Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A82: Testing requirement 
Date when the measure came into force
01 December 1968 
Publication where the measure is specified
The Plant Variety and Seeds Act. (As amended by Act No. 21 of 1995) 
Regulation where the measure is specified
The Plant Variety and Seeds Act 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health and C: Protection of life and health of plants 
Description of the measure
44. (1) Upon importation into Zambia of any prescribed seed, the registered seed importer to whom the prescribed seed was consigned shall, within thirty days of its delivery to him, cause a sample thereof to be taken in the manner prescribed and sent for test to a Certifying Agency.
46. (2) If such restricted seed is detained under the provisions of subsection (1) the
Minister may-
(d) if the said restricted seed is also prescribed seed under this Act, order such samples of such restricted seed to be taken and tested in the manner prescribed and-
(i) if, upon such test, the said restricted seed is found and certified to conform to the standards prescribed for such prescribed seed, permit the importation thereof into Zambia, subject to such conditions as he may impose; or
(ii) if, upon such test, the said restricted seed is found and certified not to conform to the said standards prescribed, permit the importation thereof into Zambia, subject to such conditions as he may impose; or bring proceedings in the manner prescribed by subsection (3) for its forfeiture and destruction. 
Reference of the measure
PART VII: Sections 44(1) and 46(2)(d:i, ii) 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Prescribed seed 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world