Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A64: Storage and transport conditions 
Date when the measure came into force
17 September 2004 
Publication where the measure is specified
Regulation where the measure is specified
MEAT SAFETY ACT, 2000 (ACT No. 40 OF 2000) 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
Loading of carcasses and meat for transport Loading and transport in general
45. (1) A vehicle used for the transport of meat must comply with the requirements set in the Requirements for Food Premises under the Health Act.
(2) Rough offal may not be loaded in the same loading space as carcasses, portions or red offal, unless such rough offal is kept in clean, waterproof containers with tight fitting lids, complying with specifications for equipment as set in Part II 8(1).
(3) No cartooned products may be loaded in the same loading space as exposed meat.
(4) Chilled red meat carcasses, sides and quarters must be suspended without touching the floor.
(5) No unwrapped meat may be loaded directly onto the floor.
(6) Where required by the provincial executive officer, the driver of a vehicle transporting meat must provide the name, address and contact details of the owner of the vehicle.
(7) Meat returned to an abattoir or cold storage facility may be received only after re-inspection by the registered inspector, and may only be sorted and salvaged for human consumption under conditions determined by the registered inspector.
(8) Loading of meat by informal traders must be regulated by a protocol approved by the
provincial executive officer but without compromising hygiene or safety standards.
(5) Sanitation (See also regulations 14 - 17; 55(h)J
Water and equipment
46.(1)There must be available for sanitation purposes -
(a) potable or drinking water;
(b) hot water at a minimum temperature of 82°C in sterilizers for disinfecting hand equipment;
(c) water at 40°C at hand wash basins for washing of hands; and
(d) water at 40°C for general cleaning purposes.
(2) The owner must supply all the necessary equipment needed for sanitation.
Sanitation programmers
47. (1) Sanitation programmes must be approved by a registered inspector.
(2) A detailed post production sanitation programme must be in place containing -
(a) a list of all areas and rooms to be cleaned;
(b) the frequency of cleaning;
(c) step by step cleaning procedures for each area, room or equipment including ablution facilities, meat transport vehicles and lair ages;
(d) technical sheets of chemicals used must be provided with reference to use in meat plants, active ingredients, dilution rates and applications;
(e) results, including microbiological monitoring, to be obtained as the objective of the sanitation programme; and
(f) job descriptions and a training programme for all cleaners.
(3) Programmes must be in place for continuous cleaning during -
(a) work periods;
(b) breaks; and
(c) shift changes.
(4) Sanitation must commence immediately after production for the day or shift has ended, but no sanitation may commence in any area before all edible meat and animal products have been removed to prevent contamination.
(5) A new shift may not commence before all areas, rooms and equipment have been cleaned and disinfected and an effective pre-production monitoring programme must be in place to ensure cleanliness of all facilities before production commences.
Chillers and Freezers
48. (1) Chillers must be sanitized before a fresh load of meat is loaded.
(2) Chillers may not be sanitized if it contains meat.
(3) Freezers must be defrosted and thoroughly sanitized at least once a year or more often if required by a registered inspector.
Requirements for vehicles
64. (1) To transport animals for slaughter at an abattoir -
(a) the floors. Of the vehicle -
(i) must be solid without openings between different decks that could cause contamination of animals on a lower deck; and
(ii) must be nonabsorbent and slip free;
(b) sides and partitions -
(i) may not be lower than 1 800 mm for cattle and 750 mm for smaller animals; and
(ii) partitions must be installed at ever; 3 m of loading space if the vehicle is longer than 4m;
(c) shade must be provided for pigs in transit;
(d) ventilation in the vehicle must be ensured; and
(e) the loading space may not -
(i) have sharp angles, corners, protrusions or holes that may injure animals; or
(ii) have loose objects stored between animals.

(2) Minimum required floor space per animal on a vehicle is -

(a) 1.4 sq. m per adult bovine or equine;
(b) 0.3 sq. m per small calf;
(c) 0.4 sq. m per sheep or goat;
(d) 0. 3 sq. m per porker;
(e) 0.4 sq. m per baconer; and
(f) 0.8 sq. m per adult other pig.
(3) There must be partitions on the vehicle to separate -
(a) bulls and cows or heifers;
(b) adult and young animals;
(c) different species;
(d) fractious and normal animals; and
(e) injured or blind and normal animals.
Vehicle Hygiene
65. The owner of a vehicle must ensure that the vehicle used to transport animals to an abattoir is kept in a clean and hygienic condition.
Offloading [Also see regulation 19]
66.(1) Animals arriving at an abattoir must be offloaded immediately by trained personnel.
(2) Animals must be offloaded in a calm manner to avoid excitement, fear, stress and injury.
(3) No electrical prodding of pigs and calves is allowed.
(4) Animals may not be picked up by their heads, fleece, skin, ears, tails, horns or legs neither may animals be forced to jump from different levels or over gaps during offloading.
Rest Periods
67. Animals must rest overnight in lair ages before slaughtering, but if a registered inspector is satisfied that they are rested, they may be slaughtered on the day of arrival provided that they have had a rest period of not be less than 1 hour.
Lair aging [Also see regulation 20; 21; 22]
68. (1) Animals awaiting slaughter must be held in lair ages and pens.
(2) Lair ages must be cleaned after each batch of animals has been removed.
(3) Clean drinking water must be available at all times for animals awaiting slaughter.
(4) Animals may not be kept in a lair age or pen for longer than 72 hours, but in the case of calves and pigs for not longer than 48 hours.
(5) Sub regulation (4) does not apply to Judas goats for which must be provided -
(a) specific roofed pens with suitable bedding sited away from the slaughter area;
(b) sufficient and suitable feed on a daily basis; and
(c) veterinary treatment as required.
(6) Judas goats mentioned above must not be allowed to breed and castrated males must preferably be used.
(7) Animals kept in garages and pens for longer than 24 hours for monastics or longer than 48 hours for ruminants, must be fed.
(8) Unweaned pigs and calves under the age of three months and unweaned lambs under two months awaiting slaughter for a period of 12 hours or more, must be fed with grain in the case of pigs, and with milk or milk substitute in the case of calves, lambs and kids with the understanding that such milk must be fed with a bottle or other method appropriate for such animals.
(9) Where animals are fed in a lair age or pen, feed may only be placed in a hay rack, trough or another suitable container.
(10) The following animals may not be penned together:
(a) bulls and cows or heifers and cows;
(b) any young animals and adults;
(c) animals of different species;
(d) fractious and normal animals: and
(e) cattle with long and short horns.
(11) Animals that gave birth in vehicles or in lair ages must be kept in isolation pens together with their young pending a decision of the veterinarian which will include having the young removed from the abattoir or destroyed, subject to quarantine situations, and with the understanding that animals that have given birth may not be slaughtered within three days.
Herding [See also regulations 23; 24)
69.(1)Animals in lair ages, pens, passages and crushes must be handled calmly and humanely, without hitting or shouting.
(2)Prodders must be battery operated and may not be used when animals are already moving forward.
Emergency slaughter
70. (1) Animals injured during transportation, off-loading or lair aging must be slaughtered without delay to prevent further suffering by the animal.
(2) Animals which are injured and cannot walk must be shot and bled where it is situated, on the vehicle or in the lair age and transported to the emergency slaughter area.
123. (1) A vehicle used for the transport of condemned material may not be used for any other purpose, but after cleaning and disinfection the vehicle may be used for the transport of inedible material.
(2) A vehicle may only be used for the transport of condemned material if the -
{a) load space is lockable, theft proof and sealable;
(b) internal surface is leak proof and constructed of durable material; and
(c) floor is provided at its lowest point with a drain pipe capable of being securely closed by a screw valve.
(3) The load space of a vehicle used for transporting material to a sterilizing plant must be cleaned and disinfected to the satisfaction of a registered inspector at the end of each delivery, at a place specially constructed for the purpose.
(2) The manner in which imported meat that has been offloaded in the Republic must be stored as contemplated in section 13(6)(d) of the Act is -
(a) that the imported meat must be stored in such a way as to ensure -
(i) that no contamination, soiling or deterioration thereof in any way may take place; and
(ii) such imported meat cannot possibly contaminate other products in the cold store;
(b) that security measures must be in place to prevent any part of the consignment being removed before final release thereof; and
(c) that all documentation relevant to a consignment must be held by the owner of the cold store for inspection by the national executive officer.
(3) The veterinary procedures to be performed while the meat is stored as contemplated in sub regulation (2) are to -
(a) confirm a positive link between the meat and the import permit as well as all other documentation pertaining to the inspection;
(b) examine the maintenance of the temperature of the meat during transportation;
(c) confirm that no soiling, contamination or deterioration of the meat in any way took place during transportation prior to storage;
(d) remove samples for examination;
(e) examine test results pertaining to samples taken from the consignment;
(f) confirm that all other conditions stated on the import permit have been complied with; and
(g) conduct any other action necessary to ensure that the meat is safe and suitable for human consumption and poses no threat of transmitting a contagious animal disease. 
Reference of the measure
Part II C 4, 45-48 & Part V 64-70,Part VIII section 123, part X 126 (2-3) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 13 Meat products and Fresh or chilled meat No    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 17 September 2004  
All countries