Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A84: Inspection requirement 
Date when the measure came into force
17 September 2004 
Publication where the measure is specified
Regulation where the measure is specified
MEAT SAFETY ACT, 2000 (ACT No. 40 OF 2000) 
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health and B: Protection of life and health of animals 
Description of the measure
A. Ante mortem inspection

Ante mortem inspections
79.(1)A registered inspector doing ante mortem inspection at a -
(a)rural abattoir, must be at least a meat inspector or, provided exemption has been granted by the provincial executive officer, a meat examiner;
(b) low and high throughput abattoir, must at least be a meat inspector.
(2) A declaration of health and origin must be provided for all animals by the owner of the slaughter stock and recorded by the abattoir owner and such health declaration must contain the following information -
(a) date of delivery;
(b) name and address of owner or farm;
(c) number of animals and specie(s);
(d) health status of the herd(s) including mortality rate; and
(e) medication, if given as well as withdrawal periods and dates.
(3)An animal must be inspected on the day of arrival at the abattoir, and the inspection must be repeated on the day of slaughter if the slaughter is not done within 24 hours of arrival.
(4) There must be a standard procedure at an abattoir to convey the information acquired in the lair ages to the registered inspectors in the meat inspection area, and a method of marking specific animals for the attention of a registered inspector should be in place.
Further inspections and findings
80. (1) (a) All animals that in the opinion of a registered inspector, who is not a veterinarian, doing ante mortem inspection as described in regulation 79, are not fit for slaughter must be examined by a veterinarian who is a registered inspector
(b) The veterinarian, must decide whether such animals may be slaughtered, provisionally slaughtered or disposed of;
(2) If the veterinarian decides that an animal mentioned in sub regulation (1)(a) may be slaughtered or provisionally slaughtered. the carcass of such animal is subject to secondary meat inspection in terms of regulation 107.
(3) An animal may not be slaughtered if it is suspected that a forbidden substance has -
(a) been administered to it;
(b) been implanted in it;
(c) contaminated it; or
(d) been eaten by it.
(4) No person may slaughter an animal which is on the point of giving birth or which has given birth in transit or lair age. (see also 68(11))
B. Primary meat inspections
Provisions for meat inspection personnel
84. The provincial executive officer may determine the number of meat inspectors or meat examiners required in an abattoir after having considered the abattoir design, number of inspection stations, line speed, different species, structural and managerial aspects.
85. (1) No carcass, part thereof, rough or red offal may be sold or dispatched from an abattoir unless inspected and approved by a registered inspector and marked with the "PASSED" mark, as contemplated in Part VII.
(2) All relevant information, including ante mortem and health records, must be taken into consideration when doing meat inspection.
(3) A person may not remove, cut or debone any carcass or meat prior to inspection
(4) A person may not remove any sign or evidence of any disease, condition, contamination or soiling by washing, trimming or any other manner prior to meat inspection, unless it is done under the supervision of a registered inspector.
(5) No lymph nodes may be removed prior to meat inspection.
(6) Heads, feet. rough and red offal must be identifiable with the carcass of origin until inspection is done.
(7) Any carcass, meat or viscera which, in the opinion of the registered inspector, is not fit for human or animal consumption must be detained for secondary inspection.
(8) A registered inspector must acquaint him or her-self of all further guidelines issued by the national executive officer regarding primary meat inspections.
(1) Cattle
Inspection of cattle carcasses
86.(1)The registered inspector must inspect a carcass by means of observation, palpation, smell and, where necessary, incision and must take into consideration -
(a) its state of nutrition;
(b) its color;
(c) its odor;
(d) its symmetry;
(e) the efficiency of its bleeding;
(f) any contamination;
(g) its pathological conditions;
(h) any parasitic infestation;
(i) any injection marks;
U) any bruising and injuries;
(k) any abnormalities of muscles, bones, tendons, joints or other tissues; and
(I) the age and sex of the animal from which it was derived.
When inspecting the hindquarter, a registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal peritoneum, by observation;
(b) the Lynn iliac media/as et /laterals and the Lynn umbilicus, by multiple incisions;
(c) the Lnn inguinalis superficialis, by multiple incisions;
(d) the muscular part of the diaphragm, by making two incisions approximately 25 mm apart and removing the peritoneal layer to expose the muscle; and
(e) the kidneys, by exposure or incisions if necessary and the Lnn. renal is by incisions if necessary.
(3) When inspecting the forequarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal pleura by observation;
(b) the Lnn cervical is superficialis, by palpation; and
(c) the M triceps brachii, by making one deep transverse incision through the distal part of the muscle.
(4) The sternum, ribs, vertebrae and spinal cord must be inspected on carcasses which have been split.
Inspection of cattle heads
87. (1) When inspecting the head, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the Lnn mandibulares. Lnn parotidei, and the Lnn retropharyngiales, by multiple incisions: and
(b) the external masseters (M. masseter). by making two deep linear incisions parallel to the mandible, and the internal masseters ( M. pterigoideus media/is), by making a single deep linear incision.
(2) The registered inspector must observe and palpate the tongue.
(3) The registered inspector must observe the skin (or external surface of de-masked heads), lips, gums, hard and soft palates, eyes and nostrils.
(4)The tonsils must be removed after inspection as part of the slaughtering process and condemned.
Inspection of feet
88. The feet must be inspected by observation.
Inspection of cattle red offal
89. When inspecting the red offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the surface of the visceral pleura, by observation;
(b) the liver by palpation and incisions into the gastric surface and the base of the caudate lobe to open the bile ducts;
(c) the hepatic lymph nodes, by multiple incisions into the Ln. hepaticas;
(d) the trachea. by a lengthwise incision and the esophagus by observation;
(e) the lungs, by palpation and an incision in their posterior thirds perpendicular to their main axes to open the main branches of the bronchi;
(f) the Lnn mediastinal, by multiple incisions;
(g) the Lnn bronchiales bilaterally, by multiple incisions;
(h) the pericardium and the heart, by an incision made lengthwise to cut through the interventricular septum and open the ventricles and two additional vertical cuts into the split septum;
(i) the spleen, by visual inspection and if necessary by incision;
(j) the tail, by observation;
(k) the thyroid gland, by observation;
(I) both sides of the diaphragm, by observation; and
(m) the testes, by observation.
Inspection of cattle rough offal
90. When inspecting the rough offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the visceral peritoneum as well as the omentum, by observation;
{b) if necessary, the inner surfaces of the stomach and intestines, but this inspection may only take place in the rough offal room or detention area with separate equipment;
(c)the gastric and mesenteric lymph nodes (Lnn gastrici, mesenterici, crania/is and caudalis), by observation and, if necessary by multiple incisions.
(2) Sheep and goats
Inspection of sheep or goat carcasses

91.(1) The registered inspector must inspect a carcass by means of observation, palpation, smell and, where necessary incision, and must take into consideration -
(a) its state of nutrition;
(b) its color;
(c) its odor;
(d) its symmetry;
(e) the efficiency of its bleeding;
(f) any contamination;
(g) its pathological conditions;
(h) any parasitic infestation;
(i) any injection marks;
(j) any bruising and injuries;
(k) any abnormalities of muscles, bones, tendons, joints, or other tissues; and
(I) the age and sex of the animal from which it was derived.
(2) When inspecting the hindquarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal peritoneum, by observation;
(b) the Lnn iliac media/as et laterals, by observation;
(c) the Lnn inguinalis superficialis, Lnn umbilicus, Lnn popliteus and Lnn analyst, by palpation;
(d) the kidneys, by exposure, observation and palpation and the Lnn. renalis, by palpation; and
(e) the muscular part of the diaphragm by visual inspection.
(3) When inspecting the forequarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal pleura and thoracic cavity, by observation; and
(b) the Lnn cervicalis superficialis, by palpation;
Inspection of sheep and goat heads
92. The registered inspector must visually inspect the head and when necessary, inspect the throat, mouth, tongue and Lnn mandibu/ares, Lnn parotidei, and the Lnn retropharyngiales, making incisions as required.
Inspection of feet
93. The feet must be inspected by observation.
Inspection of sheep and goat red offal
94. When inspecting the red offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a)the surface of the visceral pleura, by observation;
(b)the liver, by palpation and incisions into the gastric surface and the base of the caudate lobe to open the bile ducts;
(c) the hepatic lymph nodes, by multiple incisions into the Ln. hepaticus;
(d) the lungs, esophagus and trachea, by observation and palpation;
{e) the Lnn bronchiales and Lnn mediastinales, by observation and palpation;
{f) the pericardium and the heart, by an incision made lengthwise to open the ventricles;
(g) the spleen, by observation and if necessary palpation;
{h) both sides of the diaphragm, by observation; and
{i) the testes, by observation.
Inspection of sheep and goat rough offal
95. When inspecting the rough offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the visceral peritoneum as well as the omentum, by observation;
(b} if necessary, the inner surfaces of the stomach and intestines, but this inspection may only take place in the rough offal room or detention area with separate equipment: and
(c) the gastric and mesenteric lymph nodes (Lnn gastrici, mesenterici, cranialis and caudalis). by observation.
(3) Pigs
Inspection of pig carcasses
96. (1) The Registered Inspector must inspect a carcass by means of observation, palpation, smell and, where necessary, incision, and must take into consideration -
{a) its state of nutrition;
(b) its color;
(c) its odor;
{d) its symmetry;
{e) the efficiency of its bleeding;
(f) any contamination;
(g) its pathological conditions;
{h) any parasitic infestation;
{i) any injection marks;
(j) any bruising and injuries:
(k) any abnormalities of muscles, bones, tendons, joints or other tissues; and
(I) the age and sex of the animal from which it was derived.
(2) When inspecting the hindquarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal peritoneum, by observation;
(b) the Lnn iliac media/es et laterales, by multiple incisions:
(c) the Lnn inguinalis superficialis, by multiple incisions;
{d) the muscular part of the diaphragm, by making two incisions approximately 25 mm apart and removing the peritoneal layer to expose the muscle; and
(e) kidneys, by exposure or incisions if necessary and the Lnn. renalis by incisions if necessary.
(f) The tail and if any signs of necrosis due to tail biting is observed, the carcass must be split and the spine examined.
(3) When inspecting the forequarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal pleura, by observation: and
(b) the M triceps brachii, by making one deep transverse incision through the distal part of the muscle. In the case of pigs weighing between 54 kg and 92 kg these incisions may be omitted provided that the heart is inspected and no cysticercoid are found elsewhere in the carcass.
(4) Where the carcass has been split, the sternum, ribs, vertebrae and spinal cord must be inspected.
Inspection of pig head
97.(1) When inspecting the head, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally - (a} the Lnn mandibulares and Lnn parotidei, by multiple incisions; and
(b) the external masseters (M. masseter), by making two deep linear incisions parallel to the mandible and the internal masseters (M. pterygoids media/is) by making a single deep linear incision.
(2)The registered inspector must observe the tongue, skin, lips, gums, hard and soft palate, eyes and nostrils.
Inspection of pig red offal
98. When inspecting the red offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the surface of the visceral pleura, by observation;
(b) the liver, by palpation and incisions into the gastric surface and the base of the caudate lobe to open the bile ducts;
(c) the hepatic lymph nodes, by multiple incisions into the Ln. hepaticus;
(d) the trachea, by a lengthwise incision and the esophagus by observation;
(e) the lungs, by palpation and an incision in their posterior thirds perpendicular to their main
axes to open the main branches of the bronchi;
(f) the lungs, for contamination with water from the scalding tank and if contaminated such lungs may not be passed;
(g) the Lnn mediastinales, by multiple incisions;
(h) the Lnn bronchiafes bilaterally, by multiple incisions;
(i) the pericardium and the heart, by an incision made lengthwise to cut through the interventricular septum and open the ventricles and two additional vertical cuts into the split septum;
(j) the spleen, by visual inspection and if necessary incision;
(k) both sides of the diaphragm, by observation; and
(I) the testes, by observation.
Inspection of pig rough offal
99. When inspecting the rough offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the visceral peritoneum as well as the omentum, by observation;
(b) if necessary, the inner surfaces of the stomach and intestines, but this inspection may only take place in the rough offal room or detention area with separate equipment; and
(c) the gastric and mesenteric lymph nodes ( Lnn gastrici, mesenterici, cranialis and cauda/is) by observation and, if necessary by multiple incisions.
(4) Horses
Inspection of horse carcass
100. (1) The registered inspector must inspect a carcass by means of observation, palpation, smell and, where necessary incision, and must take into consideration -
(a) its state of nutrition;
(b) its color;
(c) its odor;
(d} its symmetry;
(e) the efficiency of its bleeding;
(f} any contamination;
(g) its pathological conditions;
(h) any parasitic infestation;
(i) any injection marks;
m any bruising and injuries;
{k) any abnormalities of muscles, bones, tendons, joints or other tissues; and
(I) the age and sex of the animal from which it was derived;
(2) When inspecting the hindquarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal peritoneum. by observation;
(b) the Lnn iliac media/es et laterales, and the Lnn subiliacus by multiple incisions; and
(c) the kidneys, by exposure or incisions if necessary and the Lnn. renalis by incisions if
(3) When inspecting the forequarter, the registered inspector must inspect bilaterally -
(a) the parietal pleura, by observation; and
(b) the Lnn cetVicalis superficialis, by palpation.
(4) Carcasses must be spilt after which the sternum, ribs, vertebrae and spinal cord must be inspected.
Examination of horse head
101. The registered inspector must -
(a) examine the head by observation;
(b) palpate the tongue; and
(c) observe the skin, lips, gums. hard and soft palate, eyes and nostrils.
Inspection of feet
102. The feet must be inspected by observation.
Inspection of horse red offal
103. When inspecting the red offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the surface of the visceral pleura, by observation;
(b) the liver, by palpation and incisions to open the bile ducts;
(c) the hepatic lymph nodes, by multiple incisions into the Ln. hepaticus;
{d) the lungs, esophagus and trachea by observation and palpation and an incision into the trachea;
(e) the pericardium and the heart, by an incision made lengthwise to cut through the interventricular septum;
(f) the spleen, by visual inspection and if necessary by palpation;
(g) the tail, by observation;
(h) both sides of the diaphragm, by observation; and
(i) the testes, by observation.
Inspection of horse rough offal
104. When inspecting the rough offal, the registered inspector must inspect -
(a) the visceral peritoneum, by observation; and
(b) the outer surface of the stomach and intestines as well as the omentum, by observation.

106. (1) Suspect carcasses found during primary meat inspections in terms of sub part B, must be marked "detained" and must be subjected to secondary meat inspection by a registered inspector who is a veterinarian.
(2) A secondary inspection, on a carcass must reveal the -
(a) species, age and sex;
(b) clotting and staining characteristics of the blood;
(c) organ or part of the carcass affected;
{d) condition or disease and the probable cause thereof;
(e) judgement and the motivation therefore where applicable.
(3) Depending on the said finding, the carcass, organ or meat may be -
(a) passed;
(b) conditionally passed, subject to treatment;
(c) partially passed by removing the condemned part; or
(d) totally condemned.
(4) Where a carcass is not passed, the owner may request a written certificate.
Emergency slaughtered animals
107. (1) The meat of animals which were referred to a veterinarian, who is a registered inspector, during ante mortem inspection, as contemplated in regulation 80, must be examined by such veterinarian who must pay particular attention to -
(a) blood content of intercostal veins, the small vessels beneath the serosa of the abdominal wall and in the retroperitoneal fat in the walls of the pelvis;
(b) all visible lymph nodes after the carcass has been split and examine and loosen a shoulder and open an acetabulum from the medial aspect to observe the exposed connective tissue, fat. lymph nodes and articular surface; and
(c) the condition of the musculature and abnormal odors and color of the carcass.
(2) If regarded as necessary by the veterinarian, the carcass or meat must be subjected to laboratory examination in order to make a final decision.
108. The results of the ante mortem examination, primary meat inspection and secondary meat inspection must be recorded, and where zoonotic and controlled diseases, contemplated in the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984), are diagnosed, the local state veterinarian must be notified on the day of slaughter 
Reference of the measure
Section VI A section 79-80, Part VI 84-104,106-108 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 13 Meat products and Fresh or chilled meat No    
0101.2 - Horses : No    
0102.2 - Cattle : No    
0103 Live swine. No    
0104.10 - Sheep No    
0104.20 - Goats No    
Meat, Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Horse and Pig 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 17 September 2004  
All countries