shall be such as to prevent harbourage of pests and contamination of the product, the equipment or buildings used for the production of the product.
4.2.26 Effluent sewage and waste disposal Establishments shall have an efficient effluent sewage and waste disposal system that shall, at all times, be maintained in good order and repair. All effluent lines (including sewer systems) shall be large enough to carry peak loads and shall be so constructed as to avoid contamination of potable water supplies or the environment and not constitute a source of contamination to the product, product contact surfaces, ingredients or create an unsanitary condition or nuisance. Drainage and sewer pipes shall not be installed direct over the preparation, processing or packaging areas, or the product or product contact surfaces or empty container storage areas or in any manner that accidental leakages could contaminate the product. Sewer pipes shall have an inside diameter of at least 100 mm and shall be properly vented to the outside atmosphere. Effluent sewage and waste water lines shall be identified as such and the disposal shall be
made into a public sewerage system or in the absence thereof, into an adequate private sewerage
system in a manner which will not cause a health hazard. Offal and rubbish shall be so conveyed, disposed, or stored as to minimize the development of bad odours, prevent waste from becoming an attractant and harbourage or breeding place for vermin and prevent contamination of the product or product contact surfaces, ground surfaces or water supplies. Manholes shall be not present in preparation and processing areas Combustible waste, if incinerated, shall be burned in an incinerator of an approved design and located at an adequate distance from the factory to avoid contamination of air supplies. Effluent shall not be treated on the premises or close to the factory premises in such a position as to risk air
contamination. Hazardous substances shall be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
4.2.27 Comfort facilities An adequate number of suitable dining rooms, change-rooms, shower baths, hand-wash
basins whose taps operate as described in 4.2.9, toilets (separate for each sex) and, where appropriate, urinals, shall be provided. The design, layout, construction and location of the comfort facilities shall be such as not to create a health hazard. Each shower shall have a fresh (potable) hot and cold water supply and soap shall be supplied. Comfort facilities shall be separated and not open direct into a preparation, processing, packaging or storage area but be connected with these areas by means of a vestibule or lobby. The location of the change-rooms shall be such as to enable workers to dress with the required protective clothes (see 4.6.3) before entering the preparation and processing areas. Toilets shall be conveniently located and be provided at a suitable distance from the production areas and shall be completely separated from change-rooms. If toilets do not open in a vestibule or a lobby, they shall be fitted with close-fitting self-closing doors. Doors of toilets rooms shall not open direct into areas where the product could be exposed to airborne contamination. The comfort facilities shall be kept neat and clean and maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair and free from bad odours. The layout and equipment shall be such as to permit proper cleaning and maintenance and
prevent harbourage and breeding of pests. The toilets shall be so designed as to ensure hygienic
removal of waste matter. Exit from a vestibule or lobby to the processing, food handling or storage area shall be equipped with a footbath located inside the vestibule or lobby. Provision shall be made for proper drainage of the floor surfaces. Where comfort facilities by means of a vestibule or lobby are connected with the food handling or storage areas, the fall of the floor shall be such that no water from the floor surface of the comfort facilities can enter the food handling or storage areas. An adequate supply of toilet paper shall be provided at the toilets. Lockers shall be provided or alternatively an effective controlled basket system for the storage of personal clothes shall be used. Personal effects of workers shall not be allowed to accumulate in the lockers or baskets. The lockers or baskets shall be not used for the storage of food or items attracting vermin and shall be emptied at the end of each working shift. The lockers or baskets shall be maintained in a clean and good condition and repaired or shall be replaced when necessary. Lockers or facilities to be used for the storage of any personal effects may preferably be provided, and if provided these shall not be located inside the complex accommodating the comfort facilities. The comfort facilities shall be adequately ventilated and illuminated. Toilets shall be separately ventilated to external air in such a way as not to contaminate the air in the processing areas. Change-rooms and dressing rooms shall not be used as living quarters or for the preparation of food or as dining rooms. Staff dining rooms shall be separate from the change-rooms or dressing rooms. Separate comfort facilities shall be provided for "clean area" and "dirty area" workers. The comfort facilities shall not be used as storage areas.
42-28 Living quarters
Living quarters shall not be located on the same premises that accommodate the areas where the
product is prepared, processed, packaged or stored.
4.2.29 Facilities for washing and laundering of protective clothing
For the cleaning of waterproof protective clothing, plastic brushes on corrosion-resistant chains,
disinfecting soap or powder such as hypochlorite, and a spray nozzle shall be provided at the wash-hand basins (see 4.2.9). If cloth types of protective clothing other than waterproof protective clothing are to be washed at the factory, laundering facilities shall be supplied in an area away from the product handling area or stores for ingredients (see 4.6.3).
4.2.30 Facilities for cleaning and disinfecting portable equipment
Facilities with proper drainage shall be provided for the washing and disinfecting of portable or movable equipment such as trolleys and bins and utensils or food contact parts capable of being separated from stationary equipment. Such facilities shall be located in a separate room or in a designated area which should, where necessary, be partitioned off in the preparation, processing and packaging areas where there will be no possibility of contaminating the product or product contact surfaces. Suitable drying stands or shelves shall be provided to keep equipment and utensils off the floor. An ample supply of cold potable water, and hot water if required, or saturated steam, or clean seawater, at adequate pressure, that complies with the requirements of 4.4.1 shall be provided. High pressure or high frequency oscillating water or detergent equipment shall be available where possible. The floor of the room or area shall be smooth-surfaced and graded, to facilitate proper disposal of waste liquids from the cleaning process. The drainage shall be in a direction away from the food handling areas.

4.3 Equipment
4.3.1 General Layout Processing areas shall be so designed, equipped and staffed as to allow free movement of
employees to facilitate cleaning and maintenance of hygiene and product quality. Equipment such as tables shall be installed or placed away from the walls. Aisles and working spaces between equipment and between equipment and walls shall be unobstructed and of sufficient width to permit employees to perform their duties without contamination of the product or food contact surfaces with clothing or personal contact.
The position of stationary equipment shall not impede drainage of water towards the drainage canals.
4.3.1 .2 Installation Equipment shall be so constructed and installed as to prevent hygienic hazards and to
minimise the build-up of contamination with organic material and dirt, and to facilitate its cleaning and disinfecting, and adjacent areas and those areas beneath it. All permanently mounted or readily movable equipment shall be installed away from the walls or ceiling and be either installed high enough above the floor at distances sufficient to provide access for cleaning and inspection, or completely sealed to the floor. Equipment shall preferably not be sunk into the floor but, if this is unavoidable, the equipment shall be installed in an acceptable manner. Sunken areas shall be well drained.
4.3.1 .3 Design
4.3.1 .3.1 Equipment, implements and utensils shall be designed and of a workmanship that is suitable for their intended use and shall facilitate rapid and efficient handling of the product. The design, construction, installation and use of equipment and where applicable, utensils,
shall be such as to prevent hygienic hazards and shall preclude contamination of the product with
lubricants, fuel, metal fragments, soiling, contaminated water or any other contaminants. All equipment used in the production of the product shall be in a well-maintained and sound
condition, durable and easy to maintain, inspect or monitor, movable or easy to dismantle or able to be disassembled or to be opened for cleaning. They shall be of hygienic design with no open joints or pits or crevices or dirt traps. All parts that come into contact with the product shall be easily accessible for cleaning and
disinfecting. Where necessary, as in the case of equipment that cannot be cleaned in situ, it shall be
possible for easy dismantling to expose the food contact surfaces for effective cleaning and disinfection. Surfaces with which the product comes into contact shall not be painted and shall be
constructed to reduce projections, sharp corners or other features that could cause damage to the
product. Bearings in equipment or revolving of equipment within reach of the product contact surfaces shall be of a sealed type and shall not cause any soiling of the product through seepages.
