Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 2005 
Publication where the measure is specified
The East African Community Customs Management 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
24.(1)The master or agent of every aircraft or vessel, whether laden or
in ballast, shall, except where otherwise provided in any regulations,
m a k e ar e p o r t o n t h e p r e s c r i b e d f o r m t o a p r o p e r o f f i c e r a t a n y p o r t o r o t h e r p l a c e Especially allowed by the proper officer of the aircraft or vessel, and of its cargo and stores, and of any package for which there is no bill of lading, as follows-
(a) in the case of a vessel, not less than twenty four hours before arrival from a foreign port;
(b) in the case of an aircraft, immediately after take off from foreign port destined for a port in a Partner State.
(1A) Where a master or agent of an aircraft or vessel cannot make a
report within the time required under subsection (1) due to special or unavoidable circumstances, the master or agent shall make the report within such time as may be allowed by the proper officer.
(2) A report under subsection (1) shall show separately any goods which are in transit, any goods for transhipment, any goods which are to remain on board for other ports in the Partner States, and any goods for re-exportation on the same aircraft or vessel.
(3)In the case of a vessel of less than two hundred and fifty tons register, such report shall,except where otherwise allowed by the proper officer, be made before bulk is broken.
(4) The proper officer may permit the master or agent of an aircraft or vessel to amend the destination, ownership or status of goods specified in the report where a change in such destination, ownership or status is intended.
(5)The proper officer may permit the master or agent of an aircraft or vessel to amend an obvious error in the report, or to supply an omission, which in the opinion of the proper officer results from accident or inadvertence.
(6) Amaster or agent of any aircraft or vessel who—
(a) fails to make report in accordance with this section;
(b) makes a report of which any of the particulars contained in the report are false;
(c) except with the knowledge and consent of the proper officer,causes or permits bulk to be broken contrary to this section; or
(d) except with the knowledge and consent of the proper officer,at any time
after arrival causes or permits any goods to be staved, destroyed,or thrown over board,or any packages to be opened, shall, unless such contravention is explained to the satisfaction of the proper officer;commits an offence and any goods in respect of which an offence contrary to paragraphs (a),(b),(c) or (d),of this subsection has been committed shall beliable to forfeiture.
25.(1) The master or agent of every aircraft or vessel—
(a) shall answer fully and immediately all such questions relating to the aircraft or vessel,its cargo,stores, baggage,crew,and passengers,as may be put to him or her by the proper officer;
(b) shall produce all such books and documents in his or her custody or control relating to the aircraft or vessel, its cargo, stores, baggage, crew, and passengers,as the proper officer may require;
(c) shall, before any person, unless permitted to do so by the proper officer,disembarks,deliver to the officer who boards such aircraft or vessel on arrival at any port or place, a correct list in the prescribed form containing separately the names of the passengers disembarking and of those remaining on board such aircraft or vessel, and also, when required by such officer, the names of the master and of each officer and member of the crew;
(d) shall,when required, deliver to the proper officer at the time of making report the clearance, if any,of such aircraft or vessel from the port from which such aircraft or vessel has arrived.
(2) Amaster commits an offence. Or agent who contravenes this section
26.(1) Goods which have been unloaded and landed into a transit shed or a Customs area shall be deemed to be still in the importing aircraft or vessel until they are delivered from such transit shed or Customs
area; and so long as they remain in the transit shed or the Customs area the owners or agents of the aircraft or vessel shall continue to be responsible for the goods as if such goods had not been removed from such aircraft or vessel.
(2) Where the goods are handed over to an owner of atransit shed who Is not an agent of the importing aircraft or vessel the owner of the transit Shed shall be responsible and accountable for the goods.
(3)The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or the owner of a transit shed,as the case may be, shall be liable for pay ment of duty on the goods
If the goods are not subsequently delivered or otherwise accounted for to the satisfaction of the proper officer or for reshipment or destruction of Goods which are condemned while still in the dry port or inl and transit shed.
(4) The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or a transit shed owner referred to in subsection
(2) who fails to account for any of the goods for which he is responsible to the satisfaction of the proper officer,within such period as may be prescribed or such further period as the proper officer may allow, commits an offence.
(5) The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or t he owner of a transit shed shall be liable to pay for the reshipment or for the destruction of any condemned goods.
(6)The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or the owner of a transit shed as the case may be, who fails to meet the cost of reshipment or destruction of any condemned goods pursuant tosubsection
(5)commits an offence.
27.Where any goods reported for discharge at aport, or place specially allowed by the proper officer, are not duly unloaded and depositedin a transit shed or a Customs area,then the master or agent of the aircraft or vessel shall pay duty on the goods unless he or she explains, to the satisfaction of the proper officer, the failure to unload and deposit such goods.
28.(1) When any aircraft or vessel is lost or wrecked or is compelled to land or bring to, within the Partner States owing to accident,stress of weather or other unavoidable cause,the master or agent of such aircraft or vessel shall,with all reasonable speed,make report of such aircraft or vessel and of its cargo and stores to the nearest officer or officer. administrative
(2)Where any aircraft or vessel is found abandoned within the Partner States,then, unless the master or agent thereof satisfies the Commissioner that all the provisions of this Act in relation to such air craft or vessel and its cargo and stores have been complied with, such aircraft or vessel and its cargo and stores shall be liable to forfeiture.
(3) Amaster or agent who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence 
Reference of the measure
Part III section 24-28 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 1 All products No    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 01 January 2005  
All countries