Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
P14: Product quality, safety, or performance requirements 
Date when the measure came into force
06 April 1984 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instrument 111 of 1984 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Produce Export (Abattoir, Slaughter and Meat Hygiene) Regulations, 1984 (Statutory Instrument 111 of 1984) 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
Not specified in the regulations 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
Registration as an export establishment
3(1) When the owner, lessor or management of abattoir, deboning establishment, cold store or ancillary premises desires to use premises for-
(a) the slaughter and dressing of animals or poultry from which meat , offals or any other part intended for export; or
(b)deboning and preparation of carcasses, meat or by-products intended for export ;or
(c ) the storage of carcasses, meat, offals or by-products intended for export;
The owner, or the lessor or management authorized by the owner, shall apply to the director for registration of the premises as an export establishment on Form P.E.2.
(2)an application in terms of subsection (1) shall be accompanied by-
(a)comprehensive and adequate plans and a full description of the premises to which the application relates; and
(b)a full description of the equipment and fitting to be used ; and
(c) an explanation of the operations to be carried out; and
(d)a site-plan showing the area to be used and adjacent properties and buildings ;and
(e) any other relevant information that may be required by the director.
(3) as soon as practicable after receiving an application in terms of this section, the director shall consider the application, and if he is satisfied that the applicant’s premises fulfill the requirements of these regulations, he shall-
(a) allocate to the an official identification number and enter that number in a register; and
(b) issue a certificate on Form P.E.2; and
(c ) publish by notice in the Gazette notification of the registration and the purposes for which registration has been granted.
(4) A certificate of registration shall expire on the 31st December of the year of issue
(5) No person shall use any premises for the purposes referred to in paragraphs (a),(b) and (c) of subsection (1) unless such premises are registered in terms of this section.

Renewal, transfer and alteration of registration
4. (1) any licensee who wishes to renew the registration of his premises as an export establishment shall submit to the director an application on Form P.E 3 no later than the 1st of November of the year in which his premises were registered.
(2) Any licensee who, by reason of sale or cession, transfers the ownership or operation of an export establishment to another person, shall submit to the director an application Form P.E. 4 together with proof of registration in the year in which the transfer was made.
(3) any licensee who wishes to make alterations or addition to his export establishments shall submit an application to the director on Form P.E. 5.
(4) as soon as practicable after receiving an application in terms of subsection (1), (2) or (3) , the director shall consider the application , and if he is satisfied that-
(a) there is no change in the use of the premises for the purpose specified in the certificate of registration ; and
(b) there is no reduction in the standards of hygiene or quality of the products of the export establishment;
he shall endorse the application and return it to the licensee.
Cancelation of registration
5. where the director is satisfied that –
(a) an export establishment is not being uses for the purpose specified in the certificate or registration; or
(b) the equipment available in the export establishment has ceased to be adequate ; or
(c ) the operations being carried out on the establishment have ceased to be satisfactory ; or
(d) alterations and additions which have not been approved have been made; or
(e) the licensee has failed to comply with the provisions of these regulations;
he may cancel the registration in respect of that export establishment.
6. (1) if the director rejects an application for registration , renewal of registration or transfer or transfer of the registration in terms of this Part, or cancels and existing registration, the aggrieved party may appeal in writing to the minister of Agriculture within fourteen days of such rejection or cancellation , giving the ground for such an appeal.
(2) Within thirty days of receiving an appeal in terms of subsection (1) , the Minister shall, after consultation with the director , notify the applicant of his decision:
Provided that that the Minister may, within that time –
(i) Require the director to furnish him with the reasons for his rejection or cancellation;
(ii) Authorize the use of the premise in respect of which the appeal is made as an export establishment 
Reference of the measure
Articles 3-5 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
02 Meat and edible meat offal No    
Carcasses, meat, offal or by-products of edible animals and poultry 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries