Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B15: Authorization requirements for importers 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 1984 
Publication where the measure is specified
Pestcides control regulations. The united republic of Tanzania, The pestcides control regulations . 1984 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The pesticides control regulations, 1984 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
8. Every person who for commercial purposes or disposal in any way for use by the public imports, manufactures, formulates or compound any pesticide shall register that pesticide in accordance with the Act and these
Procedure for registration of a pesticide
9. Every application for pesticide registration or renewal of registration shall be on a form specified in Schedule I to these Regulations and shall unless otherwise advised, be accompanied by: -
(a)a dossier containing additional information to determine the suitability of the pesticides as to its use and including technical data sheet and direction on how to detect and quantitative the active ingredient:
(b)the appropriate application fee;
(c)a representative sample of the pesticide, certificate or analysis, if already issued and a written declaration that the pesticide has or has not been banned or restricted in the country of origin.
Submission and analysis of samples
10. – (1) A sample submitted for analysis for the purposes of registration shall be accompanied by appropriate standards.
(2) A sample submitted for analysis shall not be ... than 0.5 kilogram in case of solids, or not less than 0.5. liters in case of liquids.
(3) The container in which a sample for analysis is packed shall be sealed and adequately labeled.
(4) Every sample submitted or analysis shall be accompanied with the specifications of the sample and other relevant information
11. – (1) Every pesticide submitted for registration shall be submitted for testing by the Registrar or by a person authorized by him, and the Registrar or the authorized person as the case may be shall carry out such field and/or laboratory tests as are necessary to determine the suitability for use of the pesticide.
(2) Where the testing is carried out by a person other than the Registrar, that person shall submit, as soon as the test is completed the results of the test of the pestcide
12. The Person applying for registration of a pesticide shall satisfy the Registrar that-
(a) the premises for the storage of the pesticide are adequate and well equipped with proper storage accommodation for avoiding any hazards and for preserving the properties of the pesticide in respect of which a registration certificate is sought;
(b)there will be a person or persons on the technical staff of the person applying who is or are qualified or experienced in handling the pesticide
13. – (1) If the Registrar as satisfied that a person applying for registration of a pesticide has complied with the provisions of the Act and these Regulations he may register the pesticide.
(2) On registration the person applying for registration of a pesticide shall pay such fees as are provided under these Regulations.
(3) The Registrar may refuse to register a pesticide if he is not satisfied in terms of sub-paragraph (1).
(4) An appeal from a decision of the Registrar refusing to register a pesticide under sub-Regulation (1) shall lie to the Minister and the Minister’s decision shall be final.
(5) Every appeal under sub-Regulation (4) shall be made within sixty days from the date of the decision of the Registrar.
14. – (1) If the Registrar approves registration be shall issue a certificate of registration in a form prescribed in Schedule VI in respect of the pesticide whose registration is sought.
(2) Every certificate for registration shall expire after five years.
15. _ (1) Where by reason of non-compliance with any provisions of these Regulations or any direction given by him the Registrar is unable to register a pesticide but is satisfied that steps can be taken with diligence by the applicant to comply with such provision or direction, as the case may, he may in his absolute direction, by notice in writing (hereinafter referred to as a notice of determent), defer registration of that pesticide pending compliance with such provision or direction.
(2) The Registrar shall transmit the notice of deferment to the person who applies for registration of the pesticide.
(3) A notice of determent shall, subject to the provisions of this Regulation and any condition specified in that notice, entitle the person applying for the registration of a pesticide to use or dispose for use by the public the pesticide.
(4) Every provisional registration shall expire after two years.
16. – (1) Where a pesticide is highly toxic persistent, biologically cumulative or where that pesticide may cause poisoning of which no effective antedate is know and available the Registrar may register that pesticide subject to such conditions and restrictions as to its use or the quantity to be disposed of and other conditions that he may deem necessary.
(2) Every registration of pesticide for restricted use shall expire after two years.
28. – (1) Upon the coming into operation of these Regulations any person engaged in the business of import or manufacture or sale of any pesticide, whereby that pesticide is not registered, shall within three months apply to the Registrar for registration of that pesticide.
(2) Where an application is made items of sub-Regulation (1) of this Regulation the Registrar may grant provisional registration in respect of the pesticide and the application of Regulation 15 shall apply mutates mutandis in respect of that pesticide 
Reference of the measure
Section 18-16 & 28 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
3808 Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example, sulphur-treated bands, wi Yes pesticide    

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 01 January 1984  
All countries