Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 1967 
Publication where the measure is specified
Control of Goods Act 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Control of Goods(Import and Export) Agriculture) Order 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
No specific objective stated 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
5. Prohibition of imports
(1) No person shall import into Malawi-
b) any goods specified in the Second Schedule or any class of such goods, except in accordance with a licence issued in terms of paragraph 3 or 4. 
Reference of the measure
Article 5(1)(b) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
7108.11.00 Gold (including gold plated withplatinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or inpowder form: Non-monetary: Powder No    
7108.12.00 Gold (including gold plated withplatinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or inpowder form: Non-monetary: Other unwrought forms No    
7108.13.00 Gold (including gold plated withplatinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or inpowder form: Non-monetary: Other semi-manufactured forms No    
7108.20.00 Gold (including gold plated withplatinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or inpowder form: Monetary No    
1701.12.00 Cane or beet sugar and chemicallypure sucrose, in solid form: Raw sugar not containing addedflavouring or colouring matter: Beet sugar No    
1701.14.00 Cane or beet sugar and chemicallypure sucrose, in solid form: Raw sugar not containing addedflavouring or colouring matter: Other cane sugar No    
1701.91.00 Cane or beet sugar and chemicallypure sucrose, in solid form: Other: Containing added flavouring orcolouring matter No    
1701.99.10 Cane or beet sugar and chemicallypure sucrose, in solid form: Other: Other: Icing sugar, sugar in cubes and allsugar packed for retail sale No    
1701.99.90 Cane or beet sugar and chemicallypure sucrose, in solid form: Other: Other: Other No    
7323.10.00 Table, kitchen or other householdarticles and parts thereof, of ironor steel; iron or steel wool; potscourers and scouring or polishingpads, gloves and the like, of ironor steel: Iron or steel wool; pot scourers andscouring or polishing pads, g No    
7201.10.00 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs,blocks or other primary forms: Non-alloy pig iron containing byweight 0.5% or less of phosphorus No    
7201.20.00 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs,blocks or other primary forms: Non-alloy pig iron containing byweight more than 0.5% of phosphorus No    
7201.50.00 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs,blocks or other primary forms: Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen No    
2610.00.00 Chromium ores and concentrates No    
2501.00.10 Iodised salt No    
2501.00.90 Iodised salt: Other No    
2401.10.11 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Leaf No    
2401.10.12 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Strip No    
2401.10.13 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Scrap No    
2401.10.14 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Dark-fired leaf No    
2401.10.15 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Dark-fired strip No    
2401.10.16 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Dark-fired scrap No    
2401.10.19 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Burley type: Not intended for and not used inthe production in Malawi ofmanufactured tobacco: subject tosuch conditions as theCommissioner General mayimpose No    
2401.10.22 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Virginia type: Flue-cured scrap No    
2401.10.23 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Virginia type: Sun-cured leaf No    
2401.10.24 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Virginia type: Sun-cured strip No    
2401.10.25 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Virginia type: Sun-cured scrap No    
2401.10.29 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Virginia type: Not intended for and not used inthe production in Malawi ofmanufactured tobacco: subject tosuch conditions as the CommissionerGeneral may impose No    
2401.10.30 Dark fired No    
2401.10.31 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Turkish type: Leaf No    
2401.10.32 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Turkish type: Other No    
2401.10.39 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Turkish type: Not intended for and not used inthe production in Malawi ofmanufactured tobacco: subject tosuch conditions as the CommissionerGeneral may impose No    
2401.10.99 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobaccorefuse: Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped: Turkish type: Other No    
7401.00.00 Copper mattes; cement copper(precipitated copper) No    
7402.00.00 Unrefined copper; copper anodesfor electrolytic refining No    
7403.11.00 Refined copper and copper alloys,unwrought: Refined copper: Cathodes and sections of cathodes No    
7403.12.00 Refined copper and copper alloys,unwrought: Refined copper: Wire-bars No    
7403.13.00 Refined copper and copper alloys,unwrought: Refined copper: Billets No    
7403.19.00 Refined copper and copper alloys,unwrought: Refined copper: Other No    
7403.21.00 Refined copper and copper alloys,unwrought: Copper alloys: Copper-zinc base alloys (brass) No    
7403.22.00 Refined copper and copper alloys,unwrought: Copper alloys: Copper-tin base alloys (bronze) No    
1101.00.00 Wheat or meslin flour No    
2203.00.10 In sachets and plastic bottles No    
2203.00.90 Other No    
3101.00.00 Animal or vegetable fertilisers,whether or not mixed together orchemically treated; fertilisersproduced by the mixing or chemicaltreatment of animal or vegetableproducts No    
3102.10.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Urea, whether or not in aqueoussolution No    
3102.21.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Ammonium sulphate No    
3102.29.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Other No    
3102.30.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium nitrate, whether or notin aqueous solution No    
3102.40.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Mixtures of ammonium nitrate withcalcium carbonate or other inorganicnon-fertilising substances No    
3102.50.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Sodium nitrate No    
3102.60.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Double salts and mixtures of calciumnitrate and ammonium nitrate No    
3102.80.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Mixtures of urea and ammoniumnitrate in aqueous or ammoniacalsolution No    
3102.90.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Other, including mixtures notspecified in the foregoingsubheadings No    
3103.10.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,phosphatic: Superphosphates No    
3103.90.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,phosphatic: Other No    
3104.20.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Potassium chloride No    
3104.30.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Potassium sulphate No    
3104.90.00 Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Other No    
3105.10.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Goods of No    
3105.20.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Mineral No    
3105.30.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Diammoni No    
3105.40.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Ammonium No    
3105.51.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other mi No    
3105.59.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other mi No    
3105.60.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Mineral No    
3105.90.00 Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other No    
4101.20.00 Raw hides and skins of bovine(including buffalo) or equineanimals (fresh, or salted, dried,limed, pickled or otherwisepreserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or furtherprepared), whether or notdehaired or split: Whole hides and skins, unspl No    
4101.50.00 Raw hides and skins of bovine(including buffalo) or equineanimals (fresh, or salted, dried,limed, pickled or otherwisepreserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or furtherprepared), whether or notdehaired or split: Whole hides and skins, of a No    
4101.90.00 Raw hides and skins of bovine(including buffalo) or equineanimals (fresh, or salted, dried,limed, pickled or otherwisepreserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or furtherprepared), whether or notdehaired or split: Other, including butts, bend No    
4102.10.00 Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh,or salted, dried, limed, pickled orotherwise preserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or furtherprepared), whether or not withwool on or split, other than thoseexcluded by Note 1 (c) to thisChapter: With wo No    
4102.21.00 Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh,or salted, dried, limed, pickled orotherwise preserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or furtherprepared), whether or not withwool on or split, other than thoseexcluded by Note 1 (c) to thisChapter: Without No    
4102.29.00 Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh,or salted, dried, limed, pickled orotherwise preserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or furtherprepared), whether or not withwool on or split, other than thoseexcluded by Note 1 (c) to thisChapter: Without No    
4103.20.00 Other raw hides and skins (fresh, orsalted, dried, limed, pickled orotherwise preserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or further prepared),whether or not dehaired or split, otherthan those excluded by Note 1 (b) or1 (c) to this Chapter: Of No    
4103.30.00 Other raw hides and skins (fresh, orsalted, dried, limed, pickled orotherwise preserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or further prepared),whether or not dehaired or split, otherthan those excluded by Note 1 (b) or1 (c) to this Chapter: Of No    
4103.90.00 Other raw hides and skins (fresh, orsalted, dried, limed, pickled orotherwise preserved, but not tanned,parchment-dressed or further prepared),whether or not dehaired or split, otherthan those excluded by Note 1 (b) or1 (c) to this Chapter: Oth No    
1. — (1) Clothing and uniforms, designed for military, naval, air force or police use.
(2) Clothing, used, other than the personal effects of an individual.
(3) Bell-bottom trousers.
2. Gold, including—
(a) any unmanufactured gold in any form whatsoever;
(b) any article or substance containing such unmanufactured gold;
(c) any article consisting of or containing gold which, although manufactured, is, as such,
not a gold coin, an article of commerce, a work of art or of archaeological interest;
(d) gold derived from the smelting or treatment of any manufactured article containing
3. Sugar.
4. Any knife having a blade which—
(a) opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or
attached to the handle of the knife, sometimes known as a “flick knife” or “flick gun”; or
(b) is released from the handle or sheath thereof by the force of gravity or the application
of centrifugal force and which, when released, is locked in place by means of a button, spring, lever or
other device, sometimes known as a “gravity knife”.
5. Mist nets designed or adapted, for the capture of wild birds.
6. Game traps of metal construction operated by springs.
7. The following goods originating in Zimbabwe—
(a) asbestos;
(b) iron ore;
(c) Pig iron;
(d) Chrome;
(e) Tobacco;
(f) Copper;
(g) Hides, skins and leather.
9. Dieldrin.
10. Aldrin.
11. Kitchen and table salt.
12. Beer.
13. Cane Sugar.
14. Ordinary Portland Cement.
15. Wheat flour.
16. Fertilizer. 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
Entire world