Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B31: Labelling requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
18 September 1977 
Publication where the measure is specified
Rhodesia Government Notice No. 182 of 1977 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Food and Food Standards (Citrus Juice and Citrus Drink) Regulations, 1977 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
These regulations shall apply to citrus juice and citrus drink which is sold or manufactured for sale in Zimbabwe,.but shall not apply to citrus juice and citrus drink intended for use by diabetics 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
4 (1) Subject to the provisions of this section , every package containing a citrus juice or citrus drink shall bear a label stating—
(a) the name of the contents of such package as may be required by sections five, six and seven;
(b) the name and business address of the manufacturer or seller by or on whose behalf the contents were packaged:
provided that this requirement shall not apply to carbonated citrus juice or citrus drink if the trade mark is clearly visible;
(c) where applicable, the nature of any preservative present, as may be required by the Preservatives Regulations;
(d) the packaging-number or the date on which the contents were packaged, or a code-number or mark which signifies such date:
provided that the requirements set out in this paragraph shall not apply to a package containing a carbonated citrus drink.
(2) A manufacturer of citrus juice or citrus drink who uses a code-number or mark to signify the date of packaging shall, upon request by an inspector, divulge the date signified by the code-number or mark.
(3) Unless otherwise provided for in these regulations, all the information required by these regulations to appear on a label shall be clearly and prominently displayed, and printed in type no smaller than 6 point, and in such colour or colours as to afford a distinct contrast with the background:
Provided that, where the size of the package concerned would render compliance with the provisions of this subsection impossible, the Secretary may authorize such particular to be printed in smaller type, or to be omitted.
(4) Words which qualify the name or trade name of the contents of the package concerned, or are an essential part of the description thereof, shall be printed on the label referred to in subsection (1) in letters of the same size and prominence as of the name or trade name of such contents.
(5) No person shall, without the approval, in writing, of the Secretary, use on any label the word "vitaminized", "vitamin-fortified", "vitamin-enriched" or "enriched", or any other word capable of being construed as indicating that fortifying ingredients have been added to or are present in the contents of the package bearing such label.
(6) Any citrus juice or citrus drink, whether concentrated or not shall, if it contains added sugar, be labelled "SWEETENED" in type no smaller than 10 point.
(7) The word "fresh" shall not appear on the label of any package containing any citrus juice or citrus drink, squash or crush, but it may be applied to juice sold within 2 hours of extraction.
(8) The word "real", "pure" or "natural", or any other word expressing a similar meaning, shall not appear on the label of any package containing a citrus juice or citrus drink, squash or crush which contains any synthetic flavouring substance or any added colouring ingredient.
(9) The word "juice" may be used to describe a product only if that product complies with the requirements of section five.
(10) No pictorial device suggestive of any citrus fruit, citrus juice, a citrus-tree or part thereof shall appear on a package containing a citrus juice or citrus drink, squash or crush unless the product contains not less than 50% of standardized citrus juice when in ready-to-drink form:
Provided that the provisions of this subsection. shall not, in so far as they relate to a pictorial device apply to the use of a trade mark registered in terms of the Trade Marks Act [Chapter 26:04], by a person who is the proprietor or registered user of such trade mark registered before the date of publication of these regulations.
(11) No wording, expression, design or illustration which constitutes a misrepresentation, or which can, directly or by implication, create a misleading impression of the contents or its properties, shall appear on a label or on the container or in any advertisement of any citrus juice, citrus juice powder, citrus juice concentrate, citrus squash, base or citrus drink.
(12) Where a seller sells citrus juice or citrus drink from a bulk stock kept by him—
(a) the bulk stock shall bear a label containing the particulars specified in subsection (1), and such other particulars as may be required by section five, six or seven, in type no smaller than 18 point; and
(b) the label referred to in paragraph (a) shall be displayed in a prominent position to as to be easily read by a purchaser of the citrus juice or citrus drink concerned; and
(c) the citrus juice or citrus drink shall be dispensed in the presence of the purchaser.
(13) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the Secretary may, by notice in writing, exempt, for a specified period of time, any manufacturer or seller of citrus juice or citrus drink from compliance with the provisions of this section. 
Reference of the measure
Art 4 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
2009.11.00 Frozen No    
2009.12.00 Not frozen, of a brix value not exceeding No    
2009.19.00 Other No    
2009.21.00 Of a brix value not exceeding 20 kg No    
2009.29.00 Other No    
2009.31.00 Of a brix value not exceeding 20 kg No    
2009.39.00 Other No    
Every package containing a citrus juice or citrus drink which is sold or manufactured for sale in Zimbabwe 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries