Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B7: Product quality, safety or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
29 August 2015 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Gazette No. 37949, 29 August 2014 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Regulations Relating To The Quality, Packing And Marking Of Dried Fruit Intended For Sale In The Republic Of South Africa 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
Quality Standards
15. (1) Choice Grade deciduous fruit shall -
(a) have a bright colour, typical of the cultivar concerned;
(b) have a uniform colour when examining a single container with deciduous fruit; and
(c) have a good texture.
(2) Standard Grade deciduous fruit shall -
(a) have a reasonably bright colour and be typical of the cultivar concerned;
(b) have a reasonably uniform colour when examining a single container with deciduous fruit; and
(c) have a reasonably good texture.
(3) Moisture content:
(a) Preserved deciduous fruits shall contain not more than 27% moisture excluding prunes.
(b) Non-preserved deciduous fruits shall not contain more than 22 % moisture.
(c) Preserved prunes shall contain not more than 34 % moisture.
(d) Non-preserved prunes shall not contain more than 25 % moisture.
(4) The following quality factors are subject to the tolerances for each deciduous fruit and
(a) Colour.
(b) Unspecified foreign matter.
(c) Blemishes.
(d) Deviations in cut.
(e) Extraneous vegetable matter; and
(f) Sizing.
Apples Segments and Rings
Apple Segments
16. (1) Apple segments -
(a) shall be prepared from peeled apples with the same cultivar characteristics which are cored and cut lengthwise into four to seven approximately equal parts;
(b) used for Choice Grade segments shall not exceed 82 mm and not be smaller than 60 mm in diameter;
(c) shall consist of whole segments; and
(d) shall have a bright, uniform colour, typical of the cultivar concerned: Provided that Standard Grade segments shall be reasonably bright and reasonably uniform.
Apple Rings
17 (1) Apple rings -
(a) shall be prepared from peeled, cored apples of the same cultivar characteristics, cut into rings at right angles to the longitudinal axis;
(b) shall have a bright and uniform colour, typical of the cultivar concerned; and
(c) shall consist of whole rings: Provided that Standard Grade rings shall be reasonably bright and reasonably uniform; and shall be prepared from any cultivar.
(2) Tolerances: (apple segments & rings)
Quality factor Tolerances for defective fruit - number per 100 fruit units
Choice Grade Standard Grade Sub Standard (see Table on page 15 of Regulations)
Apricots - Bleached and Unbleached
18. (1) Choice Grade apricots:
(a) Fruit ingredient:
(i) Unpeeled apricots with the same cultivar characteristics, consisting of cleanly cut apricot halves or destoned whole apricots.
(ii) Shall have a bright and uniform colour.
(b) Shape:
(i) In the case of whole destoned apricots the two halves shall be attached to each other and retain the normal round appearance of the fruit.
(2) Standard Grade apricots:
(a) Fruit ingredient:
(i) Unpeeled apricots with the same cultivar characteristics, consisting of cleanly cut halves, but may contain thin and overripe halves.
(ii) Flats are prepared from unpeeled apricots with the same cultivar characteristics which may consist of halves which have dried flat and with irregular shapes because of over ripeness.
(iii) Apricots shall be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour.
(b) Shape:
(i) In the case of whole destoned apricots the two halves shall be attached to each other but may contain poorly formed apricots.
Size group:(see Table on page 16 of Regulations)
(4) Tolerances:(see Table on page 16 of Regulations)
Peach Slices
19. (1) Peach slices shall -
(a) have a bright and uniform colour typical of the cultivar concerned: Provided that Standard Grade peaches shall be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour;
(b) be prepared from peaches with the same cultivar characteristics; and
(c) consist of cleanly cut slices.
(2) Tolerances:(see Table on page 17 of Regulations)
Peach Halves
20. (1) Peach halves shall -
(a) be prepared from cleanly cut peach halves with the same cultivar characteristics; and
(b) have a bright and uniform colour: Provided that Standard Grade halves shall be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour.
(2) Size group:(see Table on page 17 of Regulations)
(a) Nectarines:
(b) Other peach halves:(see Table on page 17 of Regulations)
(3) Tolerances: (see Table on page 18 of Regulations)
Whole Peaches with Stone
21. (1) There shall be two grades for whole peaches with stone namely Standard Grade and SubStandard Grade.
(2) Whole peaches with stone shall -
(a) be prepared from peeled or unpeeled Clingstone peaches with stone, with the same cultivar characteristics; and
(b) be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour.
(3) Minimum size:
(a) Standard Grade whole peaches with stone shall not pass through a sieve of 25 mm mesh.
(3) Tolerances: (see Table on page 18 of Regulations)
Pear Halves
22. (1) Pear halves shall -
(a) be prepared from peeled or unpeeled cleanly cut pear halves with the same cultivar characteristics; and
(b) have a bright and uniform colour, typical of the cultivar concerned: Provided that Standard Grade halves shall be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour.
(2) Size group:
(a) Unpeeled pear halves:(see Table on page 19 of Regulations)
(b) Peeled pear halves:(see Table on page 19 of Regulations)
(3) Tolerances:(see Table on page 19 of Regulations)
Pear Segments - Unpeeled
23. (1) Unpeeled Pear Segments shall -
(a) be prepared from bleached pears with the same cultivar characteristics;
(b) have a bright and uniform colour, typical of the cultivar concerned: Provided Standard Grade segments shall be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour;
(c) be cored and cut lengthwise in approximately four or more equal parts; and
(d) consist of cleanly cut parts.
(2) Tolerances: (see Table on page 20 of Regulations)
Pear Halves with Core - Unpeeled, Bleached
24. (1) There shall be two grades of Pear halves with core namely Standard Grade and Sub Standard Grade.
(2) Pear halves with core shall -
(a) be prepared from unpeeled and bleached pears of the cultivar William's Bon Chretien (Barlett);
(b) consist of cleanly cut halves with core; and
(c) be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour.
(3) Tolerances:(see Table on page 21 of Regulations)
Plum Halves - Bleached
25. (1) Plum halves shall -
(a) be prepared from plums of the yellow flesh cultivars which consist of cleanly cut halves, but shall not be thin or overripe: Provided that Standard Grade and SubStandard Grade may contain thin and overripe fruit; and
(b) have a bright and uniform colour, typical of the cultivar concerned: Provided that Standard Grade segments shall be reasonably bright and have a reasonably uniform colour.
(2) Size group:(see Table on page 21 of Regulations)
(3) Tolerances:(see Table on page 21 of Regulations)
Prunes with Stone
26. (1) Prunes with stone shall -
(a) be prepared from whole prunes of suitable cultivars.
(2) Size group:
(a) Diameter(see Table on page 22 of Regulations)
(b) Count(see Table on page 22 of Regulations)
(3) Tolerances:(see Table on page 22 of Regulations)
Destoned Prunes
27. (1) Destoned prunes shall -
(a) be prepared from whole destoned prunes of suitable cultivars.
(2) Minimum count per 454 gram:
(a) Choice Grade, shall not exceed 80 prunes.
(b) Standard Grade, shall not exceed 100 prunes.
(3) Tolerances:(see Table on page 23 of Regulations) 
Reference of the measure
Regulation 15 -27 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
0813.10 - Apricots No    
0813.20 - Prunes No    
0813.30 - Apples No    
0813.40 - Other fruit Yes nectarines, peaches, pears, plums    
Dried deciduous fruits i.e apples, apricots, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums and prunes. 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries