Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
E231: Global allocation 
Date when the measure came into force
30 April 2007 
Publication where the measure is specified
Decreto n.° 8/2007, de 30 de Abril 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Regulation on Weapons and Ammunitions 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
G: Protection of national security 
Description of the measure
Article 48
1. Individuals qualified with a license to hunt or use and carry firearms may be allowed to import or export through guns, for their own use up to three weapons, one for defense and two for hunting, precision or ammunition and ammunition up to the limits of 100 rounds of bullet defense, 500 lead or bullet cartridges and 500 cartridges of lead and/or bullet per year.
2. National citizens who have returned from abroad and hold a license for the use and possession of arms from the countries of origin, as well as foreigners wishing to reside in the national territory, may be authorized to import their arms and ammunition under the conditions set out in number 1 of this article.
Article 49
1. The importation of arms and ammunition in quantities greater than those mentioned in the previous article may be authorized in the case of hunting or tourist excursions or in the case of missions of a scientific character and in other cases exceptionally defined by the Commander General of the PRM.
2. If the individuals who take part in the excursions or missions referred to in the preceding paragraph use at their entrance, vehicles or tourist aircraft, with a temporary importation order from the Customs, the importation shall be authorized by the description of the arms in those documents, with the Indication of type, brand, size, number, quantity and length of stay in the Country.
3. If the removal of weapons and ammunition is effected by the means referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, customs offices shall proceed as determined by the previous number.
4. Sports organizations or organizations that promote competitions may temporarily import their weapons and ammunition as and when required, indicating their characteristics and the term of their stay in the Country.
Article 50
1. Foreign tourist hunter is allowed to enter the country with three hunting weapons, one of which is a striated soul; One of smooth soul, one of defense, 500 cartridges of bullet for hunting, 50 bullets for personal defense and 250 cartridges of lead.
2. The tourist referred to in the preceding paragraph shall submit to the customs authorities of the place of entry the arms and ammunition of which he is a bearer.
3. When the tourist concerned is accompanied by the respective hunting license of the Country of permanent residence, the license shall be issued in quadruplicate by the customs authority, indicating the name of the holder, the date of entry into the country, the Hunting license, review of weapons, quantity of ammunition and the province in which the tourist wishes to perform the hunting. The mentioned license is made in decal, and the original must be delivered to the interested party and a copy to the Forest and Wildlife Management Department. Each license cannot refer to more than one individual and a copy is sent to the PRM General Command;
4. If the tourist uses a motor vehicle in accordance with the facilities granted to him through the border, and if he is not equipped with his hunting license but proving his possession in the country of origin, his arms shall be deposited at the customs office of entry or sealed by the customs agent at the place of entry, by completing the endorsement together with the ammunition on the temporary importation permit of the respective vehicle and delivering it to the person concerned. The latter will then transport them to the local customs office, where they will be delivered and will wait for the presentation of the respective hunting license, without which he cannot use them.
5. If the arms and ammunition come by sea, rail or air, the border customs office shall dispatch them to the local headquarters of the respective customs office, where they shall be deposited until the respective hunting license has been presented by the interested party.
6. The hunter tourist may, at the customs post of entry and in accordance with the hunting regulations, request that the period in which his weapons are sealed be discounted so that the hunting period provided for in that regulation is only counted from of the date on which the seals are withdrawn by the police authority, which makes a proper annotation on the license.
7. The national tourist hunter obeys the rules established by the National Directorate of Wildlife and all respects the rules of hunting.
Article 52
1. The entry into the country of guns (.22), normally equivalent to 5.6 mm, may only be allowed provided they comply with the indications provided for in article 8 of this Regulation, including requests made by the guilds shooting, sports or recreational clubs, and similar organizations.
2. Except as provided in the preceding paragraph, the use of pistols and revolvers of a caliber (.22) that obtain the classification of defense weapons shall be permitted.
3. Shooting associations, sports or recreational clubs and similar organizations referred to in number 1 of this article shall have a shooting career appropriate to the practice of this sport.
4. Temporary importation of armaments that are part of a showcase and intended for exhibition before official or private entities with a view to their acquisition may be authorized, and the customs shall observe the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 47 of these Regulations.
Article 55
1. The importation of arms and their parts or ammunition shall be communicated monthly by note to the Provincial Police Commands and to the Directorate General of Customs indicating the license number to which it relates.
2. If the quantities imported are less than the authorized limit, the import license shall continue to be held by the importer - for use up to that limit, within the time limit.
3. The licenses referred to in number 2 of article 53, after full utilization, must be sent by the Directorate General of Customs to the Police.
Article 57
It is the responsibility of the Commander-in-Chief of the PRM to authorize the importation of appropriate firearms and their ammunition to slaughter livestock in slaughterhouses as well as light weapons for air and sea navigation services.
Article 58
Arms and ammunition subject to customs dispatch, which do not correspond to the type, models and calibers specified in the respective import license, shall be seized and forfeited in favor of the State unless the importer immediately promotes its re-export.
Article 59
The Minister of the Interior, in coordination with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, having heard the Commander-in-Chief of the PRM, may authorize the use and possession of firearms to the diplomatic or consular agent accredited in the Mozambican State, as well as the importation, through shotguns, defense weapons, hunting, precision or recreation, by means of a petition to that effect.
Article 60
1. They do not need an import authorization:
(a) Air-pressure guns;
(b) The weapons and tools referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 10 of the present Regulation. 
Reference of the measure
Articles 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 57, 58, 59 and 60 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.


Countries/Regions affected by the measure.