Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A33: Packaging requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
01 February 2001 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instrument 30 of 1991 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Food and Food Standards (Canned Vegetables) Regulations, 1991. 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
These regulations shall apply to all canned vegetables which are sold or manufactured for sale in Zimbabwe. 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
17 (1) Canned mushrooms shall be prepared from the caps and stems of succulent edible mushrooms of the agaricus (psalliota) species,packed in a suitable aqueous liquid medium or any other suitable medium, salt and, subject to the Food and Food Standards (Food Additives and Prohibited Substances) Regulations, 2001, any other ingredients.
(2) Canned mushrooms shall have a drained mass of not less than 50 % of the net mass.
(3) Canned mushrooms may be packed—
(a) whole with attached stems, cut to a length not exceeding the diameter of the cap, measured from the bottom of the veil;
(b) as buttons being whole mushrooms with attached stems not exceeding 5 mm in length, measured from the bottom of the veil;
(c) sliced, consisting of buttons or whole mushrooms, cut parallel to the longitudinal axis of the stem and 2 to 8 mm in thickness;
(d) as pieces and stems consisting of pieces of caps and stems of irregular shapes and sizes;
(e) as creamed mushrooms consisting of sliced pieces and stems of mushrooms packed in a thick sauce which may contain flour or other farinaceous material,
(3) The name on the label shall include the style "whole", "button”, "sliced" "pieces and stems" or "creamed". 
Reference of the measure
Art 17(1) and (3)(e) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
2003.10.00 Mushrooms of the genus agaricus No    
2003.90.00 Other No    
Canned mushroom 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries