Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A22: Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials 
Date when the measure came into force
01 January 2000 
Publication where the measure is specified
Government Notice 173 of 1999 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Food Regulations 1999 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
No specific objective stated 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
87. Food which way contain preservative
(1) A food specified in column I of the Twelfth Schedule may have in it or on it permitted preservative specified in column 2 of the Schedule in relation to that food and at the level specified in column 3 of the Schedule.
(2) Preservatives may be used in food either singly or in combination.
(3) Where a preservative is used singly, it shall not exceed the maximum permissible level prescribed, in relation to that preservative, in column 3 of the Twelfth Schedule. 
Reference of the measure
Article 87 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
PG: 7 Food products Yes Containing preservative    
Alcohol-free beer in keg
Dry Biscuit
Candied peel or cut and drained (syruped) peel
Canned food
Cauliflower canned
Cereal and potato
based snack
Cereal and potato based
snacks and coated nut
Cheese (whey cheese extra hard cheese, grating cheese, cheddar cheese, Cheshire cheese)
Cheese (gouda, edam, norwgen)
Chewing gum
Chicory and coffee essence
Coffee solid extract
Christmas pudding
Cider (including perry, fruit wine, sparkling fruit wine, alcohol free product)
Coconut dessicated
Colouring matter, except caramel, if in the form of a solution of a permitted colouring matter
Cured meat (including bacon or ham)
Curdled milk
Canned corned meat
Concentrated pineapple juice with preservative (for manufacturing use only)
Citrus marmalade
Canned chestnuts
Desserts, fruit based milk and cream
Pickled cucumber
Non-heat-treated dairy -based dessert
Dehydrated, concentrated, frozen and deep frozen egg product
Fat emulsions (excluding butter) within fat content of 60% or more
Fat emulsions with a fat content less than 60%
Dried fruit - apricot, peach, grape, prune and fig banana apple and pear other (including nut in
Dried apricot
Dried fruit
Fruit based pie filling
Fruit pulp intended for manufacturing purposes
Dried fig
Dried salted fish (klippfish of the Gadidae family)
Dextrose anhydrous
Dextrose monohydrate
Fish paste
Flavouring substance or flavouring agent and flavouring syrup
Flour (intended for use in the manufacture of biscuit or pastry)
Filling of ravioli and similar products
Frozen pizza
Freeze drink
Fruit crystalized,glace or candied,and vegetable
Fruit, fresh: citrus
Unfermented grape juice products (intended for sacremental purposes)
Fruit juice, sweetened or unsweetened, whether concentrated or not
Fruit spread
Garlic powdered
Ginger, dried root
Glucose drink
containing not less
than 234 g of
glucose syrup per litre
of the drink
Glucose syrup
Dried Glucose syrup
Semi preserved fish
products including fish
roe product
Horseradish, fresh,
Grated and horseradish

Jam for diabetic
Jelly and Jam
(fruit preserve)
Citrus marmalade

Liquid tea concentrate,
Liquid fruit and herbal
infusion concentrate
Lime and lemon Juice
Bottled sliced lemon
Liquid egg (white) yolk
or whole egg
Low fat products consisting of an emulsion principally of water in oil
Luncheon meat
Mushroom frozen
Dry mushroom
Dijon mustard
Mango Chutney
Non-alcoholic-flavoured drink
Nut paste, sweetened
Olive pickled
Olive (table)
Olive and olive- based preparation
Processed cheese
Processed cheese preparation
Cheese prepacked, sliced, unripened cheese
Layered cheese and cheese with added food
Pea, garden, canned containing no added colouring
Pectin (Liquid)
Pickle other than
pickle olive
Processed potato (including frozen and deep frozen)
Potato, raw, peeled
Potato dough and pre-fried potato slice
Provolone cheese
Pre-packed sliced bread and rye bread
Partially baked, pre-packed bakery wares intended for retail sale
Preparation of
Permitted artificial
Sweetener and water only
Fine bakery wares with a water activity of more than 0.65
Powdered sugar (icing sugar) fructose, powdered dextrose (icing dextrose)
Prepared salad
Quick frozen lobster
Quick frozen shrimp and prawn
Quick frozen fish stick (fish finger) and fish portion, breaded or in batter (for the bread or batter only)
Quick frozen french fried potato
Sauce, other than Horseradish sauce (including fruit based dessert sauce with a total soluble solids content of less than 75%)
Non-emulsified sauces
Sausage or sausage meat, including hamburgers, beef burger or similar products
Emulsified sauce with a fat content of 60% or more
Emulsified sauce with a fat content less than 60%
Fruit and vegetable
Preparation including fruit based sauce, excluding puree, mousse, compote, salad and similar products, canned or bottled
Liquid soup and broth (excluding canned)
Soft drink for
Consumption after dilution not otherwise specified in this schedule
Soft drink for
Consumption without dilution not otherwise specified in this schedule
Starch (including Modified starch)
Salad cream including Mayonnaise and salad dressing
Hydrolysed Starch
Other sugar except lactose
Soft sugar
Seasoning and condiment
Salted, dried fish
Shrimp, cooked
Tea extract, (liquid)
Tomato pulp, paste or puree
Topping (syrup for pancake, flavoured syrup for milkshake and ice cream; similar products)
Vegetable, dehydrated
Brussels sprout
White vegetable, processed (including frozen and deep frozen)
Vegetable and cereal-
Protein-based meat, fish and crustacean analogue
Vegetable in vinegar, brine or oil (excluding olives)
Cider or wine vinegar
Wine (including alcoholic cordial and country liquor)
Wheat flour (for biscuit and pastry manufacture only)
White sugar
Yogurt, fruit 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
Entire world