Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
01 July 1989 
Publication where the measure is specified
Fisheries Principal regulationa, Government Notice No 317 published 15/9/1989 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Fisheries Principal regulations 1989 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
19.-(1) Every licensee shall furnish to the licensing authority such records pertaining to fish, species of fish products captured, killed, processed, preserved, packed,bought,sold,imported,exported,or otherwise acquired or disposed off as the Director of Fisheries may by general or special order direct.
(2) Every licensee shall submit to the licensing authority such periodic returns as the Director of Fisheries may by general or special order direct.
32. Every foreign fishing vessel that enters the territorial waters shall fly its national flag and ensure that its registration mark is clearly visible, and it shall clear its decks of fishing gear which shall be stowed in such manner as to preclude its use.
33. No person being on board a Tanzania fishing vessel shall bring in to the. Territorial waters any fish or fish products received outside such waters from a foreign vessel, unless he is authorized to do so by provisions of the Act or regulations made thereunder.
34. At any place where fishing for any type of fish is prohibited under these Regulations, no
Person shall have in his possession any fish or such type of fish the fishing of which is thereof, without lawful excuse, the proof of which shall be upon him.
35. No person shall set or use seine nets, gill nets or other fishing gear in such place or manner as to obstruct navigation.
36. No person shall by conducting or navigating any boat or vessel or in manner destroy Or damage any seine net, gill net or other fishing gear lawfully set 
Reference of the measure
Part III section C para 19,t IV Para 32-36 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 16 Fish products and fresh or chilled fish No    
Fish and fish products 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

All countries