Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B42: TBT regulations on transport and storage 
Date when the measure came into force
18 December 1970 
Publication where the measure is specified
Laws of Botswana Chapter 24:02 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Explosives Regulations 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
None specified 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
17. Removal to magazine on importation by land
(1) No person shall convey or allow any subordinate to convey explosives overland otherwise than in accordance with these Regulations except with the special permission in writing of an assistant inspector.
(2) Unless an assistant inspector otherwise directs, all explosives when first imported, in whatever manner, shall immediately after being unloaded be conveyed to magazines or direct to their proper destination in the charge of an authorized person.
(3) During conveyance overland explosives shall always be in the charge of an authorized person, and at resting places they shall be under the care of a watchman by day and night.
18. Care in loading, unloading and storing
While the loading on or unloading from any vehicle or the conveyance, handling, storing, guarding or using of explosives is being carried out, all persons so engaged shall take all due precautions for the prevention of accidents by fire, explosion or concussion and for preventing unauthorized or incompetent or unfit persons from having access to the explosives and shall abstain from any act which tends to cause fire, explosion or concussion and is not reasonably necessary in connection with such operations and shall use every reasonable endeavour to prevent any other person from committing such act and any other person who, after being warned
20. Prohibition of conveyance of explosives in certain vehicles
(1) No person shall convey or allow any subordinate to convey explosives in any vehicle which is at the same time being used for the conveyance of passengers or mails and, except with special permission in writing of an assistant inspector, no explosives shall be conveyed on the same vehicle with goods of a dangerous character such as gunpowder, inflammable material, acids, chemicals, compressed gases, fireworks, forage, fuse-lighters, matches or parts thereof, metal implements such as tools, plough-shares, iron standards and the like or any other articles or material having exposed iron or steel.
(2) The conveyance of explosives by aircraft is prohibited except with the written permission of the Director of Civil Aviation and subject to such conditions as he may impose.

29. Storage
No person shall store explosives on or below the surface of the ground otherwise than in accordance with these Regulations.
30. Magazine and boxes to be kept locked
(1) Every magazine and authorized storage box shall be kept securely locked except during the issuing or receipt of explosives and the keys shall be in the custody of an authorized person who shall be in charge of such magazine or authorized storage box and who shall also be responsible for the issue, receipt and storage of the explosives.
(2) No delivery of explosives shall be made from any magazine or authorized storage box to any person other than an authorized person or blasting licence holder or permit holder.
31. Storage in magazine
(1) Explosives shall be stored in magazines in regular layers not more than two metres high, unless special permission for any greater height has been obtained from an inspector, and in such manner as readily to admit of inspection and extraction of the explosives in rotation.
(2) Wooden runners shall be placed between the floor and the bottom layer of the cases of explosives; between cases of explosives and the inside of the walls a space of at least 300 mm shall be kept clear.
32. Care in storage box
Care should be taken to prevent concussion in the storage of explosives in any magazine or storage box and no iron or steel tools or inflammable material shall be allowed in any magazine or authorized storage box nor shall any inflammable material be near any such magazine or storage box.
33. Naked lights, matches or smoking, electric torch
(1) No person shall take a naked light into any magazine and no person shall smoke or carry or have about him any fire, matches, or any substance or article likely to cause fire or explosion while in or near any part of a magazine or authorized storage box.
(2) An efficient electric torch shall be kept in a convenient position near the door inside all underground magazines unless such magazines are provided with permanent electric light and all persons working underground are supplied with electric hand or cap lamps.
34. Electrical wiring in magazine
All electrical wiring in magazines shall be installed in a rigid conduit with screwed waterproof joints and such conduit shall be permanently earthed.
35. Electrical switches and fuses
(1) The switches and fuses for the lighting circuits of magazines shall be installed in a fireproof cabinet on the outside of the building.
(2) Such fuses for lighting shall not exceed 10 ampère capacity. 
Reference of the measure
Articles 17,20, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 & 35 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
3602.00 Prepared explosives, other than propellent powders. No    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
Entire world