Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A49: Hygienic requirements n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
08 August 2003 
Publication where the measure is specified
Published under Government Notice No. R.918 of 30 July 1999 As corrected by: Government Notice No. R. 723 of 12 July 2002 As amended by: Government Notice No. R.1125 of 8 August 2003 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
standards and requirements for protective clothing
9.(1)No person shall be allowed to handle food without wearing suitable protective clothing as specified in sub regulation (2).
(2)The protective clothing, including head covering and footwear, of any person handling food that is not packed so that the food cannot be contaminated shall
(a)be clean and neat when such person begins to handle the food;
(b) at all times during the handling of the food be in such a clean condition and of such design and material that it cannot contaminate the food;
(c) be so designed that the food cannot come into direct contact with any part of the body, excluding the hands.
Duties of a person in charge of food premises
10. A person in charge of food premises shall ensure that -
(a) effective measures are taken to eliminate flies, other insects, rodents or vermin on the food premises;
(b) any person working on the food premises is adequately trained in food hygiene by an inspector or any other suitable person:
(c) refuse is removed from the food premises or from any room or area in which food is handled as often as is necessary and whenever an inspector requires it to be done;
(d) refuse is stored or disposed of in such a manner that it does not create a nuisance; (e) refuse bins are -
(i) cleaned regularly; and
(ii) disinfected whenever necessary and whenever an inspector requires it to be done;
(f) waste water on the food premises is disposed of to the satisfaction of the local authority;
(g) the food premises and any land used in connection with the handling of food and all facilities, freight compartments of vehicles and containers are kept clean and free from any unnecessary materials, goods or items that do not form an integral part of the operation and that have a negative effect on the general hygiene of the food premises;
(h) no person handling non-prepacked food wears any jewellery or adornment that may come into contact with the food, unless it is suitably covered;
(i) no animal, subject to the provisions of any law, is kept or permitted in any room or area where food is handled, except that -
(i) a guide dog accompanying a blind person may be permitted in the sales or serving area of the food premises;
(ii) fish, molluscs or crustaceans may be kept alive until prepared for consumption;
(iii) a live animal may be killed in a separate room before the carcass is handled, subject to regulation i2(4);
(j) no condition, act or omission that may contaminate any food arises or is performed or permitted on the food premises;
(k) the provisions of these regulations are complied with;
(l) all persons under his or her control who handle food at all times meet the standards and requirements and execute the duties prescribed by regulations 9 and 11, respectively;
(m) a room or area in which food is handled shall not be used for -
(i) sleeping purposes;
(ii) washing, cleaning or ironing of clothing or similar laundry;
(iii) any other purpose or in any manner that may contaminate the food therein or thereon;
(n) no food handler touches ready-to-consume non-prepacked food with his or her bare hands, unless it is unavoidable for preparation purposes, in which case such food shall be handled in accordance with good manufacturing practice;
(o) the reporting of diseases and conditions contemplated in regulation
11(2)(b) are properly recorded and kept for perusal by an inspector. 
Reference of the measure
Section 9 &10 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 7 Food products No    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 08 August 2003  
All countries