4.3.1 .4 Construction All plant, equipment, implements and utensils or surfaces that come into contact with the
product shall be smooth and of a suitable corrosion-resistant, non-absorbent material which does not
transmit toxic substances, odour, taste or staining or cause colour changes and soiling of the product and shall be inert to the product, detergents and disinfectants under normal operating conditions. The equipment, implements and utensils may have an acceptable plastics-coated surface
capable of withstanding repeated cleaning and disinfection or shall preferably be made of stainless steel suitable for use with food. Dissimilar metal material shall not be used where electrolytic corrosion can occur. Wooden equipment or utensils are unacceptable. Copper, lead and their alloys other than solder, and other metals or materials detrimental to
health, shall not be used in the construction of equipment that comes into contact with the raw materials or with the unprotected product at any stage of its processing. The use of solder in equipment shall be minimized. Equipment and utensils shall not be removed from the processing areas except for repairs. Equipment and utensils used for inedible materials or waste shall be identified as such and
shall not be used for edible products. Equipment and utensils used in areas outside the food for human consumption areas such as the toilets and ablution facilities shall not be used in food for human consumption handling areas. Such equipment and utensils shall be identified as such.

4.3.2 Equipment for the packing medium Pipes, valves, joints, pumps, homogenizers, cyclones or any equipment coming into contact with the packing medium shall be of a hygienic design with no dead ends, sharp bends or uneven joints. Pipelines shall be easily dismantled for cleaning. Branches occurring in pipelines shall be fitted with suitable stopcocks in such position as to
avoid dead ends and the development of a stagnant packing medium. Any bend occurring in the
pipeline, shall permit dismantling at both sides of the bend. Mixing equipment, stirrers mesh screens and storage tanks shall be of stainless steel. Storage tanks must be provided with suitable covers.
Water used in the mixing tanks shall only be supplied by means of a permanently fixed water pipe.
Water hoses shall not be used to supply water as an ingredient in the product.
4.3.3 Tables Wooden tables shall not be used in preparation, processing and packaging areas.
Tables shall be of a design and construction that will not allow the development of unhygienic conditions and microbial build-up. Frames shall be made of suitable smooth, corrosion-resistant metal or steel with no openings in the construction. The tops of preparation and packaging tables shall be of a suitable impermeable, smooth,
seamless, corrosion-resistant metal (preferably stainless steel) or other material with similar surface
characteristics. The tops shall either be removable for cleaning, or so secured to their frames as to allow cleaning and disinfection. Tables shall, as far as possible, allow rapid and effective draining and shall be easy to clean and be free From cracks, crevices or openings in the framework. Where metal tops are folded at the edges, the fold shall be effectively soldered, welded or
sealed with an acceptable mastic sealant in such a way as to prevent organic matter and dirt from
entering the folded section. All joints shall be watertight.
4.3.4 Cutting boards
If cutting boards are used they shall be easily removable cutting boards or blocks of hygienic
construction, made of acceptable light-coloured solid and smooth material (other than wood or other
absorbent or porous material) and suitable for use with food. The shape and size shall be such as to
facilitate cleaning and disinfecting.
Knives, shovels, brooms and other utensils or implements shall not have handles of wood or other
absorbent or porous material. Utensils used for the topping-up of cans shall be made of stainless metal or of rigid plastics and of hygienic design.
4.3.6 Meat processing equipment Retorts shall have an adequate supply of energy, steam and where applicable, water or air.
Their capacities shall be sufficient for production flow to avoid undue delays. Steam, water and compressed air used in the operation of retorts shall not contain any
substances that might be hazardous to health or that might contaminate the product. Steam shall be
made from potable water. The steam quality for steam retorts shall be pure saturated and free from air. All heat-processing equipment, temperature control and measuring devices shall be maintained in good order. All temperature-indicating devices shall be installed in such a way and location and maintained to accurately measure the actual temperature within the retort. The installation shall be such to ensure a constant flow of the heating medium past the length of the probe or bulb of the temperature-indicating device. Retorts shall comply with the following:
a) An automatic steam controller, to maintain the processing temperature accurately(see Steam controllers may be combined with the temperature and time recording device (see to function as recording-controlling instruments.
b) The construction of the retort, the steam supply and steam distribution in the retort shall be such so as to ensure a rapid and even rise of temperature, provide uniform heat distribution throughout the retort and ensure an adequate heat process. The steam supply shall be sufficiently provided for the greatest number of retorts that might be brought to sterilization temperature simultaneously. The steam pressure and size of steam inlet shall be large enough and shall enter at points and be distributed to facilitate adequate flushing of air out of the retort and to provide steam for proper operation of the retort. Steam shall be evenly distributed by means of steam spreaders and shall flow unobstructively throughout the retort load without any air pockets remaining in the retort. Steam spreaders are perforated continuations of the steam inlet inside the retort. Horizontal retorts shall be equipped with steam spreaders extending the entire bottom length of the retort occupied by the retort trolleys. In retorts of at least 6 m in length, the steam shall enter the spreader near the centre of the retort. In retorts of length less than 6 m, the steam may enter either at the ends or at the centre. When the steam inlet enters the spreader at the end, the cross sectional area of the latter shall not be less than the inlet pipe, when the inlet enters at the centre, the cross sectional area of each arm of the spreader shall not be less than two-thirds of the inlet pipe. Retorts over 9 m length shall have two steam inlets connected to the spreader at approximately equal divisions of its length. In vertical retorts, bottom spreaders when present, shall be in the form of a cross pipe. Spreaders shall be perforated over its entire length along the top 90" of this pipe, that is, within 45° on either side of the top centre. The ends of the spreader shall be closed. The number and size of perforations in the steam spreader shall be such that the total cross sectional area of the perforations is equal to 12 to 2 times the cross sectional area of the smallest restriction in the steam inlet pipe.
c) If the controller is smaller than the steam inlet pipe, a steam by-pass around the controller is
necessary for a rapid, even rise during the coming-up time. At least one indicating mercury-in-glass (MIG) thermometer, easily readable to 0,5 °C. The divisions shall not exceed 10 "C for each 20 mm of graduated scale. The temperature range shall adequately encompass scheduled retort temperatures to be used. Bulbs of MIG thermometers shall be installed within the retort shell or in external wells attached to the retort body. Thermometers with separable wells or sleeves for the bulb shall not be used. Thermometers shall not be installed in the lid or door of a retort. Thermometers with a divided mercury column shall be replaced immediately for repair.
e) A recording thermometer device (thermograph) with time and temperature chart (thermogram) to provide a permanent record of thermal processing, installed in such a way that their proper operation is not affected by steam or vibration.
The correct time and temperature chart shall be used. The time and temperature charts shall have a
temperature scale of not less than 1,0 mm/°C and a time scale of not less than 20 mm/h over a
range of +/- 5 °C of the processing temperature. The recording accuracy shall be equal to or better
than +/- 5 °C at the sterilizing temperature. The temperature recorded shall never be higher than and not more than 0,5 °C lower than the MlG thermometer at sterilizing temperature. Means of preventing unauthorized changes in adjustment shall be provided.
The heat processes of not more than one retort shall be recorded on a particular time-temperature
chart. Where multi-point plotting chart-type devices are used, temperature recordings shall be printed at intervals not exceeding 30 s. Records of the retort process shall be kept and shall be available for control reference for at least the expected shelf life of the products.
f) A pressure gauge, with the diameter of the dial at least 100 mm, connected to the retort by means
of a gauge siphon or gooseneck.
g) Vents:
1) Location: Vents shall be located in that portion of the retort opposite to the steam inlet. Vents
shall be of a size and be designed, installed, arranged on the retort and operated in such a way
that air is rapidly flushed out of the retort during the coming-up time before the start of the
sterilization timing. Vents on horizontal retorts shall not be located more than 750 mm from the ends of the retort. The spacing of vents on horizontal retorts depends on the size of each vent, such as one 25 mm vent for every 1,s m of retort length or one 20 mm vent for every 1 m retort length.
2) Size: The total cross sectional area of the vents on horizontal retorts shall be at least one vent
size larger than the cross sectional area of the steam inlet.
