Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B15: Authorization requirements for importers 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 2016 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 81 of 6 August 2015 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Environment Protection (Banning of Plastic Bags) Regulations 2015 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
None specified 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
5. (1) Subject to regulation 8, no person shall carry on the business of manufacturing or
importing exempted plastic bags unless he is registered as a manufacturer or an importer of
exempted plastic bags. 
Reference of the measure
Sub-article 5(1) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

List of Exempted Plastic Bags:
Any plastic bag which is —
(a) a transparent roll-on bag solely used to contain fresh, chilled or frozen seafood, meat,
poultry, or offal other than canned food or eggs;
(b) a bag designed to be used for the disposal of waste;
(c) a bag designed for agricultural purposes;
(d) a bag used for the purpose of sampling or analysis;
(e) a bag that constitutes, or forms an integral part of, the packaging in which goods are
sealed prior to sale on the local market or for export;
(f) a transparent pocket type bag not exceeding 300 square centimetres in size;
(g) a transparent resealeable bag with security tamper used by a passenger to contain liquids,
aerosols or gels at an airport or on board of an aircraft or carried by a transfer passenger;
(h) a bag carried by a passenger disembarking from an aircraft or a ship for the purpose of
carrying personal belongings;
(i) a bag manufactured for export;
(j) a biodegradable plastic bag on which particulars are conspicuously displayed;
(k) a compostable plastic bag on which particulars are conspicuously displayed. 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
Entire world