Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B31: Labelling requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
17 July 1975 
Publication where the measure is specified
Rhodesia Government Notice No. 42 of 1975 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
These regulations shall apply to preserves, other than jam and marmalade prepared for consumption by diabetic persons and labelled accordingly, table-jelly and honey which are sold or manufactured for sale in Zimbabwe. 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
4 (1) Subject to the provisions of this section , every package containing preserves, table-jelly or honey shall bear a label stating—
(a) the name of the contents; and
(b) the name and business address of the manufacturer or seller by or on whose behalf the contents were packaged; and
(c) the packing-number of the package or the date on which the contents were packaged, or the code-number or mark which signifies such date; and
(d) in the case of contents which are composed of 2 or more different ingredients and subject to the provisions of section 5 of the Preservatives Regulations, the names of such ingredients set out in descending order in relation to their percentage of the total content
(2) Every package containing jam or marmalade shall bear on the label referred to in subsection (1) or any other label borne on such package, in type no smaller than 12 point, the word "Jam" or "Marmalade", as the case may be, together with the name or names of the fruit from which the contents have been prepared.
(3) Every package containing fruit-jelly, shall bear on the label referred to in subsection (1), in type no smaller than 18 point, the words "Fruit-jelly", together with the name or names of the fruit from which the contents have been prepared.,
Provided that, in the case of a package containing marmalade-jelly, the word "Marmalade" shall be substituted for, the word "Fruit" on such label.
(4) Every package containing jam, marmalade or fruit-jelly containing a synthetic flavouring substance shall bear on the label referred to in subsection (1), in type no smaller than 18 point, the words "Flavoured jam". or "Flavoured fruit-jelly", as the case may be, preceded by the name of the synthetic flavouring substance.
(5) A manufacturer of preserves, table-jelly or honey who uses a code-number or mark to signify the date of packaging shall, upon request by an inspector, divulge the date signified by the code-number or mark.
(6) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) to (4), (11) and (12), any particular which is required by this section to be given on a label shall be printed in type no smaller than 6 point, and in such a colour or colours as to afford a distinct contrast with the background:
Provided that, where the size of the package concerned would render compliance with the provisions of this subsection impossible, the Secretary may authorize such particular to be printed in smaller type.
(7) Words which qualify the name or trade name of the contents of the package concerned, or are an essential part of the description thereof, shall be printed on the label referred to in subsection (1) in letters of the same size and prominence as those of the name or trade name of such contents.
(8) The ingredients or proportions of the contents of the package concerned shall be printed on the label referred to subsection (1) in type of a uniform size and prominence throughout.
(9) No person shall, without the approval, in writing, of the Secretary, use on any label referred to in subsection (1) the word "vitaminized"; "vitamin-fortified", "vitamin -enriched" or "enriched", or any other word capable of being construed as indicating that fortifying ingredients have been added to or are present in the contents of the package bearing such label.
(10) No person shall use on any label referred to in subsection (1) or any other label on a package of honey the word "pure" unless the contents of such package consist solely of the saccharine product of the honey-bee and the diastase number of such contents is not less than 10.
(11) The label on a package of honey which has been handled or processed in such a manner as to reduce the diastase number of the contents of such package below 10 shall include the word "processed" in type no smaller than 12 point.
(12) The label on any artificial product, mixture or compound resembling honey shall—
(a) not contain—
(i) the word "Honey" unless such product, mixture or compound contains not less than 50% of honey;
(ii) a description or pictorial device suggesting bees, honey or, honeycomb:
Provided that the provisions of this paragraph shall not, in so far as they relate to a description or pictorial device referred to in subparagraph (ii), apply to the use of a trade mark registered in terms of the Trade Marks Act [Chapter 26:04] by a person who is the proprietor or registered user of such trade mark; and
(b) state the percentage of honey contained in the package concerned in type no smaller than 8 point.
(13) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the Secretary may by notice in writing, exempt any manufacturer or seller of preserves, table-jelly or honey from compliance with the provisions of this section for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of operation referred to in subsection (2) of section 1 in respect of preserves, table-jelly or honey manufactured or sold, as the case may be, by him 
Reference of the measure
Art 4 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
2007.10.00 Homogenised preparations No    
2007.91.00 Citrus fruit No    
2007.99.00 Other No    
Preserves (i.e fruit-curd, fruit-jelly, jam, marmalade and mincemeat), table-jelly or honey 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries