Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
F61: Custom inspection, processing and servicing fees 
Date when the measure came into force
09 February 2007 
Publication where the measure is specified
GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 37 published on 9/2/2007 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Seeds Regulations, 2007 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
C: Protection of life and health of plants 
Description of the measure
7.-(1) Any person who intends to release a variety shall be required to submit to the Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute an application for DUS test and NPT, on Form SR III A and SR IIIB respectively, as set out in the FifthS chedule to these Regulations.
(2) An application for DUS test shall be made one season prior to the application for NPT and shall be supported by the following:-
(a)sufficient seed sample for the first season DUS test;
(b)variety description;
(c)application fees and DUS testing fees as set out in the Sixth Schedule to these Regulations; and
(d) on farm trial and farmers assessment data.
(3) Upon receiving the application and materials, TOSCI shall conduct a DUS test,repot the results to the
applicant and issue the DUS test certificate for the qualified application on Form SR IV as set out in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.
(4) The application for NPT test shall be supported with the following:-
(a)a minimum of two recent previous seasons advanced yield trial data from not less than three recognized testing sites in Tanzania or any other country which is in agreement for harmonization of seeds policy and legislations with Tanzania,as set out in the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations;
(b)sufficient seed sample for conducting NPT and second DUS test;
(c) fees for the NPT and second DUS test; and
(d) any other additional information that may be required for determination of the merits of the candidate variety.
(5) TOSCI shall conduct NPT for a minimum of one season in at least three sites as set out in the Seventh Schedule to these Regulations, and shall conduct second DUS test and submit the report to NPT-TC for review.
(6) TOSCIshall develop procedures and conditions for conducting DUS test and NPT for perennial crops.
(7)Upon completion of review of the NPT report, NPT-TC Secretary shall report the results to thapplicant and present the NPT data and the recommendations of the NPT-TC to the NVRC on Form SR Vas set out in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations.
(8) The National Variety Release Committee shall review the recommendations of the NPT-TC and advise the National Seed Committee.
(9) In order for a candidate variety to be recommended for release to the National Seeds Committee, a breeder shall be required to submit to TOSCI an authentic sample of pre-basic seed for reference purpose.
(10) The amount of authentic sample referred to in sub-regulation (9) shall be:-
(a)four kilograms for cereals, pulses or any other big seed crops; or
(b)one hundred grams for small seed crops species
(11) TOSCI shall have discretion to determine the amount of authentic sample needed for plant species other than those referred under sub-regulation (10).
(12) A breeder shall be required to replenish the authentic sample as it may be required by TOSCI. 
Reference of the measure
Part III para 7 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 3 Seeds for sowing No 09 February 2007  

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 09 February 2007  
All countries