Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
B42: TBT regulations on transport and storage 
Date when the measure came into force
24 November 2011 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instruments No.4of 2012 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Atomic Energy Regulations, 2012 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health and E: Protection of the environment 
Description of the measure
91. Unpackaged shipments.
(1) An authorised person shall ensure that unpacked radioactive materials are transported under the following conditions—
(a) LSA-I and SCO-I may be transported unpackaged under exclusive use provided that all unpackaged material other than ores containing only naturally occurring radionuclides shall be transported in such a manner that under routine conditions of transport, there shall be no escape of the radioactive contents from the conveyance nor shall there be any loss of shielding;
(b) exclusive use is not required for SCO-I shipments where contamination on the accessible and the inaccessible surfaces is not greater than ten times the levels specified in regulation 94;
(c) for SCO-I shipments where it is suspected that non-fixed contamination exists on inaccessible surfaces in excess of ten times the levels specified in regulation 94, measures shall be taken to ensure that radioactive material is not released into the conveyance.
100. Loading and segregation.
(1) The following conditions for loading and segregation shall apply to all consignments—
(a) radioactive consignments shall be segregated from other dangerous goods during transport; and
(b) radioactive material shall be segregated from undeveloped photographic film so that the radiation exposure of film due to the transport of radioactive material is limited to 0.1mSv per consignment of such film.
(2) Where a consignment is to be transported, not under exclusive use, the following conditions shall apply—
(a) the consignment shall not include any package or overpack having a transport index greater than ten;
(b) the loading of freight containers and the accumulation of packages, overpacks and freight containers aboard a single conveyance shall be limited so that the total sum of the transport indexes aboard the conveyance does not exceed the values shown in the IAEA Safety Standards Series no. TS-R-1; and
(c) the loading of freight containers and the accumulation of packages, overpacks and freight containers aboard a single
conveyance shall be such that the radiation level under routine conditions of transport shall not exceed 2mSv/h at any point on, and 0.1 mSv/h at 2m from, the external surface of the conveyance.
(3) Where a consignment is to be transported under exclusive use there is no limit on the sum of transport indexes, but radiation levels shall be controlled as follows—
(a) for road and rail consignments under exclusive use the radiation level shall not exceed10mSv/h at any point on the
external surface of any package or overpack, and may only exceed 2mSv/h provided that—
(i) the vehicle is equipped with an enclosure which, during routine conditions of transport, prevents the access of unauthorized persons to the interior of the enclosure,
(ii) provisions are made to secure the package or overpack, so that its position within the vehicle remains fixed during routine conditions of transport, and
(iii) there is no loading or unloading during the shipment;
(b) 2mSv/h at any point on the outer surfaces of the vehicle, including the upper and lower surfaces, or, in the case of an open vehicle, at any point on the vertical planes projected from the outer edges of the vehicle, on the upper surface of the load, and on the lower external surface of the vehicle; or
(c) 0.1 mSv/h at any point 2m from the vertical planes represented by the outer lateral surfaces of the vehicle, or, if the load is transported in an open vehicle, at any point, 2m from the vertical planes projected from the outer edges of the vehicle.
103. Storage and dispatch.
Consignments of radioactive material shall be stored and dispatched as follows—
(a) segregation shall be required while in transit of dangerous goods from persons and undeveloped photographic films and plates;
(b) a package or overpack may be stored among packaged general cargo without any special storage provisions except as may be specifically required by the council provided the average surface heat flux does not exceed 15W/m2 and that the immediate surrounding cargo is not in sacks or bags; and
(c) any provisions in the certificates and any relevant perusal and preshipment requirements shall be observed. 
Reference of the measure
Part XII Regulations 91(1); 100 (1,2,3); and 103 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Radioactive Material 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world