Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B41: TBT regulations on production processes 
Date when the measure came into force
03 February 2017 
Publication where the measure is specified
The Uganda Gazette, Vol. CX No. 7 
Regulation where the measure is specified
US ISO 18158:2016, Workplace air – Terminology 
Country/Region applying the measure
Description of the measure
This Uganda Standard specifies terms and definitions that are related to the assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents. These are either general terms or are specific to physical and chemical processes of air sampling, the analytical method, or method performance. The terms included are those that have been identified as being fundamental because their definition is necessary to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency of use. 
Reference of the measure
US ISO 18158:2016 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

workplace Air 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.