Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A83: Certification requirement 
Date when the measure came into force
25 December 1998 
Publication where the measure is specified
GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 672 published on 25/12/98 THE STANDARDS ACT, 1975 (No. 3 of 1975) 
Regulation where the measure is specified
the Standards (Compulsory Batch Certification of Imports) Regulations, 1998 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
3.– (1) Any importer of products covered by compulsory Tanzania standards shall,at least one week before the arrival of their import shipment, apply to the Bureau for the Batch Certificate.
(2) An application made under sub-regulation (1) shall be made in the prescribed forms obtainable from the Bureau or the Tanzania Revenue Authority.
(3) The applicant shall in making an application under this regulation, submit to the Bureau the application forms in triplicates together with the documents listed below:
(a) Packing list;
(b) The Port entry;
(c) Invoice;
(d) Bill of lading or Airway bill;
(e) Clean report of findings from competent authority of the exporting country, if available; and
(f) Test certificate from the country of origin as issued by the National Standards Body thereof; or its recognized testing authority in that country establishing conformity of the import shipment to the requirements of the Tanzania Standards, or Bureau's recognized international or foreign standards.
(4) Where the products covered by the Compulsory Tanzania Standards include foods and food products, the test certificate under paragraph (f) of sub-regulation (3) shall indicate that the foods or food products are consumable in their country of origin
7. Where products imported into Tanzania are manufactured by foreign companies licensed to use the “tbs” Standards Mark by the Bureau, the manufacturer of such products shall not be required to apply for a Batch Certificate.
8. – (1) Where the imported commodity complies with the requirements of the applicable Tanzania Standard or the Bureau’s recognized international or foreign standard, the Bureau shall issue a Batch Certificate on a per shipment or consignment basis as may be revealed on the bill of lading or way bill.
(2) The Batch Certificate issued under sub-regulation (1) shall be duly signed and sealed by the Director of the Bureau or any other officer appointed by the Director.
9. – (1) No person shall in any manner unload for the Tanzania market any commodities or products not
conforming to the requirements of the Tanzania Standards or the commodity or product on which no Batch Certificate has been issued by the Bureau.
(2) Any product or commodity which does not conform to the requirement of the Tanzania Standard may be re-exported to their countries of origin or disposed of within the United Republic of Tanzania.
(3) The disposal of the commodities under sub-regulation (2) shall take cognizance of the environment.
(4) An importer or agent whose commodities or products are subject to re-exportation or disposal under sub-regulation (2) shall bear the costs for re- exportation or disposal of the products as the case may be
10. – (1) Where the importer has complied with customs requirements and if a hundred percent (100%) inspection and testing of the shipment is needed, and completion of tests will take more than twenty working days, due to the nature of testing specifications and procedure, the Bureau may issue conditional release certificate of an import shipment from the custom’s custody.
(2) No person shall, pending the issuance of the Batch Certificate, distribute, sell, use or transfer the shipment or consignment either in part or in whole to any person or any place other than the address specified in the conditional
release certificate. 
Reference of the measure
Part II para 3&7-9 part III para 10 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 7 Food products No 25 December 1998  
Food and Food Products 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 25 December 1998  
All countries