Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B7: Product quality, safety or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
05 May 2008 
Publication where the measure is specified
4 No.31042 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY2008 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Country/Region applying the measure
South Africa 
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
Restriction on sale of sorghum
2. (1) No person shall sell a consignment of sorghum in the Republic of South Africa;
(a) unless the sorghum is sold according to the classes set out in regulation3;
(b) unless the sorghum complies with the standards for the class concerned asset out in regulation4;
(c) unless the sorghum complies with the grades of sorghum and the standards for grades set out in regulations 5 and 6respectively;
(d) unless the sorghum is packed in accordance with the packing requirements set out in regulation 7;
(e) unless the containers or sale documents, as the case may be, are marked in accordance with the marking requirements set out in regulation 8;and
(f) if such sorghum contains a substance that renders it unfit for human
consumption or for processing into or utilization thereof as food or feed.
(2) The Executive Officer may grant written exemption,entirely or partially,to any person on such conditions as he or she may deem necessary, from the provisions of sub regulation(1).
Classes of sorghum
3. Sorghum shall be classified as:
(a) Class GM;
(b) Class GL;
(c) Class GH;and
(d) Class Other.
Standards for classes
4. (1) A consignment of sorghum shall be classified as Class GM Sorghum if it;
(a) consists of malt sorghum that does not have a dark testa;
(b) is of a GM cultivar as specified in the cultivar list;and
(c) complies with the standards for the grade of Class GM sorghum as set out in regulation6.
(2) A consignment of sorghum shall be classified as Class GL sorghum if it;
(a) consists of sorghum that does not have a dark testa;
(b) is of a GL cultivar as specified in the cultivar list;and
(c) complies with the standards for one of the grades of Class GL sorghum as set out in regulation6.
(3) A consignment of sorghum shall be classified as Class GH sorghum if it;
(a) consists of malt sorghum that has a dark testa;
(b) is of a GH cultivar as specified in the cultivar list;and
(c) complies with the standards for grades for Class GH Sorghum as set out in regulation 6.
(4) A consignment of sorghum shall be classified as Class Other if it does not comply with the standards for Class GM, GL and GH Sorghum
Grades of sorghum

5.(a) Class GM (i) Grade GM1
(ii) Grade GM2

(b) Class GL (i) Grade GL1
(ii) Grade GL2
(c) Class GH (i) Grade GH1
(ii)Grade GH2
(d) No grades are determined for Class Other sorghum.
Standards for grades
6.(1) All grades of sorghum shall;
(a) be free from black smearing as a result of smut;
(b) not contain10 or more smut balls or portions of smut balls which are collectively equivalent to 10 or more smut balls, per 100g of sorghum;
(c) be free from amusty,sour or other undesirable smell;
(d) be free from any substance that renders it unsuitable for human consumption or animal consumption or for processing in to or utilization thereof as food or feed;
(e)contain no more poisonous seeds than permitted in terms of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetic sand Disinfectants Act,1972 (Act No.54of1972);
(f) with the exception of Class Other, be free from insects; and
(g) with the exception of Class Other,have a moisture content of not more than14 percent.
(2) Grades GM1,GM2,GL1,GL2,GH1 and GH2shall not exceed the permissible deviations specified in columns2,3,4,5,6 and7 of the Table in the Annexure,respectively,with regard to the nature of deviation specified in column1of the said table.
(3) The presence of purple an thocyanic blotches in or on the pericarp shall not be taken into consideration when determining the grade of a consignment of sorghum. 
Reference of the measure
Section 2 & part I section 3-6 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
1007 Grain sorghum. No    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 16 May 2008  
All countries