Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A42: Hygienic practices during production related to sanitary and phytosanitary conditions 
Date when the measure came into force
17 September 2004 
Publication where the measure is specified
Regulation where the measure is specified
MEAT SAFETY ACT, 2000 (ACT No. 40 OF 2000) 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
B. Structural requirements
(1) Requirements for all abattoirs as well as export approved cutting plants and cold storage units
8. Premises must be of such design, construction and finish and must be so equipped, in such condition and so located that they can be used at all times for the purpose for which they were designed, equipped and appointed -
(a) without creating a health hazard; and
(b) in such a manner that meat -
(i) can be handled hygienically on these premises or with equipment on the premises; and
(ii) can be protected by the best available method against contamination or spoilage by poisons, offensive gasses, vapors, odors, smoke, soot deposits, dust, moisture, insects or other vectors or by other physical, chemical or biological contamination or pollution.
9.(1) All areas on the premises must be rendered dust and mud free.
(2) Provision must be made for storm water drainage.
(3) The abattoir must be equipped with an enclosed drainage system for the disposal of effluent and sewerage.
(4) Vehicle loading and offloading areas for dispatching and receiving of meat must be curbed, paved, drained and roofed.
Cross flow
10. The premises and buildings must be designed to ensure that -
(a) clean and dirty areas and functions are separated;
(b) no cross flow between clean and dirty areas and functions, occurs;
(c) inedible or condemned material can easily be removed on a continuous basis from areas where edible material is handled; and
(d) detained meat can be kept and examined without contaminating passed meat.
Requirements for interior of building and rooms
11. In the abattoir where meat and animal products are handled and in toilets, change rooms and dining facilities -
(a) all rooms must be of such sizes as not to compromise hygiene;
(b) floors and stairways must be -
(i) smooth, impervious, resistant to wear and corrosion and not slippery; and
(ii) free of cracks and open joints;
(c} floor drainage design and construction -
(i) must ensure that floors are sloped at a gradient of not Less than 1:60 towards drainage points or channels;
(ii) must ensure that channels drain from clean to dirty areas;
(iii) must be such that drainage channels are smooth, impervious, washable and provided with grates or covers; and
(iv) must provide all drain inlets with solid traps as well as mechanisms to prevent access of vermin and obnoxious odors into the abattoir;
(d) interior wall surfaces, partitions and pillars must be -
(i} smooth, impervious, washable and light colored;
(ii) rounded at floor to wall, as well as wall to wall, junctions with a minimum radius of 50 mm; and
(iii) rounded on top in case of walls and partitions which are not ceiling height;
(e) interior roof structures or ceilings, must be smooth, impervious, light colored and washable;
(f) doors and doorframes must be smooth, impervious, vermin proof, light colc1ured and corrosion resistant;
(g} personnel entrances must have self-closing doors and be provided with hand wash-basins, boot wash and apron wash facilities and apron hooks;
(h) hatches, where provided, must have an inclined bottom edge sloping towards the dirtier side, and self-closing flaps must be provided when applicable;
(i) chutes must -
(i) be smooth, light colored and corrosion resistant; (ii} open at least 300 mm above the floor;
(iii) be satiable along its entire length; and
(iv) be separate for meat, inedible material and condemned material, respectively;
(j) windows -
(i) must have light colored, corrosion resistant frames and must be glazed;
(ii) must be fitted with fly screens when used for ventilation;
(iii) must have window sills that slope at 45°; and
(iv) may not be opened if it interconnects clean and dirty areas;
(k) all working areas must -
(i) be well ventilated; and
(ii) have artificial or natural lighting at an intensity of at least - (aa) 540 Lux where meat is inspected; and
(bb) 220 Lux in work areas;
(I) all light fittings must be equipped with covers or splinter protectors;
(m) all electrical fittings must be waterproof; and
(n) all wall mounted equipment, structures and fittings must have a clearance of at least 50 mm from the wall.
Requirements for equipment
12. (1) Equipment -
(a) must be corrosion resistant and non-toxic and may not paint or stain meat;
(b) must have surfaces which are smooth, impervious and free of holes, cracks and sharp corners, and must be serializable; and
(c) may not contaminate meat with lubricants.
(2) containers used to hold meat must comply with sub regulation (1) and if the sides and bottoms are constructed with openings they must be designed so that meat cannot protrude through the openings or make contact with the floor.
Requirements for toilets and change rooms
13. (1) Toilets and urinals must be situated in a separate room with separate entrances from the change rooms.
(2) All toilets must be provided with toilet paper holders and toilet paper, hand wash-basins, soap dispensers with germicidal liquid soap and hand drying facilities.
(3) Change rooms and toilets may not have direct access into an area or room where meat is handled.
(4) Workers must be provided with clothing lockers in which to store private clothes separately from protective clothing, ensuring that private clothes and clean protective work clothes do not make contact.
(5) Workers must be provided with separate fly proof facilities in which to keep food.
14.(1)Sterilizers must be readily accessible and must-
(a) be placed on dressing platforms and within three meters of workstations, adjacent to hand wash-basins in rooms and areas where -
(i) animals are slaughtered;
(ii) carcasses, meat and offal are detained;
(iii) condemned material is handled; or
(iv) meat is otherwise handled;
(b) be corrosion resistant and capable of sterilizing hand utensils and equipment, such as cutters and saws, at a minimum water temperature of 82°C during slaughter; and
(c) have an inlet, overflow and outlet and must drain through a down pipe directly into a closed drainage system or into an open channel, but such drainage water may not flow over the floor across areas where traffic occurs.
(2) Any other method of sterilization must be approved by the provincial executive officer.
Hand wash-basins
15. Hand wash-basins must be readily accessible and be -
(a) placed on dressing platforms and within three meters of workstations in rooms and areas where -
(i) animals are slaughtered;
(ii) carcasses, meat and offal are detained; (iii) condemned material is handled; or
(iv} meat is otherwise handled; (b} corrosion resistant;
(c) provided with taps that are not hand or elbow operated;
(d) supplied with warm running water at not less than 40 °C;
(e) provided with an inlet, overflow and outlet and must drain through a down pipe directly into a closed drainage system or into an open channel, but such drainage water may not flow over the floor across areas where traffic occurs; and
(f) fitted with a dispenser for liquid germicidal soap as well as hand drying facilities, unless the drying of hands is not necessary in the area where the basin is situated.
Apron-on wash-cabinets
16. Apron-on wash-cabinets, required in low and high throughput abattoirs, must be installed near work stations and be constructed so as to contain splashing from personnel washing their aprons while wearing it and must drain directly into a drainage system.
Water supply
17. (1) Water must be under pressure, and must conform to at least Class II according to the SANS 241 standard for drinking water.
(2) Water points must be provided with -
(a) cold water;
(b) water at not less than 40°C and equipped with hose pipes for sanitizing au areas of the abattoir; and
(c) hose reels to store hoses away from the floor unless vertical (drop) hoses are provided.
Containers for inedible, condemned and refuse material
18. (1) Sufficient theft and leak proof containers with tight fitting lids, complying with regulation 14, must be provided to keep and transport condemned material and they must be clearly marked “CONDEMNED".
(2) Containers must be provided to collect and hold inedible material until disposal.
(3) Facilities to collect and hold blood prior to disposal must be provided.
(4) Refuse containers must be provided for the collection of general refuse at various points on the premises.
(5) Areas where waste or refuse containers are kept prior to removal must be impervious, curbed and drained and the containers must be enclosed or fitted with tight fitting lids.
(2) Additional requirements for low and high throughput red meat abattoirs Offloading ramps [See also regulation
19. Offloading ramps, movable or stationary -
(a) must be so constructed to avoid injury of animals during offloading and provide a stable area to facilitate the free movement of animals;
(b) may not have open spaces between the offloading ramp and the vehicle;
(c) must be at the same height of the vehicle for which it is used.
(d) must have guide rails;
(e) must have permanent non-slippery floor at a slope of not more than 20°;
(f) may not have sharp protruding edges or any other features that may cause injury; and
(g) must have adequate artificial lighting if animals are offloaded at night.
Lair ages and holding pens [See also regulations 67; 68]
20. Lair ages and holding pens -
(a) may not be closer than six meters from, and not be situated higher than, the abattoir;
{b) must be constructed of cleanable, non-absorbent and durable material;
{c) must be so constructed and maintained to avoid injury of animals;
{d) must have sides not less than 1.8 m in height for cattle and horses and one meter for sheep, goats and pigs;
(e) must have permanent floors that are curbed and drained;
(f) must be so constructed to render the floors and drain covers non-slippery;
(g) must be fitted with gates which are a minimum of BOO mm wide for sheep, goats, calves and pigs and 1800 mm for cattle and horses;
(h) must be roofed where pigs and sheep or goats are kept;
(i) must be equipped with cold water sprayers for pigs;
U) must be fitted with water troughs at a height of 900 mm for cattle and horses and 300 mm for sheep, goats or pigs or water nipples for pigs;
(k) must have well drained manure slabs for kraal manure prior to removal except if manure is removed directly into a vehicle;
(I) must be provided with wash points, hoses and reels; and
(m) used to isolate suspect animals must in addition to above have solid walls and gate and must not drain across other pens or pose any other contamination risk.
Feeding animals
21. Where animals are fed in a lair age or pen -
(a) a hay rack or food trough which may be removable must be provided;
(b) hay racks must be free from the floor; and
(c) feed must be kept in a storeroom that is vermin proof, specifically provided for this purpose if feed is to be stored on the premises.
Lair age capacity
22. (1) The number of animals per lair age or pen must be limited so as to allow a minimum floor space of -
(a) 1.75m2 per cow or horse:
(b) 0.75m2 per heavy pig or calf; and
(c) 0.50m2 per smaller pig, sheep or goat.
(2) air ages must be provided with permanent notices indicating the capacity per species of each pen.
Lair age passages [See also regulation 69]
23. Passages in lair ages and pens -
(a) must have permanent floors that are curbed and drained in a manner conducive to free movement of animals;
(b) must be so constructed to render the floors and drain covers non-slippery;
(c) may not be less than 1.8 run wide for cattle, horses and at least 1.0 m wide for sheep, goats and pigs; and
{d) must be well maintained and kept free of loose objects.
Crushes or races

Crushes or races

24.1.Crushes or races must be well maintained and kept free of loose objects.
2.Must be so constructed to render the 2.floors and drain covers non-slippery.
3.Crushes for herding animals between lair ages and the stunning area must have an inner width of not more than 0.9 m. . •...
4.Crushes must be designed so that the stunning pen is not visible from the crush: li rages.
5.The section of the crush or race that leads directly into the stunning box must have solid sides.

Stunning, hoisting and bleeding [See also regulations 72; 73; 74; 75]
25. (1)For humane restraining of all species immediately prior to stunning there must be provided -
(a) a stunning box, approved by the national executive officer, to restrain cattle and horses;
(b) a restraining pen of 2m x 2m or, preferably, a crowding pen provided with a hinged gate to facilitate floor space reduction for sheep, goats and pigs;
(c) a restraining pen or stunning box must be provided for large, difficult boars and sows; and
(d) any other means of restraining approved by the provincial executive officer.
(2) For stunning of animals there must be provided -
(a) a silenced captive bolt stunner;
(b) an electrical stunning apparatus; or
(c) any other stunning apparatus approved by the national executive officer.
(3) The operational parameters for stunning must be displayed on the stunning apparatus or in the stunning area.
(4) Equipment must be provided to shackle and hoist stunned animals into position, for bleeding.
(5) Facilities for collecting and storing of blood in closed containers prior to removal and disposal must be provided.
(6) The minimum clearance for rails and equipment in bleeding areas -
(a) for cattle bleeding, from rail to floor in the case of a crawl beam is 4.8 m and a fixed rail is 4.4m; and
(b) for sheep bleeding, from rail to floor is 2.3 m.