Where vents from a single horizontal still steam retort are connected with a manifold, the cross
sectional area of the manifold shall be larger than the total cross sectional area of the connecting
vents. Where a manifold header connecting vents or manifolds from several retorts, the cross
sectional area of the header-manifold shall be at least equal to the total cross sectional area of all
connecting manifold pipes or vents from the maximum number of retorts to be vented
simultaneously. If the manifold header is of excessive length, it shall be at least one manifold pipe
size larger. Vents or where applicable the manifold, shall be controlled with a suitable gate or plug-type valve(s) with at least the same opening of the vent or manifold in which they are installed.
The manifold header connecting manifolds from several retorts shall not be equipped with a
3) Discharge: Vents and manifolds shall be of a size and layout to allow unobstructive discharge of
the retort without any condition which could retard the discharge or without the production of back
pressure. Vents, manifolds or manifold headers on horizontal retorts shall discharge direct into the
atmosphere. They shall not be connected direct to a drainage system or discharged under water.
Vents on vertical retorts which also serve as overflows, shall have a break in the pipe before their
connections to a drainage system.
4) Means of indicating the functioning of the vents shall be provided.
h) Bleeders:
Bleeders on retorts shall be installed in such a way and in such a position as to facilitate proper
removal of air and a flow of steam throughout the retort load after the vents have been closed.
The following are required:
1) a bleeder of at least 3 mm at each thermometer pocket or external well accommodating bulbs or
probes of temperature devices located to provide a full flow of steam past the entire length of
these bulbs or probes especially of the MIG thermometer;
2) a 6 mm bleeder on a vertical retort located in that portion of the retort opposite the steam inlet;
3) 6 mm bleeders along the top of horizontal retorts spaced not more than 2,5 m apart and one
approximately 300 mm of each end of the retort.
All bleeders shall discharge direct into the atmosphere and shall be arranged so that the retort
operator can observe that they are functioning properly.
Where vents or bleeders are installed in positions other than those indicated above, the
establishment shall provide evidence in form of heat distribution data or other scientific proof that
the arrangement accomplishes the purpose set above.
i) Water retorts:
Whether still, agitating, or rotating retorts, the bulbs, or probes of temperature-indicating devices and
controllers shall be located in such a position that they are beneath the surface of the water so that
steam does not strike them direct or that there is no opportunity for steam impingement on the
control bulb or probe. The temperature-indicating device bulb or probe shall extend direct into the
water without a separate well or sleeve.
There shall be a means of determining the water level in the retort during operation.
In retorts for processing products packed in glass jars, the incoming cooling water shall not impinge
direct on the jars in order to minimize glass breakage by thermal shock.
When a water recirculation system is used for heat distribution, the water shall be drawn from the
bottom of the retort through a suction manifold and discharged through a spreader that extends the
length/circumference of the top of the retort. The holes in the water spreader shall be uniformly
distributed. Suction outlets shall be protected with non-clogging screens to keep debris from entering
the recirculation system. The pump shall be equipped with a signal device to warn the operator when
it is not running, and with a bleeder to remove air when starting operations. Alternative methods for
recirculation of water in the retort may be used, provided there is documentation proof of
effectiveness in the form of heat distribution test data that shall be maintained on file at the factory.
j) Stacking equipment, divider plates and baffle plates:
Retort baskets, trolleys, crates or other devices for holding product containers and divider plates shall be fabricated to ensure that steam or water or whatever applicable, can freely circulate around the containers during the entire retort process, and in still steam retorts ensure adequate purging or
eliminating of air and adequate distribution of steam and prevention of air pockets.
In the case of still steam retorts, the retort baskets, trolleys or crates and in particular their bottoms,
shall not obstruct steam circulation. When perforated sheet metal is used, perforations shall be
approximately 25 mm holes on 50 mm centres or their equivalent in percent open area.
Divider plates, if used, shall have at least the same perforations (25 mm holes on 50 mm centres) or
their equivalent in percent open area as required for retort trolleys above. A divider plate shall not be
placed on bottoms of trolleys, etc. before container loading. Not more than one divider plate shall be
used to separate any two layers of product.
Baffle plates shall not be used in the bottom of vertical or horizontal still steam retorts due to their
tendency to direct steam flow around container lots rather than through container lots.
k) Agitating or rotary retorts:
The rotational speed of the retort or reel is critical if specified in the sterilization schedule. A recording tachometer or other acceptable device shall be used to provide a continuous record of the speed.
I) Safety valve:
There shall be an effective safety valve.
m) Process timing devices:
A large, easily read fixed wall clock in at least one minute divisions or an accurate timing device shall
be used for recording the retort process and to monitor the recording of the timing of the time and
temperature controlling device. The wall clock shall, in the case of a power failure, be independent of
the main electricity supply. The wall clock shall be located in such a position that it can be readily
observed by the retort operator while controlling the retort process. A wristwatch or pocket watch
shall not be used for retort timing. A clock not indicating seconds shall not be used unless the
specified operating process including the venting and sterilization schedules have an added one-minute or greater safety factor over the schedule process.
The wall clock and the timing controlling devices used to measure the retort process shall ensure that the specified venting time and the sterilization schedule time have been achieved.
n) Compressed air:
Any supplies of compressed air and/or water shall be capable of being shut-off adequately to prevent any leakage into the retort in order to prevent adverse effects on the retort process.
o) Positioning of operating controls and instrumentation:
All manually controlled devices necessary for retort operating shall be easily accessible and in a
position convenient for the operator. MlG thermometers and other temperature, pressure and timing
devices with adequate available light shall be located where they can be easily and accurately read to enable the retort operator to operate the retort from virtually one spot.
p) Retort identification:
Each retort shall be conspicuously identified with a number.
q) Calibration pocket:
A calibration pocket shall be installed in a position where steam freely circulates alongside the bulb of the MIG thermometer (see and the probe of the recording thermometer or thermograph
(see with a bleeder (see next to them. This arrangement should be preferable in an extension well on the retort body. The calibration pocket shall be approximately 125 mm in length and 13 mm in diameter and be kept nearly filled with a high boiling point oil such as cylinderhead oil. The opening of this pocket shall be fitted with a screw-in plug for the purpose, to be kept closed when not used.
4.3.7 Measuring instrumentation, devices and equipment The calibration of measuring instrumentation devices and equipment shall ultimately be
traceable to national specifications. The following shall at least be annually calibrated by an accredited body or institution and the calibration certificates shall be available to the authority administering this specification:
a) all thermometers and temperature controlling and recording devices on retorts and other processing equipment;
b) pressure gauges on retorts;
c) timing controlling devices on the thermal processing equipment and wall clock at retorts;
d) in case of a rotary or agitating retorts, the retort or reel speed timing device;
e) micrometers, callipers and other measuring devices used for container closure examination;
f) massmeters and any masses used; and
g) in general, all pieces of equipment that are used to confirm that the product is in compliance with
specifications shall be calibrated. The thermometers, temperature recording devices and pressure gauges shall, after calibration, be certified in situ on the retort, at sterilization temperature(s) used for processing(s). A calibrated specification MlG thermometer shall be inserted in the calibration pocket (see and then packed into the mouth of the pocket with thermal insulated material. After 10 min of sterilization the temperature readings of the MlG thermometer (see and recording thermometer (see shall be taken against the reading of the inserted thermometer in the calibration pocket. The reading of the pressure gauge shall be correlated against the above three readings of the thermometers.
These certifications shall be available to the authority administering this specification. All measuring equipment, devices or instruments shall carry a unique identification number
throughout their working lives. An acceptable system of identifying if the instrument is still in calibration shall be employed. Action on equipment found to be out of calibration shall be prescribed. A system of in-house monitoring and verification of accuracy against known accurate
specifications of the measuring pieces, equipment and instruments shall be employed on a routine basis or at any time that their accuracy is questioned between calibrations. In case of temperature measuring devices the routine verification of accuracy shall only be done against a calibrated and certified MIG thermometer. Records of each measuring instrument shall be kept covering the following details:
a) the type of instrument and measurement scale;
b) instrument identification;
c) location of instrument usage;
d) date of calibrations;
e) accuracy and results of calibration;
f) traceability of accuracy against calibrated specifications used;
g) method of calibration;
h) status of calibration; and
i) maintenance and repairs.
4.3.8 Containers, bins and trays
All containers that contain foodstuffs, other than those containing the finished product and sealed cans in retort baskets, shall at all times be kept on shelves or dunnage stands of corrosion-resistant material at a minimum height of 250 mm above the floor level. Containers shall be of hygienic design and lightcoloured or have a bright metal finish.
Containers used for inedible products and waste shall be leakproof and constructed of suitable water impermeable material that is easy to clean and shall be identifiable. The same type of containers used for the product shall not be used for collecting offal and waste. Containers, bins or trays shall be identified so that containers that are used for the unprepared product shall not be used for the unpacked processed product.
4.3.9 Conveyors, elevators, runways and flumes
Conveyors, elevators, runways and flumes for transferring the product shall be so designed to allow for effective cleaning and, when necessary, disinfection and to prevent damage to the product such as by sharp corners, projections, long drops, crushing or contamination of the product. Electrical motors and transmissions driving the conveyors shall not be installed above the open product or in such a position that the product is exposed to soiling. Conveyor systems and runways to transport empty containers shall be designed and constructed to prevent contamination and damaging of the containers.
4.3.10 Compressed air and gases
Compressed air and gases used in direct or indirect contact with food or with food contact surfaces shall not contain substances that could be hazardous to health or that could contaminate the food with particles of oil. Pipes of compressed air used to clean empty containers/cans shall be fitted with effective oil traps or filters just before the point where cans are blown out. The compressed air supply at the point of cleaning on a conveyor line for empty containers shall be fitted with a mechanism to activate the outlet of compressed air into the container when passing that point.
The point where empty containers are blown out with compressed air shall not be located in such a
position where the open product can be contaminated. Compressed air shall not be used for other
cleaning purposes in the preparation and processing areas due to the risk of spreading contaminants.
4.3.11 Seamers or sealing equipment
Every seamer or sealing equipment shall be clearly and indelibly numbered where a processing plant is equipped with more than one seamer or sealing equipment.
Every seamer or sealing equipment shall be equipped with a coding device to indelibly mark, emboss or project symbols, letters or numbers on containers.
Seamers or sealing equipment shall be equipped with an effective, automatically operated device for
counting the number of containers processed.
4.3.12 Maintenance and condition of production facilities, equipment and utensils
The equipment and utensils shall be maintained in an acceptable condition of maintenance.
A schedule and routine inspection system of the condition and maintenance of the production facilities, equipment and utensils shall be implemented and maintained. Procedures for corrective action in the event of non-compliance shall be instituted. Findings of such inspection and correction of nonconformance or the time limit to correct the non-conformance shall be documented and kept.
Procedures for the inspection, maintenance, repair, adjustment of apparatus and equipment, in
particular the sealing machines and retorts shall be established. Procedures shall specify, for each piece of equipment, the methods to be used, the person in charge of the application, and the frequency. Lubrication of machines shall be such to avoid risks of soiling the product. Only lubricants that have been officially approved for use in food establishments shall be used. Sealed bearings shall be used where possible, in places where the risk of lubrication seepage to the product could occur. Regular inspection for leaking oil seals for replacement shall be conducted.
4.3.13 Facilities for storage, treatment and distribution of water supplies
Facilities for storage, treatment and distribution of potable water and container cooling water shall be
adequately protected against contamination
6.2 Flavour, odour, colour, and appear 
Reference of the measure
Regulations 4.2 to 4.4; 6.2; 6.3 ; 6.4 ; 6.5; 6.6; 6.12.4; 6.12.5 ; 6.12.7; 6.13 ; 8.1 ;8.2; 9.2.4 and 9.4 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
1602 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood. Yes Canned meats products    
Canned meat products 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries