Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
C3: Requirement to pass through specified port of customs 
Date when the measure came into force
01 February 2012 
Publication where the measure is specified
Regulation on Customs Clearance of Goods 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Regulation on Customs Clearance of Goods 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
Article 4:The entrance of goods, persons and means of transport into the customs territory is subject to the control of customs and should be carried out through the ports, airports and customs points duly empowered for this purpose
Article 6(2): Exceptionally, loading, unloading and transshipment of goods coming from abroad or intended to abroad out of the enabled or authorized sites can be made if there is well-founded fear of loss and damage, whether the means of transport or the goods, for reasons of force majeure or for another cause that otherwise might not be predictable, provided the nearest customs office is informed with the necessary urgency
Article 8: All road transport units arriving in the country from abroad should address the customs offices designated by the routes legally authorized by the Customs Director General
Article 9(1): Aircraft from outside shall land at international airports or airfields previously authorized by the competent authorities
Article 9(2): The Customs shall be advised in advance on any arrival or departure of aircraft at international airports or authorized aerodromes, and the agents or representatives of the airline companies shall submit cargo manifest and list of passenger prior to arrival or departure of any aircraft
Article 10(1) Vessels shall enter the ports, piers or wharves enabled for loading and unloading of goods and passenger embarkation and disembarkation
Article 10(2): Agents or representatives of shipping companies should inform in advance to the Customs authorities at ports, piers or wharves, the forecast of arrival or departure of vessels and submit the manifest of cargo and passenger list
Article 10(3) For tourism purposes cruises or other such vessels may anchor outside the premises specified in the preceding paragraph, prior permission by the Customs.
Article 10(4): Except in cases of force majeure or reasons therefor no vessel can stop its march before anchoring 
Reference of the measure
Articles 4, 6(2), 8, 9(1)(2) and 10(1)(2)(3)(4) 
Measure also domestic
Items subject to customs control:
a) Goods entering, remaining or leaving the customs territory until they are outside the customs jurisdiction, and may be subject to post-clearance audits
b) Goods on board, including travelers and crew luggage's
c) The goods cleared with tax benefits as well as those coming or going to free zones or special economic zones 

Products affected by the measure.


Countries/Regions affected by the measure.