Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products 
Date when the measure came into force
31 March 2015 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Gazette No. 38600 of March 31, 2015 
Regulation where the measure is specified
National Environmental Management Threatened Or Protected Species Regulations 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
The rationale of the measure
None specified 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
General circumstances relating to the prohibition to import, export, re-export or introduce from the sea a
listed threatened or protected species
73. (1) A person may not import or introduce from the sea, a specimen of a listed threatened or protected
species, unless it is authorized-
(a) by a permit issued in accordance with these Regulations; and
(b) to the extent applicable, in terms of the CITES Regulations. 
Reference of the measure
Sub-Article 73(1) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
0102.90 - Other Yes Suni, Wildebeest, duiker, antelope, hartebeest,Tsessebe, Bontebok, Grysbok    
0106.19 -- Other Yes Aardvark, Pangolin, Serval, Fox, zebra, lion, rhinocerous, cheetah, hyena, elephant, leopard, blackfooted cat    
0106.20 - Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) Yes Gabon adder, tortoise, gecko, chamelion, crocodile, lizard, python, green mamba    
0106.49 -- Other Yes Beetles, spiders, burrowing scorpion    
0106.31 -- Birds of prey Yes Eagle, vulture    
0106.32 -- Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos) Yes Parrots    
0106.11 -- Primates Yes Samango monkey    
0301.19 -- Other Yes Barbus andrewi, Barbus serra, Labeo seeberi    
Ceratogyrus paulseni
Colophon bamardi
Colophon berrisfordi
Colophon endroedyi
Colophon kawaii
Colophon montisatris
Colophon oweni
Colophon thunbergi (Thunberg's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon westwoodi (Westwood's Cape Stag Beetle)
Opistophthalmus ater (Steinkopf Burrowing Scorpion)
Opistophthalmus fuscipes
Colophon cameroni (Cameron's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon eastmani (Eastman's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon haughtoni (Haughton's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon izardi (Izard's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon neli (Nel's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon primosi (Primos's Cape Stag Beetle)
Colophon whitei (Whites Cape Stag Beetle)
Idiothele mira (Blue-footed Baboon Spider)
Oonotus rex (Regal Small Stag Beetle)
Opistophthalmus chaperi (Chaper's Burrowing Scorpion)
Opistophthalmus intermedius (Cape Mountain Burrowing Scorpion)
Opistophthalmus latro (Strandveld Burrowing Scorpion)
Oonotus interioris
Barbus andrewi
Barbus serra
Labeo seeberi
Sandelia bainsii
Serranochromis meridianus
Labeobarbus capensis
sisueifepaqwpi sncpeqoaciel
Bitis albanica Albany Adder
Pachydactylus rangei Namib Web-footed Gecko
Psammobates geometricus Geometric Tortoise
Bitis inomata Plain Mountain Adder
Bitis atmata Southern Adder
Bradypodion melanocephalum Black-headed Dwarf Chameleon
Bradypodion thamnobates Natal Midlands Dwarf Chameleon
Crocodylus niloticus Nile Crocodile
Dendroaspis angusticeps Eastern Green Mamba
Homopus signatus Speckled tortoise
Pachydactylus goodi
Smaug giganteus Sungazer
Bills gabonica Gaboon Adder
Cordylus imkeae Rooiberg Girdled Lizard
Cordylus macropholis Large-scaled Lizard
Python natalensis Southern African Python
Bugeranus carunculatus
Falco faschiinucha
Gypaetus barbatus
Neophron percnopterus
Aegypius occipitalis
Aquila rapax
Aegypius tracheliotos
Balearica regulorum
Bucorvus leadbeateri
Gyps africanus
Gyps coprotheres Cape Vulture
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture
Neotis ludwigii Ludwig's Bustard
Poicephalus robustus Cape Parrot
Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle
Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur
Geronticus calvus
Neotis denhami
Anthropoides paradiseus
Gray-headed parrot
Diceros bicomis bicomis South Western Black Rhinoceros
Hippotragus equinus Southern Roan Antelope
African wild dog
Samango monkey
Diceros bicomis minor
Equus zebra hartmannae
Hippotragus niger niger
Manis temminckii Pangolin
Panthera leo Lion
Blue Duiker
Southern White Rhinoceros
Crocuta crocuta Spotted Hyaena
Felts nigripes Black-footed Cat
Hyaena brunnea Brown Hyaena
Leptailurus serval Serval
Loxodonta africana African Elephant
Neotragus moschatus Suni
Otycteropus afer Aardvark
Otocyon megalotis Bat-eared Fox
Panthera pardus Leopard
Vulpes chama Cape Fox
Connochaetes gnou Black Wildebeest
Damaliscus lunatus Tsessebe
Damaliscus pygargus pygargus Bontebok
Equus zebra zebra Cape Mountain Zebra
Alcelaphus buselaphus Red hartebeest
Connochaetes taurinus Blue Wildebeest
Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi Blesbok
Equus quagga burchelli Burchell zebra
Raphicerus melonotis Cape Grysbok
Raphicerus sharpei Sharpe's Grysbok 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
Entire world