Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s. 
Date when the measure came into force
24 November 2011 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instruments No.4of 2012 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Atomic Energy Regulations, 2012 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health and E: Protection of the environment 
Description of the measure
105. Sender to receive acknowledgement receipt of materials.
The person who sends the radioactive materials shall ensure that an acknowledgement receipt of the dispatched radioactive materials is received by him or her within thirty days from the date of dispatch.
106. Monitoring arrival of shipment.
The person who sends the radioactive materials shall monitor the arrival of any shipment or part of a shipment to its destination where acknowledgement is received in accordance with regulation 105 and shall carry out an investigation regarding the status of the shipment or part shipment.

111. Notification of Council.
(3) The authority of each country through which the consignment is to be transported shall be notified at least seven days in advance and the notification shall include the following information—
(a) Type C packages containing radioactive material with an activity greater than 3000 A1 or 3000 A2, as appropriate, or
1000 TBq, whichever is the lower;
(b) Type B(U) packages containing radioactive material with an activity greater than 3000 A1 or 3000 A2, as appropriate, or 1000 TBq, whichever is the lower;
(c) Type B(M) packages; or
(d) shipment under special arrangement.
(4) The consignment notification shall include—
(a) sufficient information to enable the identification of the package or packages including all applicable certificate
numbers and identification marks;
(b) information on the date of shipment, the expected date of arrival and proposed routing;
(c) the names of the radioactive materials or nuclides;
(d) descriptions of the physical and chemical forms of the radioactive material, or whether it is a special form of
radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material;
(e) the maximum activity of the radioactive contents during transport expressed in units of a Becquerel (Bq) with an
appropriate SI prefix; and
(f) for fissile material, the mass of fissile material in units of grams (g), or multiples thereof may be used in place of
(5) The consignor shall not be required to send a separate notification where the required information has been included in the application for shipment approval. 
Reference of the measure
Part XII Regulations 105; 106 and 111(3, 4 &5) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Radioactive materials 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world