Dressing and evisceration facilities
26. (1)The minimum clearance for rails and equipment in dressing areas -
(a) for cattle dressing, from rail to floor is 3.4 m; and
(b) for sheep dressing, from rail to floor is 2.2m.
(2) The clearance between equipment and dressing rails must in all cases be such that carcasses do not touch equipment and is at least 1000 mm from walls.
(3) Rails with hooks fixed to a wall must be 400 mm from the wall, and meat hanging from such hooks may not touch the floor or wall.
(4) Rails must be at least 700 mm from columns, pillars or the side of a doorway through which carcasses must pass.
(5) Separate bleeding and dressing areas must be provided in an abattoir if more than one species of animal is slaughtered at the same time.
(6) Dehairing of pigs, including finishing and pre-evisceration wash, may only be done in the pig dehairing area.
Meat inspection facilities

27. (1)Containers, racks and platforms and any other equipment required for meat inspection must be provided in an abattoir.
(2) Marked, leak proof and lockable containers or other means to hand1e and hold condemned and inedible material prior to removal, must be provided.
28. (1)Chillers must be provided to hold at least the daily slaughter throughput.
2.The minimum clearance for rails in chillers and freezers -
(a) for cattle and horses or sheep or goats on cradles with extension rods, is 1000 mm from the wall and 900 mm between overhead. Carcass rails; and
(b) for sheep, goats and pigs, if hung separately, is 330 mm from the wall and between overhead carcass rails.

(3) Spacing of units on the line should be such as to ensure airflow between carcasses or sides with a minimum of 660 mm length of rail per unit.
Dispatch areas
29. Dispatch areas must be equipped for -
(a) quartering, marshalling and loading of carcasses;
(b) collection and transport, avoiding cross or contra flow, of used roller-hooks to the sanitation facility; and
(c) sterilization of saws and other cutting utensils.
Hygiene management practices and related matters

(1) Offal handling Red Offal
30.(1) Red offal must be washed with clean running water, hung on hooks or placed in containers and chilled in a red offal or carcass chiller, to reach a core temperature less than 7° C within 16 hours, but it need not be chilled at the abattoir if dispatched on a continuous basis to the chilling facilities, the proximity of which must not compromise hygiene standards and be approved by the provincial executive officer and on condition that a separate route for dispatch is provided.
(2) Red offal may not be stored, or come into contact, with rough offal.
(3) Further separation, cutting and packing of red offal must be done in a separate area or room.
(4) Where red offal is packed in cartons, containers or plastic bags for dispatch, chilling or freezing -
(a) it may only be done in a separate area or room and equipment must be provided for this function;
(b) storage facilities for clean empty bags or containers, for a day's use, must be provided; and
(c) bulk storage facilities must be provided for packing material.
(5) Cartooned offal may not be stored in the same chiller as carcasses or uncaptioned offal
Washing of rough offal
31. (1) Rough offal must be removed from the dressing room to the offal room directly adjacent and connected thereto, after being passed, where paunches and intestines must be -
(a) separated and emptied of its contents;
(b) washed with clean running water; and
(c) hung on hooks for cooling and drip drying before and during chilling.
(2) Equipment must be provided for the emptying of rumens and intestines and the ruminal and intestinal content must be removed continuously.
(3) Where washed paunches or intestines are packed in containers or plastic bags for dispatch, chilling or freezing, a storage facility for clean bags or containers, for a day's use, must be provided.
(4) Edible washed rough offal must be stored in a chiller at an air temperature not exceeding minus 2 ° C, but it need not be chilled at the abattoir if dispatched on a continuous basis to the chilling facilities, the proximity of which must not compromise hygiene standards and be approved by the provincial executive officer.
Cleaning of rough offal
32.(1)The process as well as the equipment used to clean offal must be approved by the provincial executive officer.
(2) A room which is so large and so arranged that the hygiene of the operation is assured, must be provided to clean paunches.
(3) Separate containers must be used for pre-scalded paunches, and those that have been cleaned.
(4) Cleaned offal must be removed after cleaning.
(5) Separate rooms must be provided for -
(a) dehairing of cattle hooves and sheep heads and feet; and
(b) skinning. deflating and splitting of heads and the recovery and packing of brains.
(6) Where clean products derived from the heads are packed in containers or plastic bags for dispatch, chilling or freezing -
(a) it may only be done in a separate room or area and equipment must be provided for this function; and
(b) a storage facility for clean bags or containers, for a day's use, must be provided.
(7) Where cleaned rough offal is packed in containers or plastic bags for dispatch, chilling or freezing -
(a) it may only be done in a separate room or area and equipment must be provided for this function; and
(b) a storage facility for clean bags or containers, for daily use, must be provided.
(8) Cleaned offal and clean head meat must be stored in a chiller at an air temperature not exceeding minus 2 °C, but it need not be chilled at the abattoir if dispatched on a continuous basis to the chilling facilities, the proximity of which must not compromise hygiene standards and be approved by the provincial executive officer.
(2) Cutting procedures at cutting plants producing for the export market
[See also regulation 7]
34.(1)All the cutting, dicing or mincing must be so arranged that the hygiene of all the operations is assured.
(2). Bones derived from cutting procedures must be removed regularly to a suitable room or container provided specifically for this purpose.
(3) Meat obtained from cutting and found unfit for human and animal consumption must be collected in properly marked containers or facilities and removed from the premises in accordance with Part VIII.
(4) Despite regulation 36 (2), meat may be cut while warm if -
(a} meat is transferred directly from the dressing room to the cutting room in a single operation, the cutting room being in the same building or on the same premises as the dressing room;
(b) cutting is carried out immediately after transfer;
(c) meat that has been cut is chilled, or freezing starts, within one hour; and
(d) this procedure is done according to a protocol approved by the provincial executive officer.
35. (1} Wrapping materials may not be kept in a cutting room in quantities greater than the daily requirement, and must be so stored and handled as to maintain them in a clean condition up to the moment of use.
(2) Exposed meat may not come into contact with cartons, except where waxed cartons are used.
Temperature control
36. (1) The air temperature of a room where meat is cut and packed must be maintained at or below 12 °C.
(2) During cutting, wrapping, portioning and packing the core temperature of unfrozen meat must be maintained at or below 7 °C.
(3) Meat that is packed for freezing must be placed in a freezer within one hour of being packed. The freezer must be capable of reducing the temperature of the meat to at least minus 12 °C within 24 hours and must thereafter be maintained at or below that temperature and frozen meat may not be dispatched at core temperatures higher than minus 12 °C.
37. (1) The cleaning and sterilization procedure of portable and other equipment must comply with Part II C. (5).
(2) Sanitizing and sterilizing of hand and other equipment must be done during working hours.
Further processing
38. Further processing must comply with the requirements set in the Requirements for Food Premises under the Health Act.
(3) Chilling and freezing at abattoirs
[See also regulations 28; 30(1); 31(4); 32(8); 33(2)(c); 36; 55(n); 105]
39.(1)All chilling, freezing and cold storage facilities for meat must comply with the structural requirements for all abattoirs contained in Part II 8(1).
(2) Chillers and freezers must be equipped with dial thermometers or where required by the provincial executive officer, continuous thermo-recorders, to give an accurate indication of the air temperature within the room.
Temperature capability
40.(1)A chiller used for chilling warm carcasses, sides, quarters or portions must be capable of providing uninterrupted cooling to reduce the core temperature of the meat to 7 °C before dispatching.
(2) Meat, carcasses, portions and offal being frozen may not be removed from the freezer before a core temperature of minus 12 °C has been reached.
(3)(a)The defrost mechanisms for freezers and chillers must prevent the build-up of ice on the evaporator coil surfaces to levels detrimental for temperature maintenance.
(b) Where a chiller or freezer contains meat during a defrosting cycle, defrosting of each evaporator coil must be completed within 30 minutes.
(c) Drainage connections of ample size must be provided from drip trays of air cooling units and must lead to ground level outside of the room or directly into the drainage system.
(4) A chiller or freezer must have a visible permanent notice fixed to the outside, stating -
(a) the cubic capacity of the room;
(b) the type of product which may be chilled, frozen or stored in it;
{c) the maximum permissible product load in kilograms or number of carcasses for that room;
(d) the final temperature required for the meat in degrees Celsius and the minimum period of time, in hours, which is necessary for this temperature to be achieved; and
(e) in the case of a storage chiller or freezer, the maximum permissible mean temperature value at which meat may be introduced.
Loading practices for chillers and freezers
41. (1) Meat must be chilled in a hanging position ensuring air circulation or, if packed in containers. stacked so as to ensure air circulation.
(2) No meat may be stacked directly on the floor.
(3) Warm carcasses may not be loaded into a chiller containing chilled meat.
(4) (a)No carcass or meat which is unfit for human consumption or may have a detrimental effect on other meat may be stored in a chiller or freezer containing edible products.
(b} A carcass or meat must be removed immediately if it deteriorates to such a state as determined by the registered inspector.
(5) No exposed meat may be stored in a freezer or chiller containing cartooned products.
(6)Rough offal may not be stored in a holding freezer which contains carcasses, meat or red offal, unless all these products, including the rough offal, are wrapped and packed.
(7) No non-food item or product other than meat may be stored in a chiller or freezer except in the case of holding freezers, where approval has been granted by the registered inspector.
42. (1) The use of ice as a coolant in an abattoir is subject to prior approval of the system by the provincial executive officer.
(2) Ice, incorporated in any system or equipment, which is utilized for the chilling of meat must be made from potable water.
(3) Equipment or systems incorporating ice as coolant for meat must be designed and operated in such a manner that water melting off the ice will not adversely affect the product or adjacent areas.
Sanitation and vermin control
43.(1) Equipment used in chillers, freezers or cold storage facilities, that may come into direct contact with the meat must be kept in a clean and hygienic condition, and provision must be made for cleaning and sterilizing such utensils directly after use.
(2) Ice formation in freezers must be prevented and freezers must be defrosted and sanitized as frequently as may be required by the registered inspector.
(3) Freezers and chillers must be free from vermin, mould and bacterial growths.
(4) Chillers, freezers and cold storage facilities must be free from odors which may be absorbed by meat.
(5) Chillers in regular use must be sanitized immediately after dispatching of all meat.
Requirements for sterilizing plants
120. (1) A sterilizing plant must comply with the general requirements for premises, structures and equipment set out in regulations 8 to 18, which apply with the necessary changes.
(2) The premises of a sterilizing plant must be fenced and secured so as to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons, vehicles and animals, and must include-
(a) unclean areas, comprising the rooms in which material is received, stored or prepared for sterilizing as well as the entrance to the sterilizing apparatus; and
(b) clean areas, comprising the rooms in which the sterilized material is dried, milled or otherwise prepared, packed, stored or dispatched.
(3) A solid wall must separate the unclean and clean areas, and there may be no direct contact between these areas.
Unclean area
121. (1) Material of animal origin may only be received in the unclean area of a sterilizing plant and no such material may be removed from this area otherwise than through the operations of the sterilizing equipment.
(2) Foot-baths with disinfectants must be provided at all exits, as well as a wheel bath for vehicles at the unclean receiving area.
(3) The floors, walls and equipment of the unclean area of a sterilizing plant must be sanitized daily after the cessation of operations.
(4) Workers employed in the unclean area must -
(a) wear distinctively marked overalls and rubber boots;
(b) wash their hands and disinfect their boots before leaving the unclean area; and
(c) change from their soiled protective clothing and footwear and clean themselves with soap and water before leaving the premises.
(5) A person who has entered the unclean area may not enter the clean area or any area where any edible products are handled in the abattoir unless he or she has cleaned and changed as contemplated in sub regulation (4)(c). 
Reference of the measure
Part II B 8-29, C 30-31,34-43. Part VIII 120-121 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 13 Meat products and Fresh or chilled meat No    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 17 September 2004  
All countries